The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 279 Fortune tellers always say half a sentence and leave half a sentence

Chapter 279 Fortune tellers always say half a sentence and leave half a sentence

Pei Zimo lay down and fell asleep.

This sleep was quite heavy, and when I woke up, it was already midnight.

The light was on in the room, and Bai Jinye sat at the table and looked at her. Seeing that she had woken up, he asked, "Are you hungry? The food is always hot."

Pei Zimo nodded, she was indeed awake from hunger.

After washing up, the servants served the meals.

Bai Jinye didn't eat, but sat beside her and finished eating with her.

After the servants cleaned up, he poured her a cup of tea.

Pei Zimo looked at him, "What? Do you want to tell me something?"

Bai Jinye smiled, "Suddenly, it seems that many things are in your calculations."

"Huh?" Pei Zimo raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

"There are so many dignitaries in Beijing, princes and grandchildren, you don't care about anyone, you go to Bai Fengyu as soon as he enters the capital. It seems that at that time, you knew that today, Bai Lihan would die, and Bai Yuheng didn't do anything at all." If you don't become the emperor, you knew from then on that the future emperor of Tianfeng Nation would be Bai Fengyu." Bai Jinye looked at her, "A lot of kindness started in the infancy, and when you showed him kindness back then, it would make people feel happy. He is forever grateful."

"In the future, regardless of Guiqing or Leng Yuan, you can safely let them go to Xihe City. Now, you can also entrust Pei Qingge's reincarnation to him."

Pei Zimo took a sip of tea, "It might just be a coincidence."

Bai Jinye didn't say he believed it, nor said he didn't believe it, "But when we were in Qionghua Mountain, when you arranged a place for Pei Qingge, at least you already knew the ending in front of you."

"After we returned to Shengjing from Qionghua Mountain for the first time, Heyueru came to ask me to make a fortune." Pei Zimo said, "At that time I knew that Heyueru would have a child, and if the child was a boy, it would be early Yao, if it is a baby girl, it will be a sign of great fortune and wealth."

She frowned slightly as she spoke, "But I only said the first half of the sentence, not the second half. But regardless of whether the baby boy will die early, I will take a gamble with Yueru."

"Since we have to arrange Pei Qingge's whereabouts in the future, this is naturally the best choice."

"So, when you do fortune-telling, do you always say half a sentence and leave the other half?" Bai Jinye asked again.

"That's right." Pei Zimo nodded, "Talkers will say half a sentence and leave the other half. If they say everything, it's too revealing. Besides... sometimes, it's up to you to leave half of what you say. For those who seek divination. Some people like to hear good news, so tell him the good part, and some people may need bad news to wake up, so tell him the bad part."

Bai Jinye looked at her, was silent for a while, and then said, "The formations in Beijing have been solved, what's next?"

"I discussed it with Pei Li, and I plan to go to Qionghua Mountain again, and I want to go to the bottom of that abyss to have a look. Hua Jingyu should be under that abyss." Pei Zimo said and paused, "Pei Li is worried that Ling Luo will If you do something crazy, even though there is a formation on Qionghua Mountain that restricts him, it doesn't mean that he will never be able to go there."

"In addition, if the abyss has been assimilated into the environment of the underworld by Hua Jingyu, then I don't know if it will expand. If it expands, it may hurt people."

In addition, Pei Zimo also knew that the formation should be related to Ling You, if the formation fluctuated, Ling You would definitely feel it, and then maybe he and Pei Li would meet again.

Bai Jinye nodded.

"Let's go after you arrange things in Beijing." Pei Zimo looked at him and continued, "Although there should be no danger with Pei Li around, but..." She raised her hand to cover Bai Jinye's On the back of the hand, "But I don't know how long it will take to go this time, and I don't know what will happen. You should arrange everything in Beijing thoroughly this time."

"I know." Bai Jinye held her hand behind his back, "It won't be long."

When Bai Jinye came out of Pei Zimo's room, Zuo Ci was still guarding the door.

He looked at the closed door, followed Bai Jinye silently, "My lord, you and my concubine...why do you still sleep in separate rooms?"

Bai Jinye frowned and turned to look at him, "Is this something you should worry about?"

"Isn't it? It's not just the subordinates, this is something that everyone in the palace should worry about." Zuo Ci looked at him seriously, "My lord, have you forgotten what you said when you were in Fuzhou? It's been so long There is no progress at all, if there is a war, Xiye Kingdom will be defeated in such a long time."

"You are so powerful, why are you still alone?" Bai Jinye continued to walk forward.

Zuo Ci couldn't help but sighed, and was silent for a while, "My lord, this subordinate feels that you still have to keep your subordinate by your side. Without the assistance of your subordinate, you don't know how long your battle line will be."

"Are you free now?" Bai Jinye glared at him.

"Not idle, not idle." Zuo Ci stopped and waved his hands again and again, "I will guard the door for the princess from now on, my lord, my subordinates will not see you off." After speaking, he turned and ran back.

Bai Jinye ignored him, and when he returned to the front yard, Sikong just came back.

"My lord, King Heng... died in prison."

"Dead?" Bai Jinye stroked his cuffs, "He probably doesn't have the courage to commit suicide?"

"Sudden death." Sikong said and paused, "It was indeed a sudden death. It was said that his eyes were wide open, his face was black and blue, and blood was bleeding from seven holes. The jailer said that he was fine during dinner, and they inspected it every half an hour. During the last inspection, he was fine, but half an hour later, he died, Wu Zuo said, he seemed to be scared to death."

Bai Jinye narrowed his eyes slightly. Bai Yuheng's affair with Xiye Kingdom is a capital crime, and Bai Fengyu is not stupid. He has a legitimate reason to execute him. Of course, it is impossible to kill him secretly in advance, "Over there at Prince Heng's mansion. Woolen cloth?"

"The people in Prince Heng's Mansion are all imprisoned now, but..." Sikong looked up at him before continuing, "I didn't find Miracle Doctor Lu."

"It seems that Bai Yuheng knew a lot of things, so he was murdered." Bai Jinye turned and walked to the room, "Check and see if we can find out where Lu Jue is."

"Yes." Sikong replied and stepped back.

Bai Jinye went back to his room and lay on the bed. Bai Yuheng was killed. It was a violent death, and he hit his hand.

Since he knew a lot of things and didn't say it when he was alive, it would be the same if he said it when he was dead.

In the chaos, Bai Jinye captured Bai Yuheng's soul.

Bai Yuheng looked like he was crazy, and when he saw someone he knew, he immediately grabbed his arm, "This king is dead, this king is dead! Save this king, save this king." After finishing speaking, he Looking at Bai Jinye and thinking of something again, "haha" he laughed loudly, "You are dead too, right? Bai Jinye, Bai Jinye, you have today too! The king is dead, but it is not a loss to have you by my side !"

 Come~ Ask for a ticket
(End of this chapter)

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