Chapter 403 Sequelae

Mo Wushuang landed in a place where the lightning was not so violent, and let the lightning fall on him. Although he had done enough psychological construction, there was still a big gap between reality and imagination.

Thunder and lightning fell on him.

She didn't deliberately resist, but ran the ten thousand yuan return to one attack method and the body training method with all her strength at the fastest speed.

But she still underestimated the power of thunder and lightning, and overestimated herself.

The power of thunder and lightning is different from the previous poisonous miasma and ten thousand years of cold marrow. She came more violently and faster. She almost just started to use the exercises, and the power of thunder and lightning that entered her body directly tore apart. her veins and flesh.

She found that she couldn't even scream, her body was twitching constantly, and she couldn't even move, as if she had a cramp.

She had experienced this situation twice before, but this time it was just a little more tragic, but Mo Wushuang was not very panicked.

Try to keep your consciousness clear, run the exercises quickly and continuously, and want to absorb and transform the power of lightning faster.

Standing on the side, Gu Han saw her body twitching continuously, her heart was throbbing with pain, and she was more at a loss in her heart.

He wanted to go forward, but he was afraid of disturbing her.

Until now, Gu Han already knew that Mo Wushuang should be tempering his body.

But letting him watch like this is really a kind of torture.

When he saw that Mo Wushuang's body was already bleeding, he couldn't stand it any longer, and directly slapped Xiao Huo who was about to come up to stop Feifei.

When Demon Lord Remnant Cloud saw a bolt of lightning strike Mo Wushuang's head with his divine sense, he originally wanted to make a move, but when he saw a figure flying towards this side, he withdrew his hand in time.

Gu Han hugged the woman directly into his arms, and used his back to catch the lightning bolt as thick as an arm.

His body was already weak, and this flash of lightning made him spit out a mouthful of blood.

Ignoring the others, he carried the woman back to the shore of the lake.

Seeing her appearance at this time, the man's eyes were pained, he grabbed Mo Wushuang's wrist, and poured strands of pure wood spirit energy into her body.

But Mo Wushuang's physical condition is really too bad, this bit of aura is like sinking into the sea, it can't make any waves at all.

Gu Han's eyes tightened, he swiped his wrist fiercely, and then placed his wrist next to Mo Wushuang's lips again.

Blood trickled into the woman's mouth drop by drop.

Mo Wushuang sucked it subconsciously like nectar after a long drought.

Gu Han didn't even blink his eyes.

Gu Han's blood entered Mo Wushuang's body, calming down the violent thunder and lightning in her body.

The operation speed of the ten thousand yuan to one skill method has also been accelerated a lot.

But she still felt that it was not ordinary enough, her body and soul were clamoring that she needed more of this delicious blood.

Suddenly Mo Wushuang turned over and directly crushed the man on the grass.

Her eyes were a little hollow, and her consciousness was fuzzy, as if she didn't understand what she was doing now.It seems that everything is acting according to one's own instinct.

There was faint thunder and lightning beating in the eyes, Mo Wushuang bent down, and bit Gu Han's snow-white neck fiercely.

The gurgling blood flowed down Gu Han's neck into Mo Wushuang's mouth.

Gu Han was slightly taken aback, but no one pushed him away.

Demon Venerable Canyun couldn't bear to look straight at this scene with his spiritual consciousness. He closed his eyes, and for some reason, he began to read something in Mo Wushuang's mind over and over again.

 Continue to add updates.

(End of this chapter)

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