The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 296 When Did You Remember This?

Chapter 296 When Did You Remember This?

Bai Jinye was taken aback by the question, he did go there many times, but at that time every time he was looking for Pei Zimo, he never thought of going to see his Sansheng Stone.

He didn't think about the previous lives, he only thought about being with her in this life.

"" Bai Jinye said as if thinking of something, and grabbed Pei Zimo's hand, "That it me?" He held her hand and placed it on his chest, He felt his heart was so excited that it was about to jump out of his chest, "Is it just me?"

Pei Zimo looked down at the hand he was holding in his palm, and said after a moment of silence, "I just want to tell you that in your previous life, the previous life, and even every life, there was also a woman by your side. I like you, and you treat her sincerely, you have children and grow old together, ordinary and ordinary, but also loving for a lifetime."

The excitement in Bai Jinye's eyes fell silent instantly. He let go of his hand, turned his back to Pei Zimo, and said in a more dull voice, "Yeah, ordinary, ordinary, no one has stayed in Wangchuan for thousands of years, let alone nothing unforgettable." The memories I have are not as touching as yours..."

Pei Zimo chuckled, "Didn't you say that I was telling a story?"

"Yeah." Bai Jinye responded perfunctorily, "I'm sleepy, go to sleep."

Sure enough, Pei Zimo didn't speak any more, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Bai Jinye turned his head and glanced at her, feeling even angrier in his heart, but when he closed his eyes, he was tickled by Pei Zimo's words again, and went to look for his Sansheng Stone on the spot.

He took Pei Linglong there once before, and this time he was familiar with the road, but after looking around, there was only a pile of rubble in front of him.

He turned back to Naihe Bridge and asked Po Meng.

Granny Meng concentrated on scooping up the soup, and was not surprised when she heard the words, "It's broken? That means it's broken."

"Then what should we do?" Bai Jinye asked again.

"What should I do?" Granny Meng chuckled lightly, "A few days ago, didn't you also smash other people's three-life stones? Why, you are allowed to smash other people's three-life stones, but others are not allowed to smash your three-life stones?"

Thinking of Pei Linglong's broken Sansheng Stone, Bai Jinye couldn't help being dumb, and asked after a while, "Then how can I know who broke my Sansheng Stone and why?"

"I can't answer this question for you. But if you don't guide yourself, others will not be able to find other people's Three Life Stones, so you must be present when you break the Three Life Stones, and the answer to the question lies in yourself .” Granny Meng continued.

"I was there too..." Bai Jinye muttered softly.

"Why bother with the past life?" Granny Meng glanced at him, "Last time you jumped the River of Forgetfulness without hesitation, shouldn't you find your beloved in this life? When you think about the past life again, where do you put this life? "

Hearing this, Bai Jinye was stunned for a while, and then looked at Granny Meng gratefully, gave her a fistful salute, turned around and walked out quickly.

When Bai Jinye's figure disappeared, Meng Po's hand stopped slightly, looked at the soup in the spoon, and said in a low voice, "You ask me to lure him to drink Meng Po's soup, and when I see you again, I will push you away." Go down to Wangchuan, wait for him to ask about the Three Lives Stone, and hide it. These three things have been done, and thanks to you, it’s over now.” She looked into the distance as she spoke, her gaze was a little misty, “It’s already At this point, it should be close to success, I don't want to see you two jumping into the River of Forgetfulness again."

After she finished speaking, she smiled softly, and poured the soup in the spoon to the next soul, "Drink it, drink it, drink the old woman's soup, forget about the past life, don't be burdened by the past life, it is really for your own good. "

When Bai Jinye woke up, he seemed to have completely forgotten what Pei Zimo had told him.

Even after asking for a while, he turned out Go, played chess with Pei Zimo every day, and occasionally asked Pei Zimo for advice on techniques.

This time, Pei Zimo didn't say any more about how the technique should not be passed on to outsiders, and even brought Zuo Ci with him to give advice.

Bai Jinye should think that he is better than Zuo Ci, but he didn't expect that after a few days of studying, Pei Zimo would start to praise Zuo Ci's talent, he is a prodigy in academic methods, even he doesn't teach much, and concentrates on teaching every day Zuo Ci, seeing that he has become redundant.

In the past, he felt that Zuo Ci was a bit perceptive, but now, no matter how much he glared at Zuo Ci, Zuo Ci remained unmoved, and even changed his address to Pei Zimo, and he was no longer called Wang Hao, and he was called Master one by one. affectionate.

He sounded really harsh.

Finally finding a spare time for Pei Zimo to ask Zuo Ci to practice for a while, Bai Jinye quickly put on the chessboard and pulled Pei Zimo to play chess.

Pei Zimo looked at him and curled his lips slightly, "I didn't see it before, Zuo Ci still has such a talent, but this is good, and he will have more ability to protect himself in the future."

"Aren't you going to teach me more?" Bai Jinye asked.

Pei Zimo smiled, but didn't answer the question, but instead asked, "In the past few days, you've been thinking a lot."

Bai Jinye looked down at the chessboard, "Yeah, if there were only the two of you in the previous lives, and you were weak, then at least in this life, it would be better to have one more person to protect you, wouldn't it be better?"

Pei Zimo smiled and said nothing.

"However, you probably have thought of this a long time ago." Bai Jinye continued, "Guiqing, Yuan Che, Chu Xingxuan, etc. are all good things for you, and they can all help you."

"Indeed." Pei Zimo nodded, "But if you can count on them in the end, it's not them."

Bai Jinye narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "So... you set up the Nine Stars Immortal Extinguishing Formation, and you sealed their souls together with Pei Li's soul, so that they would not be targeted by the Island of Recluse, They will not be taken away by the underworld, and they will be released when needed."

"Do you think I look like Pei Li's uncle?" Pei Zimo asked with a smile.

"Is it a disguise?" Bai Jinye thought before that the figure he saw from the Sansheng Stone looked like a woman, but after thinking about it, he shook his head again, "But I don't think it's you."

Pei Zimo smiled, "Well, I'm not Pei Li's uncle, but her uncle was indeed entrusted by me. I was watched too closely at that time, but that time was very important. Gong''s bloodline is bound to decline, even if I didn't ask her uncle to do so, the end would be inevitable."

"If all the 'Eleven Lords' of that generation have entered the underworld, it will be very difficult to find such people in the future. But I also checked a lot of ancient books, and it is almost impossible to keep all twelve of them. Possibly, the only thing that can be used is the Nine Star Immortal Extinguishing Formation."

She said and paused softly, "Fortunately, nothing major went wrong."

"Then you..." Bai Jinye thought for a while before asking, "When did you think of these things?"

 ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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