Chapter 379 Fighting
Hearing what she said, Gu Han suddenly opened his eyes, coughed twice, with a bit of embarrassment on his face, feeling that his behavior just now was really childish.

He got up by himself and rubbed his sore back.Silently followed.

When Mo Wushuang heard the sound of feet stepping on the snow behind him, he subconsciously raised the corners of his lips.

The two of them walked one after the other for an unknown amount of time. Seeing that they were not far from the snow mountain, at this moment, Mo Wushuang suddenly stopped.

The man following her was thinking about other things, and he didn't observe the surrounding environment, nor did the woman in front suddenly stop.

Just like that, it hit her head on the back.

He staggered her directly and was almost knocked down by him.

Mo Wushuang turned around and gave him a hard look.

Gu Han subconsciously wanted to hold him back, but she avoided him.

"Miss Mo, why did you stop suddenly?"

Mo Wushuang made a silent gesture to him.

Gu Han released his consciousness, and then showed a serious expression on his face.

"There are monsters."

Gu Han looked around, but there was no place for the two to hide.

Sure enough, the sound of sporadic footsteps came from my ears soon after.

I saw five snow wolves galloping from the direction of the snow mountain.

Snow Wolf made the two of them the main group, and let out a low growl incessantly.

Gu Han's face was serious, and he looked at the woman with normal face.

"This is a land of absolute spirits, these should be ordinary snow wolves." Mo Wushuang said.

Gu Han also agrees with her words, but with the current state of the two of them, it is not easy to kill them all.

Mo Wushuang pushed the man beside him away, then lowered his body slightly, and pulled out a dagger from each side of his calf.

This is a habit she developed when she was a killer. She always carried a self-defense weapon on her body. Even now that she has become a monk, this habit has not changed.

She also saw that in this land of absolute spirits, this man was not as good as herself, and it was almost impossible to count on him, so she could only rely on herself.

Seeing Mo Wushuang's actions just now, Gu Han's eyes froze slightly.

It's too coincidental that the two have the same habit.

Before he could think about it, those snow wolves bared their teeth and attacked.

A wolf leaped high and charged towards the two of them.

Mo Wushuang rushed two steps forward, then leaned back, raised the dagger in both hands, and slashed back fiercely.

He directly slashed open the snow wolf's abdomen.

Seeing one of his companions face to face was killed, the remaining snow wolves were even more enraged.

The fierceness is revealed.

Gu Han stood aside with serious eyes, but he couldn't help at all
Mo Wushuang's movements were exceptionally sensitive, and he specifically attacked the snow wolf's waist. Everyone said that the wolf had a tofu waist with copper skin and iron bones.

So its waist is the most vulnerable place.

No matter how sensitive her back was, it was inevitable that she would suffer some injuries.

Gu Han stood firmly on the side, looking at the man who was fighting with the wolves without blinking his eyes, this figure gradually overlapped with the man in his memory.

At this moment, a snow wolf's sharp teeth tightly bit Mo Wushuang's arm. Mo Wushuang's eyes turned cold, and he put his foot on the snow wolf's waist, directly breaking its lumbar vertebrae. up.

The snow wolf suddenly fell to the ground and couldn't move anymore.

"How are you?" Gu Han asked anxiously.

There was a dull pain in her forearm, but she didn't pay attention to it at all.

She didn't know how many times she had experienced more serious injuries than this in her last life.

(End of this chapter)

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