Chapter 161 I Killed Her
During dinner at night, Zhang Zhiji took Chu Xingxuan to chat, and Chu Xingxuan told him a lot of anecdotes.

But Pei Qingge could tell that most of it was nonsense, and she couldn't bear to hear it any longer, so she went back to her room first.

After she left for a while, Zhang Zhiji urged Bai Jinye to go back too.

When Bai Jinye returned to the room, he just opened the door when he heard the sound of water, and he didn't know whether to take his foot back or continue in when he had already stepped into the room.

The hand hanging by his side clenched into a fist, let go, clenched into a fist again, and let go again.

After hesitating for a while, he finally stepped in.

The tub was behind the screen, and he couldn't see anything except the figure.

But suddenly certain images popped up in his mind. Since he became a corpse, he found that his memory has suddenly improved, and even things that he remembered vaguely before have gradually become clearer.

Just like on the day of the wedding, he had been drugged, so he didn't have much memory of the whole process, except for the sporadic scenes.

But for some reason, it all popped up all at once.

He originally married Pei Linglong because of Master Pei Qingge's words and Zilianjie's matter, but after a period of contact, he felt that Pei Linglong's temperament was not suitable for him.

So on the day of his wedding, he only drank a few glasses of wine and was not drunk at all. He planned to make some things clear to Pei Linglong. Pei Linglong, if he died in the future, he would arrange a place for her in advance.

When he entered the new house, he smelled a strange fragrance.

Originally, his memory stopped here.

But now, he remembered everything from behind. After he smelled the fragrance, his whole body started to feel hot. He saw Pei Linglong sitting on the bed with a veil on. He walked over top-heavy and lifted her veil.

Pei Linglong probably said something about why he was so drunk, and immediately got up to pour him a cup of tea to sober up.

He drank the tea that Pei Linglong handed over, but the heat in his body didn't disappear, instead, he felt dry.

Pei Linglong helped him onto the bed, his vision began to blur at that moment, probably driven by instinct, he wanted to leave here, but his hands touched the smooth and delicate skin around him...

"My lord, enjoy the moment of spring night." Pei Linglong whispered in his ear, then put down the bed curtain, turned and left.

The woman on the bed, with her eyes closed, was obviously in a coma.

Thinking of this, Bai Jinye clenched his hands tightly into fists, so at that time, he and Pei Qingge were indeed plotted against.

After waking up, Pei Qingge tried to explain, but he didn't give her a chance at all.

He intuitively felt that Pei Linglong would not ruin his marriage, if it wasn't him, or Pei Linglong, then it could only be Pei Qingge.

How could he have thought at that time that Pei Linglong, as the bride, would personally plan all this?
When Pei Qingge came out of the bath, he saw Bai Jinye sitting on the bed, his hands clenched into fists on his knees, his face was slightly red, and his Adam's apple was rolling, as if he was suppressing something.

She picked up the comb, combed her hair and said, "You're avoiding Miss Moon Dance so much today, I thought you wouldn't come in when you heard me taking a bath."

Bai Jinye opened his eyes, his breath was a little unsteady, he stood up, walked outside quickly, but stopped after walking a few steps, with his back turned to Pei Qingge, and after a while, he asked, "What did you say before?" Said, the real Pei Qingge died that night."

Pei Qingge didn't know why he brought this up suddenly, but he still replied, "Yes."

"I killed her." Bai Jinye whispered.

Pei Qingge frowned slightly. The last time she mentioned this matter to Bai Jinye, but before she finished speaking, something happened to her body, so she didn't continue talking. After a while, she said, "This There is something else hidden."

"You don't have to comfort me." Bai Jinye turned to look at her, "You have her memory, don't you?"

Pei Qingge nodded.

"That's why I treated her so badly that night, you should also know that if it wasn't for me, she wouldn't have died." Bai Jinye took a breath, "I owe her." After finishing speaking, she turned around and asked Walk.

"Bai Jinye." Pei Qingge called him, stepped forward and grabbed his arm, pulled him to the soft edge and sat down. After thinking for a while, he said, "My master once left me some words. More than a year ago, she went to Hongdu, when she was injured, she was recuperating in an abandoned house... that is the abandoned house where you saw Meng Yan last time."

"One day, the original Pei Qingge saw Pei Linglong going out in a sneaky way, and she followed, but when she followed the abandoned house, she lost it, and found my master by accident, so she began to deliver medicine to my master. meal."

Bai Jinye nodded slightly, "It should be that Pei Linglong deliberately lured her to that house. Afterwards, Meng Yan also revealed his whereabouts to Mrs. Meng, and Mrs. Meng went to catch the adulterer. Meng Yan admitted that he and Pei... had committed adultery with her. From Mrs. Meng's point of view, it is natural that this matter has been done."

It seems that Bai Jinye probably knew some details when he went to Hongdu last time, so Pei Qingge continued to say, "But in fact, the first time my master saw her, he knew that her lifespan had arrived. Without my master, Madam Meng would have poured hot oil into her and killed her on the spot. Master was already planning something at that time, so she exchanged her ten-year lifespan for the original Pei Qingge to live three more years."

"On the day you and Pei Linglong got married, I fell off a cliff and died. Master gave her another three years to live, just to wait for the day when I came. If I came, she would have to die, so even if there was no day What happened between her, she will die too."

Bai Jinye lowered his eyes, "Even if this is the case, even she will die, at least not because of me."

Pei Qingge looked at him and sighed softly, "That's how it happened, it just depends on what you think. If it wasn't for my master's arrangement, it would be Pei Linglong and Meng Yan who killed her. On the day of your wedding, it was also Pei Linglong and Meng Yan. Linglong arranged it all by herself, but before she died, she blamed herself extremely, thinking that she had ruined her younger sister's marriage and had no face to face her parents and younger sister. But if it wasn't for Pei Linglong's arrangement, she would not have appeared in the palace."

"Then what if... I treat her better?" Bai Jinye asked again.

Pei Qingge frowned and thought for a while, "Whether you treat her well or not, she thinks that she ruined her sister's marriage. But no matter what, her life is coming that day, even if nothing happens, she may If you fall while walking, or fall asleep, you will be gone."

Bai Jinye didn't speak anymore, and after a while, he raised his eyes to Pei Qingge, "If you arrived at the palace, would I treat you better? Now you won't be so alienated from me?"

(End of this chapter)

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