I dressed as the group pet of all the Yuanying bosses

Chapter 366 Entering the Small Secret Realm

Chapter 366 Entering the Small Secret Realm

Mo Wushuang's eyes, which seemed to be covered with a trace of mist, met a pair of bright peas.

In almost a second, Xiaohuo decided that, although the appearance was not exactly the same, it was still sure that this woman was her master.

Even if not, it has a lot to do with the master.Xiao Huo landed on Mo Wushuang's shoulder, and rubbed his little head affectionately on Mo Wushuang's cheek.

Mo Wushuang's face turned dark, and he felt a little moved in his heart.

Thinking of everything the two experienced together in the last life, it seems to be vivid, as if it was yesterday.

Mo Wushuang lowered his eyes slightly, with complicated and inexplicable emotions in his heart.

Although Gu Han couldn't see the expression on Mo Wushuang's face as he followed them, he could clearly see Xiao Huo's movements.

He squinted his eyes, Xiaohuo has always been arrogant, and always ignores people except himself, unless it is.
Gu Han lowered his eyes, thoughtful.

Tao Zizhen watched the intimate scene between Mo Wushuang and Xiao Huo, and had a bad premonition in his heart.It looked like Mo Wushuang's eyes were even more hostile.

Ever since this woman appeared, she hated and resisted it inexplicably.

There is no sun in this small secret realm, only a hazy white light.

There seems to be no day and night, and no specific time period can be distinguished.

In the air, the wind became more and more fierce, and the remaining restraint became stronger. There were many corpses on the ground, most of them were low-level monks, but these people were obviously picked up by others after they died.

Bai Yunfei walked in the front, leaving some marks from time to time.

A man beside Chu Shilin looked a little dignified. He looked around and said, "I don't know how long this small secret place has been closed. I don't know why this time.
It will be opened by accident, I am afraid that the restriction is a bit unstable. "

Bai Yunfei looked at the lightning falling from time to time in the distance, frowned, and nodded in agreement with the man's words.

Immortal Mingzhang couldn't help interjecting: "What you mean is that this small secret realm may collapse."

Bai Yunfei glanced at him and nodded.

Mingzhang swallowed his saliva, thinking that he might have made a wrong choice when he came in this time, why don't he go home now.

But now that they have all come in, it is really a bit unwilling to go back without getting anything.

Almost everyone present had the same idea.

Gu Han also looked at the sky, and his face was a little dignified.

The sky is full of restrictions and aura traps. In such an environment, flying is obviously impractical. No matter who it is, it is necessary to proceed cautiously step by step.

There were no other people around them. They just used their spiritual sense to detect their talents, and vaguely felt the aura fluctuations of other monks.

Mo Lingxiao looked at the large group of people following behind him, feeling a little impatient, he sent a voice transmission to Bai Yunfei: "Brother, let's let these people follow."

Bai Yunfei also frowned, "Just find a chance to get rid of them. After all, they are not after us."

After speaking, Bai Yunfei glanced at Mo Wushuang with a half-smile.

Mo Lingxiao: "That's it, we should get rid of them all the more."

at this time.

"Wait." Bai Yunhe said suddenly.

Several people stopped to look at him.

Mo Wushuang also released his spiritual sense and raised his eyebrows.

Bai Yunhe sensed it intently, and said: There is a very strong spiritual energy fluctuation not far ahead, I don't know if it is because of a treasure, or because a restriction has broken. "

Reiki is the basis for the cultivation and fighting skills of immortal cultivators. No matter it is forbidden or strange treasure, it cannot be separated from aura.

(End of this chapter)

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