The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 186 I Have Been Paving the Way for Others

Chapter 186 I Have Been Paving the Way for Others

When they arrived at the inn, Zuo Ci and the three of them had already left.

Zuo Ci left a signal for Bai Jinye, saying that they were leaving for Xihe City.

Pei Qingge walked around the inn, and finally looked at Bai Jinye, "Can you cook?"

These days, it's Leng Yuan who cooks, and the expenses of food and clothing are also left-handed. Now there are only two of them left, and they are almost staring at each other.

Xici County is not a big county, so when New Year's Eve comes, all the shops in the county are closed.

Bai Jinye coughed softly, "When I was in the military camp, I cooked the noodles, but the taste wasn't very good, so it's basically just cooked."

"It's fine when it's ready." Pei Qingge wasn't picky about food, and said while walking to the room, "Then call me when you're done."

She didn't even eat breakfast, so she was invited out by Qionghua Temple, and walked around the mountain for a long time. Pei Qingge was already hungry. Fortunately, there were still a few pieces of dry food on the table in the room, so she ate some with tea, and went to bed Open the paper and continue to calculate the results of her writing and drawing on the mountain.

About half an hour later, Bai Jinye came in with two bowls of noodles in clear soup, "Come and eat."

"Yeah." Pei Qingge put down his pen, his expression not too good.

Bai Jinye glanced at the paper, "What are you writing?"

"Master once taught me the method of deduction, which can deduce the future." Pei Qingge went to the table and sat down, "It is more complicated than fortune-telling. The method of deduction used by the saint is mainly to predict the fate of the Beiming Kingdom, almost every ten years It needs to be deduced once. But in Beiming Kingdom, there are special tools, formations and specific locations, so the deduction is not so troublesome."

She paused as she spoke, "According to calculations, the year when Master disappeared should be not long after she deduced the fate of the Beiming Kingdom. But only she and the monarch know the result of the deduction. After the disappearance of Master, the first few years may be just It's in the layout, but the real start should be to lead me out of the Beiming Kingdom. It may be related to the Beiming Kingdom's fortune. In the past five years, the Beiming Kingdom's fortune was prosperous, but starting from this year, the fortune declined, and she also Started to do it."

"But this kind of thing can't be figured out in a short time. Master went with the monarch for three months and didn't come back." Pei Qingge picked up the chopsticks, bowed his head and took a mouthful of noodles.

Bai Jinye looked at her movements, his face was a little nervous, and he asked, "How does it taste?"

Pei Qingge didn't have much expression on his face, "Isn't it enough to be familiar with each other?"

Bai Jinye was a little embarrassed, as long as it is cooked, but he also tried it several times, and this time he felt that the taste was quite good compared to the previous ones.

"It's already very difficult for you to be a dignified prince to cook." Pei Qingge said and paused, "Besides, I'm really not picky about food, as long as I can eat it when it's cooked."

Bai Jinye didn't speak any more, just lowered his head and ate in silence.

In the next few days, Pei Qingge deduced from morning to night every day. Bai Jinye cooked a meal, and she was full quickly, so she continued to write and draw.

Originally, Bai Jinye was thinking that this was their first New Year after marriage. Even though they were in a small county town of Xici County, they should celebrate well, such as going out to watch the fireworks, watching the New Year together, etc., but Pei Qingge seemed like She doesn't care about these at all, only the paper she writes and draws in her eyes.

After a few days, I have written a stack of paper.

It wasn't until the evening of the sixth day that Pei Qingge was halfway through his meal when he remembered something and looked at Bai Jinye, "You've improved your cooking skills these few days."

Bai Jinye looked embarrassed, "The inn is about to open for business, and the cook is back."

"Oh." Pei Qingge nodded clearly, and said, "I've worked hard for you these past few days."

"Why do you always treat me like..." Bai Jinye paused, "Forget it, let's eat."

It's better to be polite to him than trying to drive him away every day.

After eating, Pei Qingge said, "I can't deduce it in too much detail now, I can only make a rough idea. In addition, I also made a divination today and asked a few things, such as looking for the old address of your home, looking for me Master, to solve the plague gods, everything is not going well, to be precise, according to the hexagrams, everything will not be done. But the hexagrams are intricate, and they all point to one place, which is Shengjing."

Speaking of this, she couldn't figure it out, "Are you going back to Shengjing again?"

"Your master also stayed in Shengjing for a while, and she placed you in Shengjing, did she have any other intentions?" Bai Jinye asked.

Pei Qingge was a little irritable. Her life had been going step by step. She was selected as a candidate for the saintess since she was a child, and worked hard all the way to be the saintess. After becoming a saintess, everything was arranged.

But now, everything is disrupted.

Even when she was a saint, she might have helped the monarch to do some bad things, but at least at that time, in her heart, the core of everything revolved around Beiming Kingdom and the monarch.

What now?
She turned her head to look at Bai Jinye, protecting the bloodline of "Shenming Gong"?
Bai Jinye frowned lightly, "So many things have happened recently, and you have done a lot, if you are too tired, why not rest first." He paused, "I have been fighting north and south all these years, Occasionally, I also want to stop and take a good look at the beautiful rivers and mountains."

"Do you know what Chu Xingxuan said to me that day?" Pei Qingge suddenly changed the subject.

Bai Jinye recalled that Chu Xingxuan's father helped a lot when he was able to leave Beiming Kingdom. At first Pei Qingge didn't have any objection to Chu Xingxuan following them, but just before they went to Qionghua Temple, Chu Xingxuan After Xing Xuan chatted with Pei Qingge, she suddenly became wary.

"He told me that we seem to have been living in a huge deception." Pei Qingge narrowed his eyes slightly, "In the past few days, I have carefully thought about the things from my rebirth to the present, and I think the path I have taken , has always been arranged by someone.”

"From the day I knew how to do divination, the first thing I do when I wake up every morning is to make a divination for myself. But for so many years, I have always asked about good and bad luck, not about specific things."

"Before today, I only made an exception once, that is, when I was in Yuecheng, I asked you the date of the robbery. This person knew that I never asked about things when I made divinations for myself, only about good and bad, so when I encountered things, although there were some It was too dangerous, but not fatal. As long as the result of the hexagram shows that the danger will be saved in the end, I will not pay too much attention to what happened on this day."

"So he led me to discover Concubine Zhang, led me into the palace, found He Yueru, knew Master's whereabouts, led me to Hongdu, aroused my curiosity about Xiye Kingdom, led me to meet Pei Shu, borrowed Pei Shu's Let me know something that I didn't know before."

"When I know part of it, and want to find out the truth, I have to go back to the starting point of all problems - Beiming Kingdom, to find the answer. If I go back to Beiming Kingdom earlier, I may be the one who renews the king's life." That's right, that person probably thought of this, so he released the corpse in advance to hold me back."

"If I don't return to Beiming Kingdom, I won't see those void jades, and I won't turn you into a ghost corpse. There is no way to lead me to find your life experience through the theory of blood, and then find you The old address of the family."

"If I don't make an exception, I still only ask about good and bad luck. I will still only calculate that there are dangers on the way to the old site, but they can be resolved. But I made an exception today and asked about the outcome of the matter."

"This let me know that all the things I'm looking for now will have no results at all!"

"I've been making wedding dresses for other people, and I've been paving the way for them!"

(End of this chapter)

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