Chapter 286
Pei Li raised his hand and grabbed Liu Fu's arm, "It seems that my uncle is rearranging the formation, and he is calling your souls back."

"It shouldn't matter here." Ling You frowned slightly, "This place is isolated from the outside world."

"Doesn't that mean that the souls of other people will be taken back?" Bai Jinye asked.

Pei Zimo's face also changed slightly, "But now God Puppet has entered reincarnation, Xiao Linglong's soul has also been reincarnated several times, right now... two souls are missing, he will definitely find a way to find someone to fill them." She said His eyes also fell on Ling You, now Ling You could be a choice.

What about the other one?

Ling You clenched her fist slightly, "Ling Luo."

Back then Ling Luo was not as good as Ling You, but when Ling Luo became a demon, everything was hard to say.

After all, Ling Luo was also Ling You and Pei Li's child, even if Ling You didn't give him the Essence Jade, he naturally wouldn't want to see someone trying to hurt Ling Luo.

Besides, the final target of this matter was Pei Li again.

Ling You stood up and was about to go out.

"You can't go." Pei Zimo stopped him, "What he lacks are two souls. If you go, wouldn't it just be delivered to your door? None of us is sure that he can beat him, so this matter has to be discussed in the long run."

"Yes." Bai Jinye's eyes fell on Pei Li, "If he has hatred for the saintess and the 'Eleven Duke' lineage, then he didn't kill them all, for example, like me, like Zimo This kind is not his opponent at all, he can get rid of it early, but he seems to be targeting you alone."

"Besides, Ling Luo has been in Beiming Kingdom for so many years. He didn't attack Ling Luo, which proves that he still has some scruples." Pei Zimo continued to Ling You, "Plus, he doesn't necessarily know that you are still alive, Now most of the initiative is still in our hands, as long as we don't mess up first, there won't be any major issues for the time being."

"They're right." Pei Li also looked at Ling You, "Don't worry."

Ling You may not be able to listen to other people's words, but he still listens to Pei Li's words. He turned around, sat on the chair again, and looked at Pei Li, "It's hard for us to settle down, and there is a chance that the family will be harmonious, but ..." He sighed softly and didn't go on.

Several people discussed the countermeasures, and the only way to deal with someone who was stronger than themselves was to use external force.

Now this Qionghua Mountain seems to be the best external force, with the natural formation and the "hell abyss" formed by Huajingyu, if it can be deployed here to attract that person, it will naturally be the best.

But the other party can obviously see through their purpose, not to mention whether he will come in, but if he catches someone who is important to them outside, they will have no way to stay here and will go out sooner or later.

After discussing for a long time, Pei Zimo yawned softly.

It is impossible to distinguish day and night here, but they must have been in for a long time.

"Go and rest first." Bai Jinye turned to look at her and said in a low voice, "Left and right cannot be figured out at once."

Pei Zimo had a little apology on his face, "I really can't hold it anymore."

There are three bedrooms here. Since Ling You came back, the master bedroom is naturally his. Even if Liu Fu didn't need to sleep, he was still assigned a room with Zuo Ci. The rest belonged to Pei Zimo and Bai Jinye.

Seeing Bai Jinye raised his hand and supported Pei Zimo into the room, Pei Licai looked away and looked at Ling You, "I hope the two of them won't be like us."

Ling You also withdrew his gaze, followed Pei Li into the bedroom, raised his hand to set a restraint, and then said, "Although this man is a descendant of the 'Shenming Gong' clan, but...the aura is a bit strange."

"Huh?" Pei Li naturally saw the restriction he had set, because he didn't want outsiders to hear their conversation, "Is it because of the dead corpse?"

Ling You shook his head, "In the beginning, I found the ghost corpse from ancient books, so that Luo'er would not be intruded by the underworld to survive, but the price to pay for this matter was extremely high, so I didn't put this The method has been handed down. I went back to Beiming Kingdom a few times later, and knew that they wanted to reproduce it, but in the end they also produced flesh corpses."

"That kind of thing has no thought, and it's far from a corpse." After a pause, he asked, "Is he also made by that girl?"

Pei Li nodded.

Ling You walked to the table and sat down, as if he couldn't figure something out, he said after a while, "I've seen the corpse made by that girl, they both look the same, but...they are very different. "

"If there's anything you can't figure out, tell us and let's think about it together." Pei Li said and paused, "That girl is also of the blood of the Saintess family, there are some things I should know better than you."

Ling You thought for a while, and said in a low voice, "The flesh corpses produced by Beiming Kingdom are for control, but after the real corpses are refined, they are not controlled by anyone. But both of them have With that girl's breath, she should be able to control them. But if I can control Luo'er, I can control him directly, why bother to deal with Hua Jingyu?"

Pei Li lowered his eyes, "Maybe she didn't really master the method of refining ghosts?"

"I read in that ancient book that the most important thing in the human body is the Yang Yuan. Even the soul is the same. Only those who have the Yang Yuan can be reincarnated as human beings. But when I repaired Luo'er's soul, I don't know about this yet, so even though Luo'er's soul was born with the baby, because his soul doesn't have Yang Yuan, he couldn't fully integrate with his body, so he was targeted by the underworld."

Ling You said and pursed his lips, "If I found a trace of Yang Yuan before he was reincarnated and penetrated into his soul, he would not have any problems when he was reincarnated. It's a pity that when I know about this At that time, it will be too late, even if Yang Yuan is found at that time and penetrated into his body, there is no way to fuse again in this life, and we can only use it after reincarnation in the next life."

"The only way is..." Speaking of this, he sighed softly, "It is to replace the Yang Yuan with the blood stone of the underworld, and then use the blood essence to warm and nourish the body. So... Actually, this secret method started It's not called 'Underworld Corpse', but 'Underworld Stone's Impeccable Life', in this way, as long as the blood underworld stone is always there, people will not die."

"Although blood ghost stones and blood essence are not as important and rare as Huajing jade in the underworld, it is not easy to get them. Especially blood essence is a kind of sandy soil. After boiling water, soak one every day for ten consecutive days. Shi Chen, in order to get enough blood essence, I ran to the underworld many times. Think about it, that girl is not from the lineage of 'Shenming Gong' at all, how could she get these two things?"

Pei Li frowned slightly, "She has a relationship with Ling Luo, is it possible that Ling Luo helped her get it?"

Ling You shook his head, "Although Ling Luo has the abilities of the descendants of 'Shenming Gong', but because of Huajingyu and Xuemingshi, he was banned by the underworld, and he can't go to the underworld."

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(End of this chapter)

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