The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 144 What you know is just what the king wants you to know

Chapter 144 What you know is just what the king wants you to know

"But..." After a pause, Pei Qingge frowned again, "Both Zhang Zhiji and Zhang Taifei are over 22 years old."

"In the 'Battle of Weibei' back then, very few people were able to leave the Ghost King Desert. The former monarch could have watched Zhang Zhiji die in the desert, but he gave him holy lake water and sent someone to pretend to be a caravan He was sent to the edge of the desert, just to let him bring back the holy lake water."

"When Zhang Zhiji got such a good thing, the first thing he thought of must be his family. The former monarch wanted to give Zhang Zhiji the sacred lake water once and for all. Therefore, besides Bai Jinye, there must be someone else in Zhang Zhiji's family. He is a descendant of 'Shenming Gong'."

"But according to what you said, apart from Bai Jinye, only Zhang Zhiji and Concubine Zhang are left. They are over 22 years old, and everyone else is dead. Now they are so rotten that there are no bones left." Chu Xingxuan said, "Even if there are descendants of 'Shenming Gong', so what?"

"According to what the saint said, the blood of the 'Shenming Gong' outside is spreading, maybe it's not just the Zhang family? Let's check one by one, maybe we will find something." Pei Qingge narrowed his eyes.

While talking, the stone door of the outer room was opened, and Pei Qingge looked at the stone door vigilantly.

"It's okay, it should be my father." Chu Xingxuan took a few steps forward, "Only my father and I know about this place."

Not long after his words fell, the door of the inner room opened, and Chu Yunsong walked in quickly.

After closing the door, he glanced at Bai Jinye lying on the stone bed before looking at Chu Xingxuan, "How's the injury?"

Chu Xingxuan stretched out his arm to expose his wrist. Although the wound was healing, it was still hurting, and he probably recovered by [-]% to [-]%. "Father, you said you were going to punish me. How can you punish me? There is no such thing as this injury." After a year and a half, how can it be restored?"

Chu Yunsong sighed, pointed to the tables and chairs beside him, and walked over, "Saint, we don't have much time, let's have a good chat."

Pei Qingge signaled Leng Yuan to take care of Bai Jinye, then walked over and sat opposite Chu Yunsong, "City Lord, it doesn't matter if you have anything to say."

After Chu Yunsong sat down, he looked at Chu Xingxuan again, "The monarch didn't trust me that much. He became suspicious about your matter. He didn't expose it so easily, but fortunately he found out. Pei Shu's whereabouts don't concern you."

Chu Xingxuan had just heard Yuan Che's words, and he also knew about his departure from Beiming Kingdom. The monarch knew about it a long time ago. If this matter was pursued, he would be punished at Xingya.

"Although the monarch has survived the thunder disaster, he should have left some sequelae." Chu Yunsong continued, "Just now I saw that his condition was not right, so he quickly returned to the palace. You can only take advantage of this time to leave quickly. .”

"But what can we do if we leave?" Chu Xingxuan smiled a little helplessly, "The monarch knew about my affairs in Tianfeng Kingdom before. When he recovers, won't he continue to chase and kill us?"

"No." Chu Yunsong shook his head, "The kings of the Beiming Kingdom are not allowed to cross the Ghost King Desert for generations. Once they leave, they will be punished by heaven. The last time the king left for Pei Shu, the result was Lei Jie Arrived together with Heaven’s Punishment, almost costing most of the monarch’s life. Moreover, Heaven’s Punishment is getting more and more serious every time, and it’s impossible for him to leave Beiming Kingdom easily in a short time.”

"So that's how it is." Only then did Pei Qingge realize that she had thought that the divine punishment was because the monarch and Pei Shu had awakened the withered corpse of the Ghost King Desert.

"However, the monarch has successfully continued his life. Even if there are any sequelae, with the accumulation of thousands of years in Beiming Kingdom, he can quickly find a solution. The strength of the monarch is increasing day by day. Maybe soon he will no longer fear the punishment of heaven." Chu Yun Song sighed, "For so many years, the monarchs have been trapped in the north of the Ghost King Desert, always looking for a way to survive or escape the punishment of heaven."

"But since the monarch wants to continue his life, he has already succeeded in renewing his life. Why did he kill..." Pei Qingge turned to look at Bai Jinye, and continued to ask, "Why did he kill Shenming?" Duke's descendants?"

"Since the founding of the Beiming Kingdom, there have been so many secrets. Except for the monarch himself, who can really understand these things about themselves? The monarch's descendants are weak and the number is small. In the past few hundred years, there has been almost only one son. You How can you be sure that what you know is true?" Chu Yunsong looked at Pei Qingge and said slowly, "Don't believe what anyone says, how can you be sure that those things are not what the monarch wants you to know?"

"All the secrets are only in the hands of the monarch himself. Do you think that the monarch himself doesn't know about the things that can be discovered by others? If what you know is only a few words, it may be more terrifying than not knowing at all. "

Pei Qingge pursed her lips, as if her master was sent by the monarch to kill Bai Jinye. She thought the monarch didn't know about her arrangement, but in fact the monarch knew everything about it.

As long as he uses it skillfully, he can predict in advance, release a sliver of information, and completely guide the master to do what he wants to see.

"Then what should we do?" Pei Qingge frowned, "Are you saying that everything we know now is likely to be deliberately arranged by the monarch, the previous monarch, etc., to let us know on purpose. These may just be A part of the truth, maybe even false?"

"Yes." Chu Yunsong nodded, "I can't do anything, I can only do what you think is right."

Pei Qingge clenched his hands slightly into fists, "What about you? How do you know these things?"

"Rely on your eyes, rely on your heart." Chu Yunsong looked at Pei Qingge, "Many times, my dark city and your temple are actually doing the same thing. It's just that several saintesses have accidents in succession. The legend between you If something goes wrong, the rest is up to you.”

After speaking, he stood up, "You should go."

"Father, you can go with us too." Chu Xingxuan also stood up and looked at him, "Since you said that the monarch doesn't fully trust you, when we all leave, he might get angry at you because of me. "

"The monarch still needs me for the time being, and besides, I still have my own things to do." Chu Yunsong shook his head and looked at Pei Qingge, "When I get outside, I hope the saint will see that I saved you all today." For the sake of your life, take care of my son."

"City Lord don't worry." Pei Qingge replied.

"I still have a few words to say to Xing Xuan, the saint is waiting outside for a while." Chu Yunsong said again.

This farewell didn't know when we would see each other again. When the father and son said goodbye, Pei Qingge and the others naturally wanted to avoid it, so they helped Bai Jinye to the outer room with Leng Yuan.

The two of them didn't talk for a long time, and they walked out quickly. The carriage was ready outside. The city gate was the territory of the Mantian clan, and the Mantian clan was under the leadership of Chu Yunsong, so they left the city very smoothly.

"But, where are we going?" Chu Xingxuan couldn't help asking after entering the Ghost King Desert.

(End of this chapter)

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