Chapter 398 Yuan Shen Lamp

Similarly, he also felt that this incident was unusual, and the appearance of Mo Wushuang seemed to indicate something.

Mo Wushuang called a few times: "Master, master, what's wrong with you."

Remnant Cloud Demon Venerable said: "Oh, by the way, that kid just now has the body of a wood spirit, and is a very good stove, girl, do you want to teach you a method of harvesting and nourishing?"

Hearing the word Caibu, Mo Wushuang thought of something, and his cheeks flushed slightly.

"Caibu? Master, are you kidding me?"

"What's the matter? Isn't this a common thing on our way of cultivating immortals? You don't need to have such a big psychological pressure."

Mo Wushuang didn't want to discuss this issue with him, so he changed the subject and said, "Master, what exactly is this place? Can I still go out?"

"I don't know yet. But is there really a rare good thing here?"

Mo Wushuang's eyes lit up, "What is it?"

On the other side, the man stared at his own reflection in the lake for a long time before he rubbed his face vigorously, but the expression on his face was not as depressed as before.

There was some light in his eyes. He didn't forget what the woman said just now. He didn't have no chance at all. What she said was that she would queue up, but she didn't say that she would definitely not accept him. After thinking this through, the man's mood seemed to brighten up.

Outside the small secret, Mo Lingxiao and the others barely managed to escape the moment before the small secret collapsed.

Listening to the screams coming from the small secret realm, seeing the small secret realm collapsed little by little until finally disappearing completely, everyone's faces did not show the joy of the rest of their lives.

Yan Ziqing held his arm that disappeared, and heaved a sigh of relief, "It's finally come out."

Luo Mingzhang gave him a hard look, "You have come out, my junior brother is still inside."

Yan Ziqing snorted coldly: "He didn't come out, who do you blame, who told him that he likes to show off his abilities, and he is a hero to save the beauty, he deserves to die."

As soon as these words came out, he was directly sent flying, and this time it was Bai Yunhe who made the attack.

"One more thing, I'll kill you directly."

Yan Ziqing lowered his head slightly, not daring to speak.

Tao Zizhen, Chu Han, and Ling Sha who came out one step earlier also came over.

Not seeing Gu Han, Tao Zizhen asked differently: "Senior Brother Mingzhang, Senior Brother Liuyun?"

Master Mingzhang didn't answer her, but his eyes were a little red.

Tao Zizhen had a faint bad feeling.

Mo Lingxiao slashed towards the direction where the small secret realm disappeared.

He yelled, "Ah!"

"What about senior brother?"

Bai Yunfei's eyes were heavy, "Because my junior sister went to retreat directly after forming the alchemy, so I haven't had time to leave the natal primordial lamp."

"So you mean that now we can't even be sure whether the little junior sister is dead or alive?"

Bai Yunfei pondered for a while and said, "It's not impossible."

Bai Yunfei looked in the direction of Luo Mingzhang: "Fellow Daoist Luo, fellow Daoist Gu should have left the natal Yuanshen Lamp in the sect, right?"

Luo Mingzhang nodded.

Bai Yunhe breathed a sigh of relief, "It seems that the three of us brothers and sisters are going to visit Guizong with Fellow Daoist Luo."

Daoist Mingzhang was taken aback for a moment, and finally nodded without saying anything.

"Eldest brother, how are we going to explain to Master and Mistress when we go back?"

Jiang Junchen also put away his customary smile, his face condensed, "I'll go too."

Chu Shilin's face sank into Yan Luo, and Ling Sha came over, "Cousin, what happened, is it Miss Mo?"

"You don't want to leave any pot unopened." Chu Kai stopped drinking.

Up until now, Tao Zizhen had finally noticed something unusual.

(End of this chapter)

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