Chapter 400
"Sit down!" It was full of posture.

After several people were seated.

Tao Zizhen couldn't wait to speak: "Senior Uncle Biyuan, Senior Brother Liuyun."

Zhenjun Biyuan glared at her.

Said: "I know the reason for you guys to come, I will tell you now that Yun'er's life will be safe."

The expression on Master Mingzhang's face visibly relaxed.

Tao Zizhen also let out a heavy breath, and Su Lan's nerves that had been tense also relaxed.

But Mo Lingxiao still opened his mouth and said: "Zhenjun, can we brothers have a look at Brother Gu's natal lamp? This junior knows that this request may be a little too much, but"

After Bai Yunfei was born, he stopped and said, "Little brother."

Mo Lingxiao said no more.

Zhenjun Biyuan frowned slightly, and finally sighed: "I can understand your feelings."

Zhenjun Biyuan spread his hands, and Gu Han's natal Yuanshen Lamp appeared in his palm.

Seeing clearly that Gu Liuyun's natal soul lamp was still on, but the light was a little dimmer, the four of them really felt relieved.

The two were together before everyone left, judging from the vague concern that Gu Liuyun showed for the little junior sister before.

If he wasn't a duplicity person, he probably wouldn't do anything that would be detrimental to his junior sister.

Jiang Junchen's eyes were a little complicated, he didn't know whether he wanted something to happen to Gu Liuyun or not.

After getting the desired answer, Bai Yunfei and the others stopped staying at the Tianxing Sect.Returned directly to Nine Heavens Sect.

Bai Yunfei and others walked by, and Zhenjun Biyuan called Master Mingzhang back.

"Mingzhang, what's the matter with your little brother? What about the female cultivator of the Nine Heavens Sect?"

Master Mingzhang talked and told what happened in the small secret realm this time.

Master Biyuan was thoughtful after hearing this.

"You said, that woman looks very similar to Ye Yatou."

Master Mingzhang nodded, "It may be because of this reason that Junior Brother behaves a little abnormally."

Zhenjun Biyuan nodded, "I know about this, you go back first, as a teacher, I have to go out for a while."

Master Mingzhang was puzzled, "Master, are you going to find Junior Brother?"

"Your junior brother is fine. As a teacher, I have to go to the Heavenly Mystery Gate."

Master Mingzhang didn't know what the master was doing at Tianji Gate at this time, but he didn't ask again.

After Mo Lingxiao and the others returned to Nine Heavens Sect, they found that True Monarch Baiyu was not in the sect, and the three of them subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Hurry back to their respective caves.

On the other side, in an unknown space.

After Mo Wushuang entered Linglong Cave, Gu Han opened the spirit beast bag and released Xiaohuo and Xiaoyin.

The man stared fixedly at Xiaohuo.

Xiaohuo stood upright in front of Gu Han, using her little wings to block her own pair of peas.

"small fire!"

Xiao Huo waved his wings twice, subconsciously avoiding Gu Han's gaze, "Chirp Chirp! Chirp Chirp!"

"Really, you can't blame me for this matter. The master said that if I dare to tell you her secret, I will pluck out all my beautiful feathers."

One person and one bird stared at each other for a long time.

Gu Han then slowly opened his mouth: "I really don't care about what happened before, but now."

Having said this, Gu Han raised his chin slightly, and pouted in the direction of Linglong Cave Mansion.

Xiao Huo's Doudou rolled his eyes twice, then nodded again and again, flapped his wings twice and flew away like Mo Wushuang's cave.

Little Silver cursed in his heart, "Master, you are too insidious."

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(End of this chapter)

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