The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 129 The Change of Moon City 5 Years Ago

Chapter 129 The Change of Moon City 15 years ago

Hearing this, Bai Jinye frowned even more. He had heard his grandfather mention the Mantian Clan, which had infinite supernatural powers. Even against hundreds of elite soldiers, they could easily win.

He was silent for a while before he spoke, "There is nothing to do in this wave for the time being, so arrange someone to be on duty, and the rest will go to rest first."

"Yes." Ni Zheng and ASRock agreed and went to make arrangements.

Bai Jinye also took the umbrella from his subordinate and handed it to Pei Qingge.

Pei Qingge took the umbrella and went down the tower with him, and the two returned to the General's Mansion one after the other.

"My lord, it's raining so hard, why don't you take an umbrella?" Seeing that Bai Jinye was drenched, the cook rushed up with an umbrella, "I'm going to boil water and take a hot bath, don't catch a cold .”

As she spoke, she stuffed the umbrella into Bai Jinye's hand, and ran towards the kitchen regardless of the heavy rain.

Bai Jinye frowned, and looked at the porter on the side, "Why haven't you two left the city yet?"

The concierge laughed a few times, "Where the prince is, we will be there."

"Nonsense!" Bai Jinye stared at him, "Pack up your things quickly and leave Yuecheng immediately."

"We are here, so we can help the lord with some chores." The porter stood there slightly bent over, without any intention of going back to pack his things.

"What chores do you want you to do? Pack up your things and leave, or I will ask someone to drive you out." Bai Jinye's face darkened as he said this, obviously there was no room for negotiation on this matter.

The cook who was boiling the water over there also heard the voices of the two people talking, and came out of the kitchen again, "My lord, I'm cooking. When the meal is done and my lord finishes eating, we will pack our things and leave the city."

Bai Jinye stopped talking and walked towards the bedroom.

The cook finished heating the hot water, and Bai Jinye took a bath in the room. She looked around the bedroom before going to the front hall, "Princess, there is still hot water, do you want to take a hot bath later? Moon City is no better than Shengjing, it is raining and the air is very cold."

After drinking a cup of ginger tea, Pei Qingge has already warmed up a lot, "Let's talk about it later."

The cook stood there hesitating for a while, then continued, "15 years ago, Yuecheng was in chaos, and my mother happened to take me to my aunt's house to visit relatives. I should have come back, but I didn't expect my aunt's Dashui didn't return to Moon City until three months later."

"The city gate used to be guarded by guards, but on the day we came back, there was nothing at the gate. My mother also felt strange, and after walking a few steps, my mother suddenly covered my eyes, but I saw it too. There is a person hanging from the crooked neck tree at the door."

"On the way from the city gate to home, my mother covered my eyes with cloth strips and pulled me away. Although I couldn't see it, I could feel my mother's trembling all over. I really wanted to see what was going on outside. But mother won't let me take off the strip of cloth."

"It wasn't until I got home and opened the door that my mother yelled and passed out. I took off the cloth and found that my family members were already dead."

The cook rubbed her hands and sighed, "Some people jumped into the well, some people hacked themselves to death with a knife, my three-year-old brother even seemed to hang himself in the On the beam."

"In Yuecheng, there is no one left alive, and naturally no one can answer my confusion. After my mother woke up, she went crazy. Later, some bandits and thieves came to Yuecheng. They searched everywhere and took me and my mother away. Robbed to the mountain."

"Not long after, when my mother fell ill, she fell down the hillside and died. I was the only one left, gritting my teeth and surviving. I don't know how many years of such inhuman life passed, until the prince brought troops to come Went to Yuecheng, wiped out the bandits, and saved me, but I have no home anymore, so I don’t know where to go.”

"Old Chen was a soldier who followed the prince to suppress the mountain bandits. He had a broken leg. He had no family, so he had nowhere to go when he left the barracks. The prince took us in and let us stay in the general's mansion and do what we can. thing."

"Old Chen doesn't dislike me, even though... I can no longer have children, but he still explained to the prince that he wants to marry me, and we got married under the witness of the prince."

The cook said and looked at Pei Qingge, "Actually, it's not just us that the lord takes in. There are many people like us, and the lord will find a way to settle down with all his heart."

Pei Qingge played with the teacup in his hand, but did not speak.

"Princess, I have been with Lao Chen for many years, and this husband and wife..."

"Cook lady." Pei Qingge interrupted her, and asked, "You mean, when the accident happened in Yuecheng, you and your mother were not in Yuecheng, so you know how much this Yuecheng is like you because you were not in the city? escaped a catastrophe?"

The cook looked at Pei Qingge, paused, and then said, "There is also a master who has been living in a temple outside the city. That temple has been around for some years. Most people in Yuecheng go there to worship Buddha and burn incense. Originally, the temple is There are two masters, one old and one young, but it is said that the young master went up the mountain to cut firewood before the accident in Yuecheng, fell into an ancient tomb, broke his head, and disappeared. problem occurs."

"Have you met him?" Pei Qingge asked seeing that the cook knew such details.

The cook nodded, "I was always confused about what happened that year, so after I was rescued from the bandit den by the prince, my life became more stable. I heard that the master was still there, so I went there. I am very happy." I want to know what happened to make Yuecheng become like that, but the master doesn't know either."

Pei Qingge narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked again, "But you said that everyone in Yuecheng went to that temple to burn incense and worship Buddha. It should be said that the incense is at its peak. Why are there only two masters, one old and one young?"

"I went to that temple with my family when I was a child. I heard that there are rules. One lineage is passed down to one person, and the selection of apprentices is also very strict. If an abandoned baby is thrown at the gate of the temple, the master will spend a lot of money to entrust someone to send the abandoned baby to Oak. Yang’s temple.” The cook thought for a while before replying.

Pei Qingge hooked his lips, "It's interesting, is that master still alive?"

"To be alive is to be alive, but I don't know if this will also go to Liyang." The cook paused, but still wanted to change the topic to what she wanted to say, "Princess, actually you and the prince..."

"My lord and I are fine." Pei Qingge put down the teacup in his hand and interrupted the cook again.

The cook looked at her, she was no longer a yellow-haired girl, why couldn't she tell, the relationship between the prince and the concubine was weird, they didn't look like a husband and wife, maybe they were not as good as ordinary friends.

A few days ago, if half of the concubine's thoughts on taking care of her attendants could be used on the wouldn't be the case that the concubine came back with an umbrella today, dry, while the prince walked in front, soaked all over.

The prince treats them well, and they certainly hope that the prince and the princess can sing in harmony.

What did the cook have to say, Bai Jinye had already finished her bath, changed into dry clothes and came to the front hall, it was inconvenient for her to continue, so she turned around and blessed Bai Jinye, "My lord, I'm going to serve the food Come up."

Bai Jinye nodded, walked to the table and sat down, watching Pei Qingge looking at the rain curtain outside the door, as if he was lost in thought.

Pei Qingge tapped the table lightly with her fingertips. It seemed that she had to go to that temple.

 It's the last day of the month, please vote
(End of this chapter)

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