Chapter 267
If he could go and see it in person, Pei Zimo would naturally not refuse.

If she could go, it meant that Pei Li could also go.

It would be best for Pei Li to go and see what happened to Xiao Linglong in person.

If it is relayed, I am afraid that there will be omissions or it will be difficult to match certain people.

But I don't know how long it will take to go, Bai Lihan and Bai Yuheng are still planning to get rid of Bai Jinye, he and Pei Zimo are not there, so they arrange Sikong, Zuoci and Yubei to guard the entire mansion.

Pei Zimo also set up some magic circles first, so that she would know if there was any danger.

This time, she didn't follow Bai Jinye in the way of dreaming, but the room they were in, which quickly turned into a gray space.

Pei Linglong looked at everything around her in horror. She clearly remembered that a moment ago, when she was in the palace, such a thing happened once.

Her mouth was still sealed by Pei Zimo, even if she was afraid, she couldn't scream.

Pei Zimo also looked around, the feeling here is similar to that of Qionghua Mountain, so Pei Li's guess should be correct, that piece of Huajing jade is probably really in that abyss.

If so, that might be a good thing.

It would be best if Ling You had already set up a magic circle under the abyss, and let that piece of Huajing jade stay there.

"Let's go." Bai Jinye said, "Follow me, it's fine."

Pei Zimo nodded.

Bai Jinye hesitated, but still took her hand and walked in one direction.

For other people, it's all gray and gray, they can't see anything, and they can't recognize the direction.

But in Bai Jinye's eyes, it was different. He walked forward purposefully, and occasionally reminded Pei Zimo to be careful.

Pei Zimo felt that there was no need for him to play tricks. There should be dangers that she couldn't see, and she couldn't even perceive them. However, this is a hell after all, and many of them are probably secrets. Even if Bai Jinye wants to tell her what's going on , I am afraid it is difficult to describe.

After walking like this for a while, the gray space suddenly disappeared, and the scenery ahead began to become clear.

Just after crossing a certain boundary, Pei Zimo suddenly felt that there was something strange about him, but he didn't realize what it was for a while.

"Ah! Am I dead? I don't want to die, I don't want to die!" Pei Linglong suddenly yelled, "Let me go back!"

Pei Zimo turned to look at her. Pei Linglong's mouth was sealed by her spell, but she was able to speak now, obviously her spell had failed.

She took out a piece of talisman paper from her sleeve pocket and threw it casually. The talisman paper fell limply on the ground without any reaction.

Moreover, the handwriting of the spell written on the talisman paper was also slowly fading away, and finally turned into a blank talisman paper.

Pei Li also came out from the soul-locking jade flute, looked at her movements and smiled, "When a person dies and goes to the underworld, all the spells in his lifetime will naturally disappear, otherwise if there is a commotion in the underworld, wouldn't it be a big accident? ?The more advanced the technique is, the more unwilling a person is to die, because after death, everything has to be repeated. After a lot of tossing in the underworld, and after reincarnation, it may not be possible to practice the technique again. "

When she said this, she glanced at the thread of soul that had been circling Pei Linglong's soul.

Since entering here, the soul has been separated from Pei Linglong, but it still lingers around her. Although it hasn't left, it can't merge again.

After a pause, Pei Li added, "A long time ago, when some people who practiced spells died, they tried their best not to come to the underworld and stay in the human world. As long as they didn't come, the spells would still be there. If you touch the threshold of becoming an immortal, you will never use it in the underworld again."

"This incident has been going on for a long time. More and more people do not come to the underworld, breaking the balance. And once a person dies and only the soul is left, the bottom line principle that is still adhered to when being a human being, some of them Abandoned, I will do anything to become a fairy."

"In the end, the ghost messenger and the people who practiced magic arts reached an agreement to take away the souls lingering in the world together, and asked the people who practiced magic arts to follow the law of birth, old age, sickness and death. If they die, they must go to the underworld to report, otherwise If you are caught and brought back to the underworld, you will never be reborn forever."

"Since then, those who practice magic arts have become more attached to the matter of becoming an immortal."

Pei Zimo frowned slightly when he heard the words, "That is to say, if the souls of the 'Eleven Lords' who were suppressed before came to the underworld in the future, what would happen to them?"

"It's not the same." Pei Li shook his head, "It's understandable that they were suppressed after they died, and there are still two places in the formation that have not been broken. They are implicated by this formation and cannot leave temporarily, so with the current Judging from the situation, it will not have a great impact on them. But if they are still stranded in the world after the formation is resolved, the ending will be different."

After a pause, Pei Zimo continued, "I don't think I've ever seen a ghost messenger before."

"Never seen it before?" Pei Li raised his eyebrows and smiled, then glanced at Bai Jinye, "They are called 'ghost messengers in the world'. Sometimes you can't see it, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. They may It’s just living by your side in an ordinary state.”

The two were talking, but no one noticed Pei Linglong who had stopped shouting.

Now she can be sure that she is really dead, and the person who killed her is Pei Zimo.

From the conversation between the two of them just now, she could probably hear that Pei Zimo knew some spells, but now these spells disappeared.

In other words, if she wants to take revenge, now is the best chance.

She squinted at Pei Zimo's back, and her eyes fell on Bai Jinye's hand holding Pei Zimo, with a flash of hatred in her eyes.

Ever since the accident at Prince Su's mansion, it was heard that Pei Qingge had gone to Fuzhou with Zhang Zhiji, and there was no news after that.

It now looks like Pei Qingge has become an abandoned wife, and Bai Jinye has a new love.

It's just that this new love looks just as annoying.

"Ahead is the Naihe Bridge." Bai Jinye pointed to the front and said, "Under the Naihe Bridge is Wangchuan."

Speaking of this, he slightly tightened Pei Zimo's hand, but he didn't explain.

On the Naihe Bridge, many souls were crossing the bridge. After the soup-delivering Po Meng scooped up a bowl of soup, she saw Bai Jinye and his party.

She paused for a moment, then looked away, as if she didn't see anything.

After getting on the bridge, Pei Li stopped, stood by the bridge, and looked down the River of Forgetfulness.

Bai Jinye didn't urge her either.

Pei Zimo stood for a while, then walked over, looked at the ups and downs in Wangchuan, and said after a while, "Ling You may not be here."

Pei Li didn't look back when he heard the words.

If someone dies and doesn’t want to forget his true love, he doesn’t need to drink Mengpo soup, but if he doesn’t drink it, he will jump into the river of forgetfulness and suffer for thousands of years. Reincarnate with the memory of the previous life.

"I don't want him here either." Pei Li frowned slightly.

Before Pei Zimo could speak again, she felt a sudden push from behind her!
There are no railings on the Naihe Bridge, so when she fell forward, she fell directly into the River of Forgetfulness!
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(End of this chapter)

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