The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 215 People who are about to die are full of Yin energy

Chapter 215 People who are about to die are full of Yin energy

Bai Jinye finally raised his head this time, as if he had just discovered something abnormal around him, which was very similar to his dream, he stroked the ground subconsciously, then raised his head to look at Pei Qingge.

He saw the transparent ground spreading, and Pei Qingge was slowly retreating to hide from the transparent ground, and it was rare for him to see a trace of fear in Pei Qingge's eyes.

Suddenly, he seemed to understand many things.

He stood up and walked towards Pei Qingge.

Although the transparent ground was spreading, it didn't move as he walked.

He walked to the edge and stretched out his hand towards Pei Qingge.

Pei Qingge hesitated for a moment, but reached out to hold his hand.

Bai Jinye's hands were slightly cold.

But Pei Qingge's hands were even colder because of fear.

Bai Jinye held her hand and looked at her.

But Pei Qingge didn't look at him, his eyes fell on the ground, and he saw that the transparent ground was gradually disappearing, the street returned to normal, and the fog around Bai Jinye also slowly disappeared.

"It's because of this, you saw this in my dream, that's why you control me to assassinate Bai Lihan, and you want me to die, isn't it?" Bai Jinye looked at her and asked, "What is this?"

Pei Qingge shook his head, but did not speak.

Bai Jinye held her hand and pressed it on his chest, "You will be afraid, then will you be so distressed that you can't breathe? If you die, have you thought about what will happen to me?"

He said with a chuckle, "Maybe if I die, what you think is just that the situation just now will never happen again, the descendant of 'Shenming Gong' is only the king of Beiming Kingdom, and there will be a lot of chaos in this world , but you won't feel bad. You think, if you die, I can forget you immediately, turn around and marry another woman, eat, sleep, and live as usual. But I...I can't be like you .”

"Think about it, you are dead, what should I do, eh?" After speaking, Bai Jinye let go of his hand, frowned slightly, turned and left without staying any longer.

Seeing his leaving back, Pei Qingge frowned tightly, and when his figure disappeared around the corner, she took a breath, turned and walked towards Puning Street.

The next night, Bai Jinye read a few pages of the book as usual.

This book will not enter the dream with him, so how much he reads is how much he can see in the dream.

He can only memorize a few more pages before going to sleep, so that when he falls asleep, he can try more in his dreams.

Didn't the old monk say that half of Pei Qingge who was at the gate of hell had to be brought back by him?

Then even if Pei Qingge's whole body went to hell, he would still pull her back.

So he had to finish reading that book earlier, and find out where the gate of hell was closed earlier.

Pei Qingge didn't want to live, but he couldn't let her die either.

As soon as he put down his book and was about to go to bed, Yu Bei knocked on the door, "Master, that Mr. Pei came to see you in the front hall, do you want to bring her here?"

According to Yubei's own thinking, he actually didn't need him to report at all. Isn't it natural for the princess to enter the prince's room?But Pei Qingge didn't come, so if he insisted on running to call Bai Jinye out, he had no choice but to come here, but the way of speaking changed a little.

It's so late, what's the matter with the princess, isn't it better to chat in the room than in the lobby?

Bai Jinye paused, and replied, "Okay."

So Yubei hurried to reply, and when he entered the hall, he looked embarrassed, "Mr. Pei, the master said that he is ready to rest. If you need anything, go to the bedroom and look for him. I'll take you there?"

Pei Qingge frowned, his expression was not very good, he was silent for a while, and then nodded.

Yubei hurriedly led the way, led Pei Qingge to the door of Bai Jinye's bedroom, knocked on the door, watched her go in, closed the door thoughtfully, and left in a hurry.

Standing at the door, Pei Qingge saw Bai Jinye sitting by the bed, hesitated for a while, and then took a few steps forward, "Starting tomorrow, the shop on Puning Street will be temporarily closed, I will go into the palace to see if there are any What is the abnormality. Grand Master Xiao said that he has arranged a residence in the palace, so I may live in the palace for a short time, if you have anything to ask me, you can ask Grand Master Xiao to help pass the message."

"What should I seek you for?" Bai Jinye looked at her, "I shouldn't have sought you, should I?"

Pei Qingge went to the table and sat down, turned sideways, did not look at Bai Jinye, just said, "I really don't know how long I can live, if you want, I can accompany you for the rest of the time, but... ...hope you can accept this fact."

Bai Jinye didn't speak.

After being silent for a while, Pei Qingge took off the mask on his face, took off his coat, walked to the bed, was about to go to bed, but was stopped by Bai Jinye raising his hand, she looked at him sideways, with a hint of sneer in her eyes, "Do you want to go to bed?" How about it? I asked Yubei to tell you to go out, but you refused to go out and let me in, isn't that what it means?"

Bai Jinye frowned slightly, knowing that Yubei had made the decision without permission, and called Pei Qingge in, "I didn't mean that." After a moment of silence, he asked again, "You didn't come here to talk about these things, and something else something?"

After finishing speaking, he was probably afraid that Pei Qingge would continue to misunderstand what he meant, so he simply stood up, went to the table and sat down.

Pei Qingge frowned slightly. She really didn't mean to say these things, but when Yubei sent a message that she would come to Bai Jinye's room to find him, a sense of irritability surged up. She didn't want to say what she should say. .

With her back turned to Bai Jinye, she sighed, "Is it convenient for you to enter the palace together to investigate the situation in the palace?"

"If you need me to go, I can go." Bai Jinye looked at her back, knowing that if it was not a last resort, after the conversation last night, she probably would not come to her easily.

"I'm worried that if there is any other formation, it's too secret, and I won't be able to find it." Pei Qingge frowned slightly, "The ghost corpse is more sensitive to the formation and breath, if you think there's something wrong then, tell me Say, I'll come to confirm."

Bai Jinye frowned slightly, and asked after a while, "What's wrong with you?"

He didn't believe that under careful inspection, there would still be a formation that escaped Pei Qingge's eyes.

Pei Qingge didn't seem to want to answer at first, but after hesitating for a while, he turned and looked at Bai Jinye, "I've been very cloudy recently, and my skills have been compromised. If I investigate carefully, there won't be too much of a problem. , but I'm afraid I don't have that much time."

Bai Jinye stared at her, "Heavy...what do you mean?"

"People who are about to die, or those who are about to die, have a lot of negative energy." Pei Qingge said as he walked over, picked up his coat, "Then I'll go back first."

"You sleep here." Bai Jinye also stood up, "I'll go to the cubicle to sleep." After finishing speaking, he went out without waiting for Pei Qingge to speak again.

Pei Qingge watched him close the door, squinted his eyes slightly, turned around and returned to the bed, just sat down and felt blood surge in his chest, then his eyes darkened, and he passed out.

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(End of this chapter)

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