The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 204 I can let you and my child ascend the throne

Chapter 204 I can let you and my child ascend the throne
He Yueru left the shop and was not in a hurry to go to the palace.

Since entering the palace, she has never left the palace privately.

When she was in Xiye Kingdom, she was able to walk sideways with Pei Shu covering her.

But since the Zilian Ring incident, she has completely lost contact with Pei Shu, and she thinks that she should have become Pei Shu's abandoned son.

All of this can only be blamed on Bai Jinye and Pei Qingge.

It was they who took the purple lotus ring to seduce her, and then gave her a fake purple lotus ring.

It was said that Bai Jinye was dead, but she vaguely knew from the emperor's tone that Bai Jinye was not dead at all.

Maybe it was Bai Jinye who played the trick at that time, causing the emperor to misunderstand Pei Shu, and the connection with Xiye Kingdom was completely severed from then on.

Bai Jinye is now feigning death, and he doesn't know where he is plotting something.

She only hated herself for being too naive, for trusting Bai Jinye and Pei Qingge so easily back then!
If one day, these two people bump into her hands, she will never let them go!
Walking casually on the road, she suddenly spotted a letter writing booth, hesitated for a while, and then walked over, asked the other party to write a letter for her, and gave him the address to send it out.

She couldn't get in touch with Xiye Country, but she could still try to contact He Yuewei from Dongliang Country. After that girl arrived in Dongliang Country, there was no letter at all.

They used to contact Pei Shu alone. In the past, Pei Shu would always make them compare with each other. She and He Yuewei were originally the winners among many beggars. Over the years, in order to make Pei Shu see more With just one glance, they are secretly competing with each other, treating each other as enemies.

But now it seems that they should cooperate more.

After He Yueru left, the letter writer just put the letter in the envelope when he was held down.

Just as he was about to speak, the man put an ingot of gold on the booth and at the same time lit up the knife at his waist, and he could only silently withdraw his hand.

The man took out the letter, read it carefully several times, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, he put the letter back in the envelope, threw it on the stall, and continued walking in the direction of He Yueru.

With just one turn, he caught up with He Yueru.

He Yueru frowned slightly, stopped and turned to look.

Bai Yuheng looked at her, "What a coincidence, I was free to listen to a ditty, and I was able to meet the concubine's sister-in-law."

He Yueru didn't have a good impression of Bai Yuheng. She had heard that when Pei Shu came, she originally lived in Bai Yuheng's house, but for some reason, Bai Yuheng reported the matter to the emperor.

In addition, Bai Yuheng looks like a full-bodied person, and she doesn't want to have anything to do with him at all.

Seeing that He Yueru didn't speak, and there was a hint of disgust in his eyes, Bai Yuheng didn't seem to care, he took a few steps forward, and pointed to the side with his fan, "Sister-in-law, that restaurant is not bad. How about I invite you to try the specialties of this restaurant?"

He Yueru frowned, "King Heng doesn't call me that, if the queen finds out, I will hate you."

"Haha." Bai Yuheng smiled, and said again, "I really don't want to call you that. Since you are out of the palace alone, you probably don't want to be known whereabouts, then... I'll call you Yueru, how about it?"

"You are so presumptuous, aren't you afraid that the emperor will know?" The disgust on He Yueru's face grew stronger.

"What would the emperor know? You know... You came out of the palace privately and just happened to meet me?" Bai Yuheng narrowed his eyes slightly, "How can there be such a coincidence in this world? Could it be that you came out of the palace specially to have a private meeting with me?"

He Yueru raised his hand and slapped Bai Yuheng across the face, "Shameless!"

Bai Yuheng didn't dodge, but slapped her hard, grabbed her wrist, and pressed her against the wall on one side, looking down at her, "Every time Brother Huang mentions you, he looks ecstatic." look, I really want to try it too." He lowered his head and sniffed gently at He Yueru's neck.

Knowing that someone was following him, He Yueru deliberately went to the alley, trying to lure the other party to show up, and if the other party didn't show up, he could take the opportunity to get rid of him.

Unexpectedly, entering this deserted alley made Bai Yuheng even more shameless.

"King Heng, you are looking for death." He Yueru squinted, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"Hey!" Bai Yuheng raised his head and frowned at her, "How can you say that? Don't think I don't know what method you used to fascinate Brother Huang. This method, Didn't You Wanxing also use it on me?"

He Yueru's breath stagnated, and he pursed his lips slightly.

"I've known about you for a long time." Bai Yuheng said and let go of his hand. "There are so many beauties in the harem, and they are much more beautiful than you. Why do you think I just fell in love with you? That's because I think, There is a possibility of cooperation between us."

"My current status in the harem is just under the empress, and the emperor dotes on me. I am very satisfied. I don't know what I can cooperate with you." Although He Yueru's voice was cold, his tone was relaxed.

Bai Yuheng smiled, "You know exactly what your current status in the harem is. I know that all the concubines in the palace are looking for the secret recipe for giving birth everywhere, and the whole harem smells like medicine after eating it. See who can give birth to dragon sons. But even if they have eaten all the secret recipes in the world, it won't work, do you know why?" He approached He Yueru again as he spoke, "Because, it's the emperor who can't. "

"Don't lie to me. Although I haven't been in Tianfeng Country for a long time, I also know that someone has been pregnant." He Yueru frowned.

"Then why didn't they disappear later?" Bai Yuheng asked back, "That's because they couldn't give birth to a prince for a long time, so they moved their minds. Those children don't belong to the emperor at all. But the emperor knows in his heart, so what?" Maybe let those children be born? What if they look like the letter writer on the street?"

He Yueru frowned even tighter. Obviously, this Bai Yuheng had been with her for a long time. Seeing that she had asked someone to write the letter for her, it was because she had always had something on her mind that she didn't notice that she was being followed.

Fortunately, the letter was written in coded language, only she and He Yuewei could understand it, so even if Bai Yuheng read it, it didn't matter.

But the information Bai Yuheng gave her was really too big!
She pondered for a while before opening her mouth again, "Did you follow me today just to tell me these things? What's your intention? And why should I trust you?"

"I didn't ask you to believe me." Bai Yuheng looked at her with a smile, "I just know that all the ministers are extremely dissatisfied with the emperor regarding the death of Prince Su. But Prince Su is dead. There is no proof of death, the matter is a certainty, so they have prepared to jointly write a letter to impeach the emperor in the name of having no heirs to inherit the throne."

"You said... What will happen to you if the emperor stops being emperor? What about you? What will happen to you?"

Bai Yuheng smiled even bigger, "However, if you cooperate with me, then I can guarantee that you and my child can ascend to the throne!"

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(End of this chapter)

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