The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 602 This Name Sounds Unreliable

Pei Zimo frowned, and said after a while, "It's just a little accident."

"Is there something wrong with you and him?" Guiqing asked again, but after a pause, he answered the question again, "The time you came back was about the same time as when you were pregnant, so at least before you come back, It shouldn't be a big problem."

Pei Zimo didn't answer his question, but said, "I want to go back to the temple."

"Okay." Gui Qing nodded, "I'll make arrangements now."

When Leng Yuan heard Pei Zimo say that she was going back to the temple, she immediately said that she would also go together.

Pei Zimo did not agree. She is pregnant and it is not convenient for her to ride a horse, and she will not hurry too fast. This journey will slowly reach the temple and stay in the temple for a few days. Maybe Leng Yuan will say that she will wait until she gives birth before leaving.

That's not a short-term thing, she doesn't want Leng Yuan and Zuo Ci to be separated for so long.

He said to let her take care of the affairs here as soon as possible, and take Zhang Zhiji to the capital to make peace with Zuo Ci, after all, Zuo Ci still has to do the work of moving the mausoleum.

Moreover, there were still some spells to be buried in the formation, Zuo Ci and the others were in a hurry to leave, so Leng Yuan could only take them there.

In addition, Zuo Ci is definitely not as good as Leng Yuan in terms of geomantic omen, so she can rest assured that Leng Yuan is watching this matter.

This formation was set up by her, if something goes wrong, it may also come back to her.

Listening to what she said, Leng Yuan probably knew that she had already made a decision.

"When the matter of moving the mausoleum is over, Zuo Ci will have nothing to do. Wouldn't it be good for the three of you to come to the temple together?" Pei Zimo comforted again.

Leng Yuan had no choice but to agree with her nodding her head. Fortunately, now that Qing Qing was with her, she wasn't so worried.

After hearing that Pei Zimo was pregnant, Zhang Zhiji would visit her more than ten times a day, and each time he would ask her the same thing, asking her what she wanted to eat and if she was still feeling unwell.

As Bai Jinye's grandfather, it was inconvenient for him to ask Pei Zimo directly, but now that Bai Jinye was away, he was worried that something might go wrong, so he could only keep asking Leng Yuan.

After a few days, Leng Yuan's ears were almost callused.

Fortunately, Pei Zimo and Guiqing are finally leaving.

Zhang Zhiji couldn't sit still anymore, he refused to let Pei Zimo go, saying that his grandson was in his teens, and he had never seen him once, and now that Pei Zimo was finally pregnant again, he wanted to see it with his own eyes. child.

Leng Yuan had no choice but to coax him that they would go to Beijing, and they would go to see Pei Zimo together after Zuo Ci finished the errands assigned by the emperor.

Zhang Zhiji knew that Pei Zimo was determined to leave, and he would definitely not be able to keep him, so he urged Leng Yuan to pack up and go to Beijing, and after reconciling with Zuo Ci, he hurried to find Pei Zimo.

After Pei Zimo and Guiqing had left for three days, Zhang Zhiji suddenly remembered something, and rushed to look for Leng Yuan, "That's not right, she's not raising a baby in Zhang's house, she said she wants to go back to where you used to live to raise a baby." , Then... That shouldn't be a man taking care of her. Ah Yuan, tell the truth, who is that man? The child in Zimo's belly is not his, right?"

"Hey, old man, you are thinking about something messy every day." Leng Yuan couldn't help but hold her forehead, "I told you, the three of us grew up together, and we are relatives. Just like our elder brother, the lady said that the child belongs to Bai Jinye, can she still lie to you?"

"Guiqing Guiqing, this name sounds unreliable." Zhang Zhiji frowned, "Who is a good person with this name?" He looked up at the sky and then at the hall in the hall. A few boxes that have already been filled, "It's enough to pack almost all the things, don't take the useless ones, let's go, or let's go first, let the housekeepers pack them up, and then catch up."

"You go and rest first, Zuoci still has some errands to do. Even if we arrive in the capital, we can't leave immediately. There is no difference between waiting in the capital and waiting here. Besides, the young lady is not going to give birth right away, so don't worry about it." It's useless." Leng Yuan waved to the butler as she spoke, signaling him to support Zhang Zhiji to rest.

"Really, I didn't have to worry about anything in Jin Ye before. Why does the older I get, the more things I worry about? When will he come back?" Zhang Zhiji muttered in a low voice as he left the lobby.

Looking at his back, Leng Yuan sighed helplessly.

Guiqing bought a very comfortable carriage, the seats inside were covered with thick and soft cushions, and there was also a lot of food in the carriage. Neither he nor the man in black needed to eat, so they all followed Pei Zimo's instructions. Taste ready.

For so many years, I have walked this road back and forth several times, but every time I was in a hurry, and I never had a good feeling of the scenery on the road.

This time there was no rush, so Pei Zimo let the man in black drive the car slowly, sometimes he only walked more than ten miles a day.

Seeing that she was interested, Gui Qing walked slowly with her.

Passing by a busy market, Pei Zimo was lying by the window and looking out, and saw a man carefully supporting a pregnant lady. Her eyes fell on them, and she took a long time to look back, and sighed softly.

Hearing her sigh, Guiqing glanced in the direction she was looking at just now, and naturally saw the couple.

"I've been going around with him for so many lifetimes, but he's never been by my side when I was pregnant." Pei Zimo said softly, "The child before, I couldn't protect him in previous lifetimes. So there is an obsession, and I must give birth to him again. I didn't expect... There will be another child."

"That's fate." Gui Qing looked at her, "Besides, wouldn't it be better to have a child by your side? In the past, there were always things to do. If you were really free, you wouldn't know what to do. Well now, you have a new mission."

Pei Zimo smiled lightly, "Yes."

When Leng Yuan wrote to Guiqing before, she said that she felt that Pei Zimo was not in the right state, as if she had lost faith and was completely disappointed in everything. She was afraid that something would happen to Pei Zimo, so she asked him to come over quickly.

He was worried all the way, but sometimes fate is so strange, even if Pei Zimo was disappointed at that time, but now that she has this child, she will always rekindle her confidence in life.

"When we get to the temple, there is no such a lively market." Guiqing looked out the window and said, "Would you like to go down and buy some children's things?"

"Okay." Pei Zimo nodded and got out of the carriage first.

Not long after she was pregnant, she didn't know if it was a boy or a girl, so Pei Zimo bought some of them.

I thought I didn't buy anything, but when I walked from the end of the market to the end of the market and returned to the carriage, the carriage was almost full.

Pei Zimo sat on the carriage and took a look at a pair of small shoes. When she saw the pattern of rabbits embroidered on the shoes, the smile on the corner of her mouth froze again. After a while, she said, "Ghost Qing, let's start If you don’t want to go back to the temple, go to the Chu River first.”

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