Pei Zimo turned to look at Pei Yi, "Are you sure?"

Pei Yi nodded, "I don't remember exactly how I said it, but it should have been said."

Pei Zimo pursed his lips lightly.

After a while, Pei Yi said, "You have already entered the ancestral hall, didn't you find anything inside?"

"It's just some murals..." Pei Zimo stopped talking, the souls of those who died in Qiankun Hall would enter the ancestral hall, but back then, she and Bai Jinye both died in Qiankun Hall, but their souls did not enter the ancestral hall.

According to what Pei Yi said before, someone brought her soul out and sent it to Pei Yi, and Pei Yi's father also passed away that time.

And Bai Jinye passed away in Qiankun Palace a little earlier than her, and when she was reincarnated on the Island of Refuge, Bai Jinye was also a few years older than her.

In other words, someone sent Bai Jinye's soul ahead of time.

These two things were done without anyone noticing at the beginning. It wasn't until many years later that the black robe knew vaguely about their reincarnation outside.

So in the Qiankun Temple, someone has been helping secretly all the time, or it may be the person who helped secretly, something happened that leaked their whereabouts.

What Pei Yi doesn't know, her father doesn't necessarily know.

After the people of Qiankun Temple die outside, they actually have no way to enter the underworld, because their names are not recorded by the underworld, and the underworld will not care about their souls.

It is also because of this that Bai Jinye went to the "Shen Minggong" lineage, so that she could establish contact with the underworld first, and leave her and Bai Jinye's names in the underworld, and then she can be in the underworld. Go to hell after death.

But Pei Yi's father is a real person from Qiankun Palace, and has no such connection with the underworld. That soul can neither return to Qiankun Palace nor the underworld.

With a great probability, it is still wandering in the world.

Pei Zimo looked at Pei Yi again, but these years, Pei Yi's life was not good, but her father never showed up.

It stands to reason that she should be her father's only concern in this world, and he never shows up unless there is another possibility.

Either the soul was detained by someone, or he hid himself, he was waiting for a suitable opportunity.

Pei Zimo pursed his lips, "Do you still remember your father's birthday?" If you can find her father's soul, maybe you can know the truth about some things.

Pei Yi nodded, took a piece of paper, and wrote down her birthday.

Pei Zimo looked up at the sky, the sun was already in the west, although this is not the best time to summon souls, but if Pei Yi's father is still there, with his technique, he should not be afraid of the sun.

She set up a formation in the yard.

Pei Yi looked at the formation and frowned slightly, "You want to summon your soul?"

"Yes." Pei Zimo nodded.

"But my father has been dead for so many years, and his soul has long since disappeared. It should be difficult to be recruited." Pei Yi pursed her lips.

"That's not necessarily the case." After Pei Zimo finished drawing the formation, he took a few steps back, took Pei Yi's hand, cut it and dripped blood on the birthday horoscope, and then threw the paper with the birthday horoscope in the middle of the formation.

The piece of paper fluttered in the center of the formation and kept spinning, but it didn't fall to the ground.

Pei Zimo stared at the piece of paper, and Pei Yi and Guiqing who were standing beside him knew that the fact that the piece of paper didn't fall on the ground proved that the soul was still there.

Pei Yi couldn't help but tighten her hands on the front of her clothes, that is to say, for so many years, her father's soul is still in this world and hasn't gone anywhere.

It's just that the paper has been spinning, and after spinning for a long time, there is no other movement.

Pei Yi pursed her lips, and couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "Could it be... being detained by someone, and now I'm trapped where I can't get out?"

Pei Zimo shook his head. If the soul is really trapped, it should be obvious from the formation, "Wait a little longer."

After waiting like this for almost an hour, the piece of paper suddenly caught fire, and was soon burned to ashes and fell to the ground.

At the same time as the ashes fell to the ground, a phantom appeared in the formation.

Pei Zimo breathed a sigh of relief, he was still there.

Although the phantom has not yet fully appeared, it can be seen clearly from the outline. Pei Yi couldn't help being excited, and took a few steps forward, "Dad, dad."

The phantom turned his face to Pei Yi's direction, but didn't move. After a while, the phantom's facial features were finally clear. He still looked at Pei Yi with a little bit of numbness on his face.

"Wait a minute." Pei Zimo said, "For so many years, I don't know what happened to him, maybe I need to give him time to slow down."

Xu Ying stood for a long time, and finally walked out of the formation slowly. He looked around blankly, stood in front of Pei Zimo and Gui Qing for a while, stared at them for a while, and finally stopped at Pei Yi's before.

After standing for almost a stick of incense, he raised his hand and gently stroked Pei Yi's head.

Although he couldn't really touch Pei Yi yet, after this look, his eyes finally had some light.

"Father, do you still remember me?" Pei Jian saw that he had some reactions, and asked quickly.

Pei Shuo opened his mouth, as if a certain name was on his lips, but he just couldn't remember it. After a while, he called out her name, "Ayi, is that you?"

Pei Yi's eyes were red, and she took a step forward, trying to hug Pei Shuo, but her hand passed through his body.

Pei Shuo did the same thing, he looked at his hands in a daze, and he remembered something after a while, and then his soul gradually materialized, this time he hugged Pei Yi, raised his hand and patted her gently "Ayi, how have you been all these years?"

"I'm... not bad." Pei Yi spoke but tears fell, she quickly raised her hand to wipe away the tears, as if she didn't want Pei Shuo to see them.

Pei Zimo looked at her and sighed softly. In fact, Pei Yi hasn't had a good life these years. He married Pei Song, but Pei Song didn't treat her sincerely at all. He gave birth to three children, but he was just like a Borrowing her belly and being born with memories doesn't count as a sense of belonging to this family.

As for Pei Zixuan and Pei Zijin, they were both born on the Island of Refuge, and their souls have long been taken back to the underworld.

Pei Yi can only be regarded as alone now.

If other people asked, she would probably just cover up her sadness.

But the person in front of her is her father, her closest relative, and now even the soul is her only relative.

People will always be more vulnerable in front of their parents, and they will be doubled if they are wronged.

So when Pei Shuo asked this question, Pei Yi couldn't stop crying.

"Let's go in and chat." Although Pei Zimo couldn't bear to interrupt their father-daughter reunion, he couldn't stand in this courtyard all the time, so he whispered.

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