The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 281 Go to Qionghua Mountain to find Lingyou

Chapter 281 Go to Qionghua Mountain to find Lingyou (5 more tickets requested)
The next morning, Pei Zimo also listened to Bai Jinye's report, so he went to Prince Heng's Mansion again.

This time, she checked every corner carefully, but still didn't find any formations.

When she couldn't figure it out, Pei Li also happened to appear, but Pei Li didn't find anything either.

"Can you confirm that it is in this palace?" Pei Li asked.

"Bai Yuheng didn't say where it was." Pei Zimo sighed, "I thought that this time the matter in Shengjing would be completely resolved, and I wouldn't have to come back again. I didn't expect this would bury another hidden danger."

"Not necessarily." Pei Li shook his head, "Although 'Shenjugong' is not as good as 'Shenjugong' in terms of formation skills, all spells in the world come from 'Shenshugong', and if there is a formation, there will be magic." We can't detect the fluctuation of the law, maybe Liu Fu can find something." After she finished speaking, she released Liu Fu's soul and told Liu Fu about the matter.

Now Liu Fu's mood has stabilized and he has accepted the facts. After he heard the words, he began to check carefully in Prince Heng's mansion.

Pei Zimo and Pei Li had already tried their best, so they followed behind Liu Fu, hoping that he would discover something.

It took him half a day to check.

Just when Pei Zimo thought he might not find anything, Liu Fu suddenly picked up a small stone from the ground. He stared at the small stone for a long time before handing the small stone in his hand to Pei Li.

Pei Li looked at the stone, his face changed slightly.

When Pei Zimo took the stone, he saw that there were only a few strokes engraved on the stone, but the stone was only the size of a fingernail. The strokes were also very simple, but if you distinguish carefully, you can see that it should be part of a spell.

"There's only this little stone." Liu Fu said, "There should have been formations here before, but the formations are all carved on the flowers, plants, stones and trees in the yard."

Pei Zimo frowned. Bai Yuheng had conspired with the enemy, the entire palace had been confiscated, and the courtyard was almost a mess, so these formations must have been destroyed.

Furthermore, if things fail, before Lu Jue leaves, he must have disposed of everything he can handle.

"The formations are engraved on the flowers and plants. As the flowers grow, the formations will continue to disappear, and it will be time-consuming and labor-intensive to re-engrav. But the advantage is..." Liu Fu turned his head and looked at Pei Zimo, "The advantage Even these formations will be completely hidden among the flowers and plants. Once there is no time to engrave them, the formations will naturally disappear without leaving any traces. This kind of technique was rarely seen in our time. People use it."

"After all, it needs a person to maintain it frequently. How can anyone even trap himself here for a formation, repairing this formation from time to time, just so that this formation will not be discovered by others one day in the future?"

"Besides, from what you've said, this formation doesn't seem to have any effect, so the loss outweighs the gain."

Liu Fu said and looked at Pei Li, "However, you should know who used this the most in the past."

Pei Li was silent for a while, although he didn't want to mention it, he still said, "My uncle."

Liu Fu heard her mention this person, so he didn't say anything more.

Pei Li took the stone again, looked at it for a long time, and said, "Our lineage of saints is all female, and we don't accept male disciples. But I heard that before I was born, there was a person , gave birth to twins, which are actually a boy and a girl, but according to the rules of the saintess lineage, boys are not allowed to stay and practice spells, so she disguised the boy as a girl and brought it up with her all the time , to teach techniques."

"This boy is talented and intelligent, and he is extremely accomplished in magic arts. He was even considered to be the next saint. At this time, his mother became afraid, and claimed that he was sick and did not let him go out anymore. But this After all, this matter cannot be concealed, so he was imprisoned in the forbidden area of ​​Houshan, and my master became the saint of that term."

Pei Li sighed softly as he spoke, "After he was imprisoned in the forbidden area of ​​Houshan, there was no news about him anymore. Could it be... is it him?"

Pei Zimo understood that she was guessing whether everything behind this was done by her uncle, "But before you saw the person who was in contact with Xiao Linglong on the Sansheng Stone, Bai Jinye told me that although he couldn't see that The face of a human being, his whole body is also hidden in the wide black robe, but judging from his figure, he should be a woman."

"His mother has disguised him as a woman for so many years, and she looks like a woman in terms of body shape, so there is no problem." Pei Li looked at Pei Zimo, and the scenery she saw from the Sansheng Stone was indeed like the forbidden area behind the mountain.

"I heard that he was imprisoned in the forbidden area of ​​Houshan, his mother was executed, and he has been practicing in the forbidden area. Later, he ran out of the forbidden area once, trying to avenge his mother. At that time, there was no one in the lineage of the saint. It is the 'Eleventh Lord' at that time who shot together and repressed him back to the forbidden area." Liu Fu took this sentence, "I also heard my father mention this matter, and he also participated in it at the time. That repression."

"And during that suppression, the 'Shenzhen Gong' presided over and drew a huge formation. My father told me about this because he told me that every few years, the 'Eleventh Gong' would Let’s strengthen this formation together.”

"If that's the case, the person who manipulated the whole thing is very likely to be him."

"He wants to avenge his mother's death, plus the suppression of him, the 'eleven princes' are all involved, is not impossible for him to seek revenge one by one."

Pei Li's expression gradually turned serious, "Think about it, he is indeed the only one with this motivation and ability."

Pei Zimo frowned, "I heard from Bai Jinye that Lu Jue has a master who is a miracle doctor, and he learned all of Lu Jue's skills from him, but what he showed at the beginning was that he only knows some medical skills. He doesn't know about formations, and his master rarely shows up, so will his master..."

"Then let's look for Lu Jue first." Pei Li sighed, then looked at Liu Fu, "After the souls of other people left the formation, they all went to find their own descendants, what about you? Are you staying with us?" Together, or go find your descendants?"

Liu Fu smiled helplessly, "I'm not married yet, and I don't have any direct descendants at all. It's been so many years since I've been looking for it, so what's the point? Why don't I be with you, maybe I can be of some help."

"Okay." Pei Li nodded, "If it's really him, none of us are opponents. Let's go to Qionghua Mountain first and find Ling You."

 It's really before twelve o'clock~
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(End of this chapter)

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