Chapter 390 Sturdy
The man opposite her looked very ugly.

Mo Wushuang put away the long love sword, and slowly flew upwards, changing the knuckles in his hand rapidly.

The man's face changed slightly.

It is also a hand trick.A golden shield slowly formed in front of the man.

An ice blue flaming saber slowly appeared above Mo Wushuang's head.

"Flame Slash."

Seeing the scene of the icy blue flame, Jiang Junchen said in surprise, "That's the blue icy flame."

Chu Shilin also narrowed his eyes slightly.

The ice-blue broadsword stayed in front of the golden light shield for a moment, and then directly pierced through the golden light and pierced into the man's chest.

Only a scream was heard.

Several people who were fighting also looked at this side at the same time.

Ning Qingsong saw two alchemy cultivators in his family beheaded by Mo Wushuang, his eyes were red, "Mo Wushuang!"

Mo Wushuang collected the spoils and looked back at him, "Your aunt is here."

Ning Qingsong was almost thrown over by her.

The people watching the battle looked at this scene in amazement.

Mingzhang Zhenren said: "This woman is really too tough, she is worthy of the title of genius."

Chu Li also echoed and said: "This woman can't be controlled by ordinary men. Brother Gu, you have a small body, I'm afraid you can't bear it."

Gu Han's face was slightly cold, but he didn't know what to think of, and his ears were slightly red.

Su Lanxin listened to the conversation of several people, her eyes dimmed.

Gu Han slightly raised his eyebrows, but he didn't answer.

Yan Ziqingzi snorted coldly and said, "Only him, he doesn't see if others can see her, he thinks too much."

Mo Wushuang's victory in the first battle suppressed the momentum of Ning Qingsong and the others a lot.

There was only a loud bang, and a huge seal directly smashed a monk in Baihutang.

Mo Wushuang raised his eyebrows and looked at Bai Yunhe, "Second Senior Brother, do you want to be so cruel?"

Soon Mo Lingxiao also shot through the opponent's chest with an arrow.

Chu Shilin had been observing the battle of the four brothers, and he had to sigh in his heart how strong these people were.

"Third Young Master, the strength of the Nine Heavens Sect is indeed very strong."

Chu Shilin shook his head slightly, "These people are too strong, do you think every alchemy cultivator of Jiuxiaozong has the strength of the four of them?"

Chu Li nodded, "It's true."

Seeing this situation, Ning Qingsong secretly cursed the trash in his heart, but also secretly felt that something was wrong.

Bai Yunfei's folding fan shook slightly, and countless black flying knives flew out of the folding fan, surrounding Ning Qingsong.

Ning Qingsong's complexion changed slightly, and he flew high into the sky, making a tactic with his fingers, and a giant black sword emerged from the sky, piercing straight at Bai Yunfei, but Bai Yunfei was not in a hurry.

Lightly flung out a feather.Ling Yu collided with the giant sword, and was gradually absorbing the energy of the giant sword.

Ning Qingsong gritted his teeth and forced a drop of blood essence from between his brows, muttering something, a ball of black air slowly appeared in his hand, the blood essence merged into the ball of black air, and the black air slowly turned into a skeleton The shape of the head.

The skull opened its mouth wide and bit Bai Yunfei.

"Elder brother, be careful." Mo Wushuang said anxiously.

Bai Yunfei waved the folding fan in his hand, and a cyan dragon flew out of the folding fan, directly meeting the skull, and the two became entangled.

Seeing that the skull was about to fall into the wind, Ning Qingsong forced out two drops of blood again and merged into the skull.

The skeleton swallowed instantly and swallowed the dragon. The moment the dragon was swallowed, Bai Yunfei suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Big brother!"

"Big Brother."

(End of this chapter)

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