Chapter 396
Thinking of all the things in his previous life, Mo Wushuang sneered again and again, and said mercilessly: "You don't want to say that you feel guilty for me and want to make up for me, do you? Die indirectly because of you.

If it wasn't for your admirer, master, I wouldn't have died in vain, but I don't think you care too much. Isn't Master Tao still alive and well? Elder Jie Dan, who is also ranked in the Taixuan sect, didn't because of What kind of blame did you receive for persecuting your fellow apprentices?

I think you have contributed a lot, Master. Now Daoist Liuyun is still surrounded by beauties. Do you still remember me as a female disciple with four spiritual roots? "

Mo Wushuang was always full of resentment in his heart, and his words were very sharp.

Every word the woman uttered turned into sharp knives, stabbing Gu Han's heart fiercely. This is what he should and must bear. He can't escape it, and he doesn't want it either. escape.

After Mo Wushuang finished speaking, a trace of blood dripped from the corner of the man's lips.

Seeing him like this, Mo Wushuang frowned, "Gu Liuyun, don't give me such a trick, are you trying to trick me?"

Seeing the man's qi and blood churning, as if he was about to collapse in the next moment, she couldn't bear it after all.

She waved her hand and said, "Forget it, the past is the past. You saved my life, and I died indirectly because of you. Even if we are even, we will have nothing to do in the future. Just treat it as if we don't know each other." All right."

Hearing this, Gu Han started laughing foolishly, his face full of bitterness.

"It's a good sentence to be like a stranger, and a good sentence to say that you don't know each other, so what am I these years, it's just a joke."

After saying this sentence, the man coughed violently, and Mo Wushuang could clearly see red oozing from the palm that brushed the corner of his lips.

She looked at the man who seemed to be a little crazy, frowned, and questioned: "Gu Liuyun, you were the one who didn't want me back then. Who are you showing this look now?"

"It's me, it's all me, I have regretted countless times, I have followed, I didn't expect such a thing to happen, in the past sixty years, I regret, I blame myself, I wish I could directly I killed myself and thought about going to the ghost world to find you, but I can't, because I haven't avenged you and I can't die."

Mo Wushuang sneered, "Then you can see now that I am still alive. If you feel guilty, then there is no need. I am living a very good life now. If you want to apologize, then I will accept it. Starting today, You don't have to carry this burden anymore, you are free."

After finishing speaking, Mo Wushuang turned around and wanted to leave, obviously she didn't want to say any more, she felt that there was nothing more to say between them.

But behind him came a man's voice: "Ye Xingyue, listen carefully, I, Gu Liuyun, love you, I open my eyes to be you, I close my eyes to be you, in my heart, in my eyes, even I dreamed of you so much that I thought it was sixty years after you died.

I have entered the demon barrier, which has caused me to have no progress in my cultivation for sixty years. You have become my heart demon. I prayed countless times to God to give me another chance. I will never make such a choice.

If you give me another chance, I will take you away innocently, but there is no more chance.

But it’s different now, the sky hangs down the curtain and gave me a chance to do it all over again, I won’t let history repeat itself again, I, Gu Liuyun, like you, I want you, do you understand when I say this? "

(End of this chapter)

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