Chapter 164
Pei Qingge returned to the bed and lowered the bed curtain.

Bai Jinye sat leaning against the head of the bed, and she leaned against the end of the bed.

"Is there anything else you don't understand?" Bai Jinye raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows, then asked in a low voice.

"This matter looks more complicated than I imagined." Pei Qingge pursed his lips slightly, "Before seeing the black air around his sedan chair, I thought he was haunted by evil spirits, but when I saw him today, the evil spirits looked like He raised it, before Huayuewu said that there was no way to get close to him, it might have something to do with this evil spirit."

"Since the evil spirit is protecting him, shouldn't it be enough to get rid of the evil spirit first?" Bai Jinye asked again.

"It's best to lure him to a sparsely populated place in the suburbs. I'm afraid he will resist stubbornly and let out his yin energy, which will hurt ordinary people." Pei Qingge narrowed his eyes slightly, and he didn't know where Shen Yi'an came from. Know everywhere.

After being silent for a while, Pei Qingge looked at Bai Jinye, "I'm afraid I'll have to rely on you to lead him to a place where there are few people."

"Me?" Bai Jinye frowned.

Ren Yuewu entered Shen Yi'an's room, saw him sitting at the table drinking tea, she took a few steps forward, knelt down in front of him, and gently beat his leg, "My lord."

Shen Yi'an put down his teacup, raised his hand to pinch her chin, "Yesterday, did that Mr. Zhang come?"

"Yes." Ren Yuewu nodded.

"What did he do when he came?" Shen Yi'an asked again.

"No, I didn't do anything, I listened to the music and let my family dance." Ren Yuewu replied.

"Who is it with?" Shen Yi'an narrowed his eyes.

"And another young master who didn't reveal his name, it looks strange." Ren Yuewu said in a low voice.

Shen Yi'an seemed to have pondered for a while, and was about to speak again, when he heard the sound of porcelain breaking and tables and chairs being knocked down from the next room.

He stood up, walked to the wall, and looked across from the extremely hidden hole.

Seeing that Bai Jinye seemed to be playing drunk, kicking, beating, and stumbling out, Pei Qingge couldn't hold back, so he quickly followed.

Shen Yi'an frowned, opened the door and walked out, and Pei Qingge just went out too.

She glanced in the direction where Bai Jinye left, and then looked at Shen Yi'an apologetically, "Master Shen, I'm really sorry, my husband just had a drink and disturbed you."

After speaking, he hurriedly followed Bai Jinye out.

Shen Yi'an narrowed his eyes and followed.

As soon as Bai Jinye went out, he ran into Chu Xingxuan and Leng Yuan.

He frowned slightly, pushed Chu Xingxuan away, and continued to walk out staggeringly.

Leng Yuan also moved away in disgust, "It's really embarrassing to drink like this, we... Where is our lady?"

Bai Jinye didn't speak.

Leng Yuan's face was ugly, and she was about to go up to stop her when she heard Pei Qingge's slightly exaggerated voice——


Leng Yuan froze, and when she turned her head, she saw Pei Qingge winking at her, she understood immediately, and pulled Chu Xingxuan back to the side.

Pei Qingge chased Bai Jinye forward, and Shen Yi'an followed after a while.

Leng Yuan looked sideways at Shen Yi'an, understood something, and tugged at Chu Xingxuan's sleeve, "Let's follow quietly."

"I just said that nothing will happen, you have to come and take a look." Chu Xingxuan was a little helpless, "Your saint is very good, who can take advantage of her?"

Leng Yuan ignored him and quietly followed behind them.

Bai Jinye is not familiar with Fuzhou, but he just went out of the city once today, and the Yuewu Tower is in the very center of the city, so if he wants to go out of the city to the outskirts of the city, he has to walk a long way.

Fortunately, when he was looking at the scenery from the private room yesterday, he remembered that there was a small forest in the lower reaches of Feiyue Lake, so he also walked in that direction.

After entering the woods and walking a little further, Bai Jinye stopped leaning against a tree.

Pei Qingge chased after him and reached out to support him.

"It's too far outside the city." Bai Jinye whispered, "If it's too deliberate, he will definitely notice."

Pei Qingge looked around, there was no one here, so it was a good choice.

Shen Yi'an soon followed, he stopped not far away, looked at Bai Jinye's drunkenness, and then slowly walked over, "Jing Cheng, it's not a good habit to make trouble after drinking a little wine. "

Pei Qingge turned his head and looked over, "He does this every time. I already have experience, so I can take care of him. It's already so late, Mr. Shen should go back early and rest, so as not to delay tomorrow's business."

Shen Yi'an didn't stop, he walked up to Pei Qingge, this time his gaze was completely off Bai Jinye, "What's the point of following such a man?"

Pei Qingge looked at him vigilantly, "What does Lord Shen mean by that?"

Shen Yi'an chuckled, "Don't think I don't know. General Zhang returned home because Prince Su died, and before Prince Su died, he intended to rebel. The emperor gave him an extrajudicial favor and did not pursue other people. General Zhang could only Resign. But if the emperor doesn't pursue it today, what about tomorrow? The Zhang family has no future."

"If you follow him, you have to be wary. In case the emperor is unhappy and wants to settle the matter, the Zhang family will not be able to escape alone."

Pei Qingge pursed his lips slightly, "Thank you Master Shen for your kind reminder."

"In Fuzhou, if you want to live a good life, Madam may have to choose another good tree." Shen Yi'an said again.

Pei Qingge took a step back, "Master Shen, my husband and I are childhood sweethearts. Although he will cause trouble after drinking, he actually seldom drinks and is usually very nice to me. If something really happens to the Zhang family in the future, then I am willing to share weal and woe with him .”

"How many people in this world can share joys and sorrows?" Shen Yi'an seemed to have heard some funny joke, and laughed so hard that tears almost flowed out. Suddenly, his laughter stopped abruptly, with a smile on his face. With a stern face, "If there are good days, who is willing to share the suffering?"

Pei Qingge didn't speak, just supported Bai Jinye and looked at him sideways, "Master Shen may also be drunk, let's go home."

She said helping him to leave.

But just after walking a few steps, Shen Yi'an grabbed his wrist, "You are so beautiful, it's a waste of money to follow a trash with no future! Follow me, and I will let you be the top card of Yuewulou, and let you taste all the things in this world. Is your happiness not good?"

"Are you crazy?" Pei Qingge frowned and looked at Shen Yi'an, "I'm not going to be the upright Mrs. Zhang, but to be the top card in Yuewu Tower?"

"When you arrive in Fuzhou, do you think this is up to you? You have to do it, you have to do it." Shen Yi'an said, his eyes fell on Pei Qingge's lower abdomen, "But don't worry, I will let you give birth to this child .”

When talking about the fetus in the womb, Shen Yi'an's eyes flashed with tenderness, as if the child was his.

But suddenly, he paused the hand holding Pei Qingsing's wrist, raised his eyes, "You're not pregnant!"

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  what a long week

(End of this chapter)

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