The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 180 I'd rather never have known him!

Chapter 180 I'd rather never have known him!
After saying this sentence, Pei Qingge didn't speak any more, but quietly looked at Jingming's back, and gave her the right to choose.

After a long time, Jing Ming didn't turn around, but said in a low voice, "This is not a place to talk, the two benefactors come with me."

After going out, Pei Qingge stopped by the well, fetched a bucket of water, washed the blood on his hands leisurely, washed the handkerchief and handed it to Bai Jinye.

Bai Jinye wiped the blood from his neck, and couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Where did you get the blood?"

"The small kitchen next to it may be pig's blood." Pei Qingge looked at him with a smile.

Bai Jinye wiped it again, and wanted to say something, but hesitated for a while, and held back. After cleaning up the blood, he followed Jing Ming, who was waiting patiently, to the backyard.

Going far away from the backyard, there is a lake with a pavilion in the middle of the lake, and there is only one road leading to the pavilion.

Talking in the gazebo, naturally don't worry about other people hearing, even if someone wants to approach, it is clear at a glance.

When we walked to the gazebo, it was completely dark, except for the oil lamp that Jingming brought over, which was not too bright.

"Can I check this girl?" Pei Qingge asked.

This time, Jingming didn't stop him, but stepped aside.

In fact, Pei Qingge didn't need to examine it carefully, she had already seen just now that the girl's soul had gradually melted away, and when her soul completely disappeared, she would die.

She just didn't understand why the girl's soul melted.

"Since when did she start to have this symptom?" Pei Qingge asked while checking.

Jingming thought for a while, then shook his head, "I had to take care of too many children at that time, and many of them were sick. She seemed the healthiest at that time, so I really didn't pay much attention to her at first, but later I Only then did I realize that her reactions to many things would be slow, and even the pain was not very obvious. Gradually, she seemed a little... stupid, and finally became what she is now. I don’t understand anything.”

"What about the other children?" Pei Qingge asked again, "What were the symptoms of the other children before they passed away?"

Jing Ming was silent for a while, "Is it related to her?"

"What do you think?" Pei Qingge asked back, "Why these children behave like this, you should know better than me."

Jingming pursed his lips slightly, "You say you can save her, so you save her. The other children are already dead, so there is no need to mention it."

"What about after that?" Pei Qingge continued to ask.

Jingming didn't speak this time.

The pavilion fell into silence, and after a long time, Bai Jinye finally opened his mouth, "Third Aunt, I'm married." He said as he raised his hand to hold Pei Qingge's, "She is my wife."

Jingming looked at Pei Qingge and just sighed softly.

Pei Qingge withdrew his gaze, looked down at the girl in front of him seriously, and said in a lukewarm voice, "If both of them are dead, everything Zhang Mingche did back then will become a joke."

Jingming turned around and walked to the gazebo, looked at the dark lake, and after a while, he said, "If you can save her, then save her, if you can't, then go down the mountain earlier."

"Just now I saw a tragedy in which a mother and son became enemies and their wives were separated. It seems that the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys between people are indeed not connected." Pei Qingge said and looked at Bai Jinye, "Your sister doesn't know that you were killed Whoever has tampered with, the person is not yet dead, but the soul is gradually melting. Even a treacherous person may still have a next life after death, but a person whose soul is scattered, is really dead after death. "

After she finished speaking, she stood up, "It's not that I don't want to save her. If I don't know the reason and act blindly, it may actually accelerate the speed at which her soul dissipates. It turns out that the monks really have six senses of purity, and they have been dependent on each other for so many years. After all, he is an outsider, so it is not easy to intervene."

Jingming lowered his eyes, but still did not speak.

"Let's go." Pei Qingge raised his hand to grab Bai Jinye's wrist, "Let's go down the mountain."

Bai Jinye turned his head and glanced at Jingming, but didn't speak again.

Both of them were about to walk out of the gazebo when Jingming opened his mouth, "You...are you really pregnant?"

"No." Pei Qingge replied simply, "But it seems that you really want me to be pregnant."

"Pregnant..." The girl repeated these two words dumbly, then suddenly walked in front of Bai Jinye, stared blankly ahead, and began to untie her clothes, "Benefactor, Caiwei is waiting for you. "

Bai Jinye was stunned for a moment, took a few steps back, and turned to look at Jingming with some anger, "What did you do to her?"

Jingming also hurried forward, held down Caiwei's hand, and fastened her dress belt.

Pei Qingge knew in her heart that Zhang Mingche used to take concubines and have children in order to keep her blood, and now Jing Ming can only find a way to let Caiwei give birth to children in order to continue her blood.

This nunnery is full of filth, but she still stays here, presumably this is just in line with her wishes.

"Third Aunt, you..." Bai Jinye still seemed unable to believe that Jingming would do such a thing, "If you want her to conceive and have children, and find her a family to marry, how can you do such a thing? "

Jingming hugged Caiwei, and tears kept streaming down, "I raised Caiwei with my own hands. Seeing her suffer from these things, can I not feel bad? But what can I do? What can I do?"

Bai Jinye's chest heaved slightly, he turned and walked aside, clenched his hands tightly into fists, and tried his best to suppress the anger in his chest. After a long while, he finally opened his mouth relatively calmly, "We probably know something about it, Zhang...he took a concubine back then to continue his bloodline, and none of his bloodlines would live past the age of 22."

"If you really don't care about anything, there is no need for Caiwei to go through this, and you still want to continue his bloodline. You don't need to hide what he told you before he died. Wait for me , After Caiwei dies, there will be no more of his blood in this world, and then you will take the secret to the grave?"

Jingming hugged Caiwei and sat down on a chair, "Why, why did you let me bear all this? I would rather never know him!"

She was a little emotional. She had buried these things in her heart for so many years and never wanted to bring them up again.

Now it is going to be turned out again, just like the knife that was stabbed in her heart back then, now it is pulled out, and then inserted again.

She shed tears and cried for a long time before finally calming down.

"Indeed, I really thought about it. It's not something we ordinary people should bear to take these secrets to the grave." Jing Ming took a long breath, and tightened his hands holding Caiwei, "This whole thing It’s my own fault.” She chuckled and shook her head helplessly, “Everything starts with me getting to know Mingche.”

 Ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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