The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 620 You Don't Care About These Things Anymore

Chihua paused while speaking, and then continued, "Especially since the lotus was suppressed in the underworld, it absorbs Kun Qi faster, and some imbalances have appeared in the Qiankun Palace."

Pei Zimo frowned lightly, "I went to Qiankun Palace last time and entered the ancestral hall. Inside the ancestral hall, I saw that the tree of life had branches and leaves beginning to wither. At that time, I thought it was because there were too many reincarnated souls on the tree of life. The tree of life began to wither because of insufficient nutrients, so according to what you said, it was because of the imbalance between dry energy and Kun energy in the Qiankun Temple that the life began to wither?"

"It can be said that." Chihua nodded, "If this continues, after the tree of life withers completely, only lotus flowers will remain in the Qiankun Palace, and it may become an existence with only Kun Qi, then... the Qiankun Palace is The second hell."

"If that's the case, all the people in Qiankun Palace may die." Pei Zimo said.

"That's right." Chihua sighed, "They have two lotus flowers, one in the underworld and one in the Qiankun Palace. After the lotus in the underworld absorbs the energy of Kun, it can be transferred to the one in the Qiankun Palace. , but this transformation should be very slow, so over the years, although there has been an imbalance, it has not completely reached the extreme."

"But year after year, sooner or later there will be such a day."

"After I arrived in the underworld, I was thinking about what to do, whether to find a way to destroy the lotus, or to find a way to destroy the Qiankun Palace."

"Actually, up to now, I have not made a definite choice. If there is no Kun Qi in Qiankun Palace, it will probably become a fairy world, but would it be a good thing to artificially create so many immortals?"

"I'm not sure either, so...or it would be a good choice to take all the people in Qiankun Palace away from Qiankun Palace, and then completely destroy this isolated place."

"But I don't know, if the lotus flower dies, will I still be alive, if the tree of life is dead, will the people of Qiankun Palace be alive?"

"If the people of the Qiankun Palace leave the Qiankun Palace and come outside, although they can live, what if they die? They can't reach the underworld, and their souls are wandering around the world."

"Unless the underworld is willing to accept all the souls and record them all."

"However, this has become my wishful thinking again. Those who live well in Qiankun Temple, let them leave their hometowns, and then experience the pain of reincarnation. Are they willing to accept it?"

Chi Hua smiled helplessly, "I'm probably too bored to be here alone, so I think of all kinds of possibilities."

"At that time, I was thinking about what to do, so I was in the underworld for many years, and I didn't do anything at the beginning. Then I met the Wufang Ghost Emperor, and they promised me that as long as I stayed in the underworld, they could Receive all the souls of Qiankun Temple."

"After that, I went back to Qiankun Palace. I thought I would pick a leaf from the tree of life and bring it back to the underworld to see if I could bring their souls to the underworld in this way."

"But because I was born of a lotus, the ancestral hall of the Qiankun Palace isolated me. When I went back that time, what I wanted to do was not done, but I found that the lotus was doing evil again, and the number of people in the Qiankun Palace dropped sharply."

"So I thought, I need someone to help. This person can enter and leave the ancestral hall, pick off the leaves from the tree of life, and can also enter and leave the underworld, and then bring those leaves back to the underworld."

"At first I was looking for your father, but he had too many worries at the time and didn't directly agree to this matter."

"Later, it was your mother who found me. She said that the Qiankun Palace is in such a state now that it cannot be broken or erected, but your father has ruled the Qiankun Palace for so many years. If you let him completely destroy the Qiankun Palace, I am afraid he really can't do it. Arrived. But you are different, so she suggested to me, let you do this."

"It's just that I have to promise her that you will survive."

Chihua sighed, "Some things are easy to say, but not so easy to do. My plan from the beginning was to let you leave the Qiankun Palace, and then I will find someone from the underworld to take your soul Write it down, so you can come to the underworld, but then you have to die once."

"After you leave the Qiankun Palace, the royal clan in the Qiankun Temple will have no leader, and will probably be slaughtered by the Wu Clan soon, but it is impossible for the lotus to stop just because the royal family died. In its eyes, the royal family and the Wu Clan They are all the same, they are all descendants of the tree of life, and sooner or later it will kill them all."

"At that time, as long as there is someone who goes to the Qiankun Palace and takes away all the leaves on the tree of life, then only the lotus and the tree of life will be left in the Qiankun Palace, and the souls of the people in the Qiankun Palace will go to the underworld, even if the tree of life is gone, yes They shouldn't have any effect."

Pei Zimo pursed his lips slightly, "You also said yes, can you guarantee it?"

Chihua shook his head, "But I don't have a better way."

"And the Qiankun Palace is not just those ordinary people." Pei Zimo said, "There are also strange beasts in the Qiankun Palace. Those strange beasts are now expelled to a mountain. Although they never go down the mountain, they also have spiritual wisdom. If they don't Restricted by the tree of life, they can be released directly from the Qiankun Temple, but after they are released, they must find a habitat for them, and they must be able to ensure that they will not harm people."

"People are almost out of concern, how can they care about beasts?" Chi Hua sighed.

"What if..." Pei Zimo frowned, and asked, "What if we open all the passages in the Qiankun Palace and connect it to the human world? Gan Qi and Kun Qi are equivalent to turning the Palace of Qian Kun into a part of the human world?"

Chihua shook his head, "Naturally formed passages have a limited time to appear, and artificially opened passages have to be supported by magic techniques, how long can they last?"

"My current thinking is, you go back to the Qiankun Palace first, and you can bring out as many souls as you can. First solve part of it, if it really doesn't work, you can only discard the rest."

Pei Zimo bit his lower lip, but did not speak.

"Master, how can I help?" the old monk asked quickly.

Chi Hua sighed, "After I created the Nine Star Immortal Destroyer Formation, although I could open the passage to the underworld, if the nine soul spells were not enough, it would be absolutely impossible to send me to the underworld, and I was helpless Your nine juniors have taken action. Now they have been reincarnated several times, and they all have their own lives. As for you..." He raised his hand and patted the old monk's shoulder, "You have already left the trap, don't Take care of these things."

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