The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 105 Can't Let Bai Jinye Live Anymore

Bai Jinye looked at Pei Qingge, spread his hands, "I didn't do anything."

Pei Qingge looked at him suspiciously, stood up, "This is your dream, you can control it, you lost all the charms in my sleeve pocket, now give them back to me."

"This king didn't." Bai Jinye shook his head in a daze, "This king really didn't do anything, and he didn't control anything."

After confronting each other for a while, Pei Qingge saw that he didn't look like a liar, so he could only squat down again, tear off a piece of cloth from his body, bite his fingers, and write the talisman again, but just wrote a few strokes, and the blood on the cloth strip It just disappeared.

Pei Qingge wrote again, and the handwriting disappeared again.

After repeating it several times, Pei Qingge lost her patience. She raised her hand and threw the cloth strip away, stood up and took a step forward, staring at Bai Jinye, "What the hell are you doing?" After asking, she paused and added, "Of course you don't You must have done something, this is your dream, as long as you have a thought in your mind, it will come true in your dream, so what are you thinking?"

Bai Jinye was furiously stared at by Pei Qingge, and after a while, he said, "This king didn't think about anything just now, but she said what she did yesterday, and this king did have her damn thoughts. "

"Then think about it now, let me bring her back to life." Pei Qingge glanced at You Wanxing as he spoke, but inadvertently discovered that the ground seemed to be absorbing something from her body, and the frequency of the absorption was different. That's why she didn't notice it before, just after being absorbed once, You Wanxing's body became more transparent again.

Pei Qingge frowned, bent down and pulled You Wanxing's body aside, carefully looked at the ground where she had been lying, and then his expression changed drastically!
"My God." She looked at Bai Jinye in shock, "How could could you..."

How could Bai Jinye open Huangquan Road in his dream!
As she spoke, she took a few steps back, trying to get out of his dream, but failed after trying.

She thought that You Wanxing's refreshing spirit was gradually becoming transparent because it was slowly dissipating after being away from the body for too long, but now it doesn't look like it at all, but is gradually being sucked into the underworld!

Bai Jinye looked at Pei Qingge with a frown, and asked after a while, "What's wrong with me?"

Pei Qingge did not answer Bai Jinye's question. There are two roads leading to the underworld in this world, one is the road to hell, and the other is the road to the underworld.

The road to the underworld is more like opening a back door. There are many souls of abnormally dead people who cannot enter the underworld by themselves, and the underworld will not take their own initiative to accept them. Therefore, some people with magic skills can use the way of guiding, Open the underworld for a short time and let these souls go to the underworld.

And Huangquan Road is the road after the ghost gate. Any soul, including the living, can walk as long as they pass the ghost gate.And no matter how advanced the skills are, it is impossible to lead Huangquan Road out of the gate of hell.

Because of this road, it can be said that there is no return.

Entering a dream is originally the soul of Shuangling, who enters a dream. The earth soul returns to the underworld after death. Bai Jinye opened Huangquan Road, and Shuangling went to Huangquan Road.

Therefore, because You Wanxing often has Bai Jinye's dream recently, it is estimated that Shuangling is already very weak. After being trapped here for two days, her Shuangling has gradually entered the underworld, and it is impossible to return to her body. up.

The shock in Pei Qingge's eyes could not be calmed down for a long time. Obviously, Bai Jinye still didn't know what was going on, nor did he know that his dreams could trap people invisibly.

You Wanxing probably stayed in Bai Jinye's dream all night before, and when Bai Jinye woke up in the morning, she left naturally, so she didn't notice anything unusual.

Her hands were slightly clenched into fists in her sleeves. If Bai Jinye doesn't know anything, it's best never to know!

After a while, Pei Qingge finally opened his mouth, "I probably know what's going on, I'll go back first, and we'll talk about it when you wake up."

Bai Jinye nodded, "Okay, let's talk about it tomorrow."

After he finished speaking, Pei Qingge tried again, and this time he managed to leave Bai Jinye's dream.

Pei Qingge opened his eyes, sat up from the reclining chair, his eyes fell on Bai Jinye's body, a little coolness flashed in his eyes, and then he quickly got up and walked out.

Seeing her coming out, Zuo Ci called her twice, but didn't hear her reply, so he quickly followed.

But Pei Qingge's pace was extremely fast, and even used lightness kung fu when he went out, Zuo Ci didn't follow very far, and he couldn't keep up at all.

He stood there, looked at the direction where Pei Qingge disappeared, and muttered in a low voice, "Is the princess's martial arts really that high?"

Pei Qingge went back to the store and went directly to Guiqing's room.

Guiqing knew that she had returned to the palace, but she didn't expect her to come back so soon.

"Guiqing, do me a favor." Pei Qingge looked at him.

Now Guiqing is the person she trusts the most, and Guiqing is also a ghost. She only needs to go to Guiqing's dream to find the answer.

When Guiqing woke up in the morning, she saw Pei Qingge sitting on a chair in a daze.

Hearing the movement, Pei Qingge also came back to his senses, looked at Guiqing, "I seem to have done something wrong."

"What's wrong?" Guiqing looked at her.

"I seem to have created a monster." Pei Qingge lowered his eyes, Guiqing does not have dreams, just like she has always known, ghosts do not have dreams.

But now, Bai Jinye can not only dream, but also open the road to Huangquan in the dream.

She shouldn't have turned him into a corpse, and she shouldn't... She knew that You Wanxing had put on a dream spell, but she thought that corpses couldn't dream and ignored it.

The dream spell was like a catalyst, directly helping Bai Jinye open the door of Huangquan Road.

"We can't let Bai Jinye live anymore." Pei Qingge clenched his hands into fists, his nails almost sinking into his palms, "He can only open Huangquan Road in his dreams now, and we don't even know what's going on. If his strength in the dream becomes stronger and he projects Huangquan Road into reality, then it is unknown how many people will die."

Guiqing opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but hesitated for a while, and swallowed the words back.

Pei Qingge thought for a moment, then continued, "Wait to lure Pei Shu here and settle the matter between him and Pei Shu together, and then we'll hurry back to Beiming Kingdom."

"But, Master..." Gui Qing was about to say that Master didn't want her to go back, but then remembered that Bai Jinye had told him about this, so she swallowed the second half of the sentence again.

Pei Qingge lowered his eyes slightly, "Master may have Master's arrangement, but I really have too many questions, and I can't find Master for now, but maybe there will be an answer in the temple."

Gui Qing thought for a moment, "What do you need, I'll get it."

Pei Qingge shook his head, "Master and I have disappeared one after another, and you have also left the temple now. Others must be suspicious. If you go back, you will be watched. And now Pei Shu may come anytime, and I also I need you to stay and help."

Guiqing had no choice but to nod, lowered her eyes to hide the worries in her eyes.

"We have to start preparing now." Pei Qingge turned his head to look out the window, and whispered to himself.

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