I dressed as the group pet of all the Yuanying bosses

Chapter 453 Meeting the Seal Formation

Chapter 453 Meeting the Seal Formation

Mo Wushuang rolled his eyes.

"Okay, it's good that you come out of customs as soon as possible to find me."

Gu Han nodded, "Alright, you have to remember to send a messenger amulet every time you go."

"I see, it's long-winded."

When Mo Wushuang walked out of the cave, she found several messenger talismans sent from outside the cave, including Chu Shilin's and Jiang Junchen's. There was another message talisman which surprised her.

It turned out to be Lou Jing.

After looking at the content on the communication talisman, Mo Wushuang raised his eyebrows, "Qingzhou Island, I haven't been there for a long time. It's good to go and see this time."

The message amulet sent by Lou Jing said that she found a sealed secret place and asked her if she was interested in exploring together.

Mo Wushuang went back to the cave, explained to Gu Han, and was about to leave.

"Remember to send the messenger back."

Mo Wushuang nodded, "These elixirs and spirit herbs are prepared for you, you can refine any elixirs you need."

Gu Han took the storage bag with reluctance in his eyes.

Mo Wushuang disappeared into the sky on the lotus boat.

It wasn't until he couldn't see the streamer at all that Gu Han looked away, returned to the cave, and began to retreat.

Mo Wushuang flew all the way south without taking the teleportation array.

Arrived at Qingzhou Island a month later.

Went to Lou's shop.The Foundation Establishment cultivator from back then had already passed away, and the new shopkeeper didn't know her either.

Mo Wushuang restrained her cultivation, and the shopkeeper couldn't see her cultivation.

Just as she was about to speak, a gentle male voice came from behind her. The male voice was full of surprise.


Mo Wushuang turned back and smiled slightly, "Long time no see."

Seeing that the woman knew her son, the shopkeeper immediately understood that this was a nun who was cultivating alchemy, and the expression on her face immediately became respectful.

"I thought you couldn't catch up, go and sit in the back."

Mo Wushuang followed him to the backyard of the shop.

"I haven't congratulated you yet. I really didn't expect that if the news hadn't spread, I wouldn't even know where to find you."

"It's been so long, don't mention it, let's talk about what happened this time."

There was a flash of loneliness in the man's eyes, and then he straightened his face and said: "I found that island by accident when I was chasing sea beasts, and there is a sealing formation on the island. I am not proficient, so I asked if you are interested."

Mo Wushuang nodded, "Then when shall we set off?"

"So anxious, you just arrived, do you want to rest for a few days?"

Mo Wushuang shook his head, "Late makes changes."

Lou Jing stood up, "Okay."

Mo Wushuang also stood up.

It took the two of them flying shields for more than half a month before they came to an island.

Just after landing, the two looked at each other the same way, "There are other people on this island."

"Could it be true that you were right?"

"Go and have a look."

Lou Jing took Mo Wushuang to the location of the sealing formation, and sure enough, he saw two people wandering back and forth beside the formation.

The two also sensed that someone was coming and looked over.

Both of them were dressed in black robes. The figure of one man and the other were all hidden under the cloak, and their appearance could not be seen clearly.

The four of them immediately became vigilant.

Lou Jing took a step forward and introduced himself: "I'm Lou Jing, this is my good friend, surnamed Mo, I don't know how to call the two fellow Taoists?"

The man in black took a step forward and said: "The two of us are from Demon Star City, you can call me Ghost Shadow Demon Monarch, this one is my junior."

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