I dressed as the group pet of all the Yuanying bosses

Chapter 409 Collecting Heavenly Thunder Bamboo

Chapter 409 Collecting Heavenly Thunder Bamboo

Four months later, Gu Han suddenly opened his eyes, and felt that the Linglong Room was overflowing with spiritual light, his eyes lit up, and it was she who had successfully advanced.

The light of promotion lasted for three full days before completely disappearing.

Mo Wushuang did not go out of the closed door, but continued to retreat to consolidate his cultivation.

Seeing no one, Gu Han was slightly disappointed.

But this is normal. After confirming that she was promoted successfully, he also completely let go of his heart and continued to go to Tianlei Bamboo Forest to practice swords and temper his body at the same time.

Mo Wushuang has been in retreat for six full years.

After leaving the customs again, she completely stabilized her cultivation in the mid-stage of alchemy.

As soon as he stepped out of the Linglong Room, Mo Wushuang saw the man waiting for him outside. The man's star-like eyes seemed to want to suck her in.

There was a smile on the corner of the man's lips: "You're out of customs."

Mo Wushuang nodded slightly: "Yes!"

At this moment, Xiaohuo and Hamburg also rushed over. Mo Wushuang was slightly surprised that Xiaohuo had advanced to level five.

Hamburg is already a fourth-level spirit beast. Hamburg's body seems to be a little smaller, and a pair of small wings grow out of his back.

After becoming a fifth-level monster, you can speak, and Xiao Huo said triumphantly: "Master, I have advanced."

"You have eaten so many Ten Thousand Years Companion Demon Vine, if you don't advance, then I really can only treat you as a pet."

Hamburg flapped its little wings and flew in front of Mo Wushuang, wanting to steal the scene, it squeaked twice.

Mo Wushuang patted its head.

Looking at the man, he found that he had recovered to the cultivation base of the middle stage of alchemy.

Surprised: "Have you recovered your cultivation?"

Gu Han nodded, "It's all because of the spiritual fruit you gave me, and my cultivation level is still a bit advanced."

"That's good, now it's even."

Gu Han frowned, he didn't like it, the calculation between the two was always so clear.

"Have you found a way out in the past few years?"

Gu Han shook his head, "This is a closed space with no exit."

Mo Wushuang grabbed the hamburger in his hands, "Little guy, don't just know whether to eat or not to work, go and see if you can find a way out."

After Mo Wushuang finished speaking, he threw the little guy into the air. Hamburger's fat body turned a circle in mid-air, then flapped his small wings, twisted his buttocks at Mo Wushuang and flew away.

Gu Han said slowly: "I forgot, the role of that little guy."

"It was too low-level before and was useless, but now it can be of some use. Wait and see."

While waiting, Mo Wushuang went to the Tianlei Bamboo Forest again, this time she dug out all the Tianlei Bamboos here, and then gave the ruins to Qionghua Cave Mansion.

Gu Han wanted to step forward to help, but was blocked by Mo Wushuang, "Are you trying to rob me?" "

Mo Wushuang discovered that there was a golden bamboo in the center of Tianlei Bamboo.

Demon Lord Remnant Cloud was also extremely surprised, "This is the Ten Thousand Years Heavenly Thunder Bamboo, also known as the Golden Thunder Bamboo, it can trigger the Heavenly Thunder by itself, tell me what kind of luck you are, girl."

Mo Wushuang laughed twice, and carefully pulled it out. At the root of the Golden Thunder Bamboo, she even found a small puddle of lightning strike liquid. This lightning strike liquid is a good thing, used to temper magic weapons That's nice stuff.

"This second senior brother just needs it."

It took Mo Wushuang two full days to get all the Heavenly Thunder Bamboos away.

Gu Han was amazed that she had such a large space to spin down so many sky thunder bamboos.

(End of this chapter)

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