Chapter 385 Swamp
First of all, the cultivation base and strength should not be weaker than mine. Secondly, the appearance must conform to my aesthetics. Finally, I hate irresponsible and indecisive people the most. "

As soon as Mo Wushuang finished speaking, a male voice suddenly sounded, "Junior Sister Mo, do you think I am suitable?"

Chu Shilin frowned and looked at the person coming.

It was Jiang Junchen and Mo Lingxiao who came.

Seeing Mo Lingxiao, his eyes lit up, "Third Senior Brother."

Mo Lingxiao looked at her in a state of embarrassment, his eyes darkened, "Who did this?"

After speaking, he looked at Gu Han and Chu Shilin with unkind eyes.

Mo Wushuang removed the cloth from the wound, "It's all right, look."

Mo Lingxiao saw that the wound had almost healed, so his face looked better.

"Brother, have you been teleported here just now?"

Mo Lingxiao nodded, "In the beginning, this guy and I were teleported to a small island, where there were many high-level monsters. After a lot of effort, the two of us found the interface teleportation array, and were sent sent here.

When I came here, I saw you. "

At this time, everyone also wanted to understand the matter of interface transmission.

Jiang Junchen said: "If my guess is right, this should be the small secret realm used by the ancient sect to train disciples."

The others nodded in agreement.

"Then let's find the teleportation point of this interface now." Chu Shilin said.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Only then did the six continue to walk deep into the woods.

Jiang Junchen walked up to Mo Wushuang, smiled elegantly and said, "Junior Sister Mo, you haven't answered what I just said, what do you think of me?"

As soon as these words came out, two eyes looked over at the same time.

Mo Wushuang hadn't spoken yet.

But Mo Lingxiao walked between the two of them and said: "You can't, you can't even beat me, and you still expect you to protect my junior sister in the future?"

"How do you know that I can't beat you? It's because I didn't try my best. Let's try again sometime. If I win, you Suzaku Palace will accept the dual cultivation."

Mo Lingxiao frowned, how could he not hear that Jiang Junchen was attacking with words.

Although he has a somewhat impulsive temper, he will not agree to the affairs of the junior sister casually, and then said: "If you beat me, I can only guarantee that I will not interfere with you and the younger junior sister. As for the junior junior sister, who should choose to do double cultivation?" Daoist, I can't control this."

Jiang Junchen was disappointed for a while, and looked at Mo Wushuang pitifully.

Mo Wushuang rolled his eyes, not bothering to pay attention to these two people.

Changed the subject and said: "I don't know, what happened to the senior brother and the second senior brother? Where were they sent?"

Mo Lingxiao comforted: "Don't worry, I'm fine, and they will be fine."

Mo Wushuang nodded.

The six of them traveled through the dense forest for several days before they came to a swamp and listened to their footsteps.

At this time, there were actually two people standing in front of this swamp, they were also alchemy monks, but they didn't know each other.

Seeing the six of them coming together, the two immediately raised their vigilance.

Mo Lingxiao smiled slightly, cupped his hands at the two of them and said, "Two fellow Taoists, Mo Lingxiao of the Lower Nine Heavens Sect, this is my junior sister."

As soon as the two heard that he was protecting his family, they immediately knew who it was, and they also replied: "So it's Mo Daoyou from Nine Heavens Sect, my surname is Yuan, this is Shi Daoyou, both of us are casual cultivators."

"Why did the two fellow Taoists stop here?"

The monk surnamed Shi said: "I don't know what you just came here, but the gray mist floating above this swamp is swamp gas, which is highly poisonous and corrosive.

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