Chapter 455 Seal
The Ghost Demon Monarch was furious, "How could this be? There is a five-element universe formation outside, but there is nothing inside. I don't believe it."

At this time, Lou Jing discovered something unusual.

"Look here."

A few people walked over and saw the light constantly flashing on the bare ground, and opened their eyes wide, "Why is there a sealing formation here?"

Mo Wushuang looked at it but felt that this seal looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

"Master, do you think this seal looks familiar?"

"Of course, it's the same as the sealing formation under the Misty Valley."

Mo Wushuang suddenly realized, "So that's how it is."

"Then, will this Nascent Soul stage monster be sealed here?"

"It's very possible."

She was still thinking about it, the Ghost Shadow Demon Lord was already preparing to break the seal.

She hurriedly stopped: "What are you doing?"

"It's all here, of course we have to take a look, what's in here?"

"No, it can't be broken, I suspect there is a monster sealed inside?"

Lou Jing also looked over, and said via voice transmission: "Are you sure."

Mo Wushuang nodded, and said: "I once encountered a similar sealing formation, in which a monster in the Nascent Soul stage was sealed."

Ghost Shadow Demon Lord has a disapproving expression on his face, "Even if a monster in the Nascent Soul stage is really sealed, after so many years, it should have lost its original strength. Back then, fellow Daoist Mo could escape, and now it is natural We can handle it too.

If the things below are already dead, it would be worthwhile for us to get a Nascent Soul stage monster corpse for nothing, and it would be even better if there are other treasures. "

Mo Wushuang saw that the two did not listen to persuasion, so he gave Lou Jing a wink.Lou Jing understands.

The two quickly flew towards the exit.


The ghost ghost cursed, and then a black sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed at the seal.

Mo Wushuang and the two heard a roar that resounded through the sky and the earth.

Lou Jing's face changed slightly, "You really hit the spot."

Mo Wushuang's face was serious, "No, this space is sealed, we can't get out." Lou Jing tried to attack several times, but it didn't work.

"How to do?"

"Find a place to hide first."

But it was too late, because the male cultivator in the cloak had already led the Nascent Soul stage monster to the two of them.

The aura of the Ghost Shadow Demon Monarch has disappeared, and it should have been eaten.

Mo Wushuang was furious.

The man in black robe spoke for the first time, but his voice was extremely hoarse, "Where are you two going, let's stay together."

This Nascent Soul monster looks like a huge earthworm, it is fleshy and has some mucus all over its body, it is extremely disgusting, it seems to be able to absorb it with ordinary attacks.

Just when Mo Wushuang was concentrating on fighting the enemy, an attack came from behind her. Mo Wushuang might as well have been hit directly, and the whole person flew away like that monster.

Mo Wushuang quickly hit the star wheel.

Cover yourself up.

Lou Jing was furious and attacked the man, "What are you doing?"

But the man laughed loudly, "I will not survive today, and it is worthwhile to be buried with Mo Yaoqian's most beloved female disciple."

Mo Wushuang's eyes narrowed, "Who are you?"

"Who am I? I'm Ning Chunhua."

Mo Wushuang stared, "So it was you. Then I will forgive you even more."

Mo Wushuang's Heavenly Spirit Sword whirled, the sword became invisible, and a sword energy shot straight at the man's face.

(End of this chapter)

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