Chapter 270 The Three Lives Stones

When they got ashore, Pei Zimo was still in a coma. Although his breath was weak, just like what she said, the blood lotus kept holding her breath.

Bai Jinye picked her up and walked towards Naihe Bridge. He knew that as long as he found Pei Li now, Pei Li would know more about their lineage of saintesses, and he should be able to treat Pei Zimo.

If Pei Li has no choice, then they should leave here as soon as possible.

When he brought Pei Zimo to the side of Naihe Bridge, he saw Pei Li sitting there cross-legged, the air around him was slightly distorted.

And Pei Linglong was sitting on the side, surrounded by a few evil spirits wandering everywhere in the underworld, but those evil spirits did not harm Pei Linglong, on the contrary... they were jealous of Pei Linglong who was half-dressed.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, walked over and kicked a few evil spirits.

Several evil spirits grinned at him for a while, and finally left.

Pei Linglong looked at Bai Jinye in horror and aggrieved, "I... I didn't do it on purpose, I really didn't do it on purpose."

Bai Jinye ignored her, it is still useful to keep her now, after going to Sansheng Stone, he will definitely not let her go.

He carefully placed Pei Zimo beside Pei Li, and when he was about to speak, Pei Li opened his eyes. She glanced at Pei Zimo before looking at Bai Jinye, "She is not in danger of her life, but it is difficult to recover here. .”

After she finished speaking, she raised her eyes to look at Pei Linglong. She knew all about the little tricks she did just now.

When those evil spirits surrounded her at first, she thought that Pei Linglong would not die now, but a few bites by the evil spirits could be regarded as teaching her a lesson.

Pei Linglong was indeed screaming in fear at first, but soon she tried to seduce these evil spirits, and even wanted them to help her break through the confinement on her body.

Of course, it was impossible for these evil spirits to undo Pei Li's formation, but seeing that Pei Linglong was having fun, she didn't bother to bother her.

After a pause, Pei Li said, "If you are worried about her, then we should leave here now and come back when we find another opportunity. Anyway, the Sansheng Stone is there, and we can't escape."

Bai Jinye wiped the blood off Pei Zimo's face, "If she stays here, will her injury get worse?"

"That's not true." Pei Li shook his head, "She has a blood lotus body protection on her body, but it will be very slow to recover here, but it will not deteriorate."

Bai Jinye thought for a while, "Then go back after finishing the work, some people die early." He squinted at Pei Linglong as he spoke, and picked up Pei Zimo again, "Come with me."

The Sansheng Stone is on a vast flat land. It is more like a stone forest. There are countless stones standing upright. Many souls stand in front of the Sansheng Stone. Some are sad and some are happy.

Several people found a stone, Pei Li grabbed Pei Linglong's arm, and pressed her hand on the Sansheng stone.

Pei Linglong tried to struggle. She probably knew that they brought her here for this purpose. If their purpose was achieved, she would indeed have no value in existence.

However, in Pei Li's eyes, her struggle was no different from a fly shaking a tree. Pei Li even kicked and broke one of her legs, and then pressed her hand to the stone.

Pei Linglong screamed in pain, but Pei Li and Bai Jinye's eyes fell on the Sansheng Stone, and no one paid any attention to her.

The picture on the Sansheng Stone flashed, but fortunately, from Xiao Linglong to Pei Linglong, it was only a lifetime.

From Xiao Linglong's memory, the past events were slowly restored.

Each of the "eleven males" has its own unique ability.

The "Shenmu Gong" bloodline, externally speaking, they can tell whether other people belong to the "Eleven Duke" bloodline, and can tell which bloodline they belong to, and women can also create illusions.

These two abilities don't seem to have much lethality, and more, they seem to be an auxiliary function.

Especially in those years when the "Eleven Lords" were all on the Twelve Peaks, and they walked frequently with each other, so to distinguish whether the other party was of the blood of the "Eleven Lords", this ability was completely dispensable and useless at all. .

However, in addition to this, there is another great secret in the "Shenmugong" lineage, that is, they can foresee the future.

But about this point, they have never mentioned it to the outside world.

Because not everyone can foresee the future, just like only women in their lineage can create illusions, this ability to foresee the future is also a random awakening.

And it is very accurate in predicting the future of other people, but it is difficult to see things about your own future.

Their ability to foresee the future is divided into two types. One is that they actively ask them to predict future events. They may suddenly see a certain segment of the future and learn what will happen in the future.

There is another way, that is, they rely on the way of consuming life to predict certain futures that they want to know.

Therefore, people with this ability will almost always predict the future before they are about to die.

Before Xiao Linglong, the future predicted by the five generations of "Shenmugong" was that the blood of the "Eleventh Gong" withered.

But he was about to die at that time, so he could only predict this, but with the predictions of the next four "Shenmugong", there are some clues about this future.

The biggest purpose of the "Eleven Lords" over the years, for so many years, is actually to wake up the sleeping Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

However, after so many generations and so many years, there is no sign of awakening the Nine Heavens Xuannv, and even the longer the time, the weaker the spell handed down by the "Eleven Duke".

There is no way to compare the "Eleven Lords" in front of us with the first generation "Eleven Lords".

Therefore, some people think that the bloodline of the "Eleven Lords" is increasing, and the number of people is also increasing, which leads to the dispersion of the power of Jiutian Xuannv's magic. If the "Eleven Lords" no longer exist, Or to put it simply, reuniting them into one is the way to truly awaken the Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

With such a guess, it is necessary to implement it.

That person's technique was tyrannical, and in just a few years, all the "Eleven Lords" fell, and even their descendants, very few survived.

All the gods and gods know that they have no way to compete with this person. The only way is to disperse all the blood of Eleven Lords, and save as many people as they can, at least not staying here Twelve bumps, waiting to be caught by the opponent.

But even so, they still felt unreliable, so they found the other party first on the grounds that the "Shenmu Gong" lineage could distinguish the other party's blood, and as long as they had the value of existence, the other party would keep them.

They can also take the opportunity to find a way to save everyone.

 ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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