The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 637 I'm afraid I have to go to the ancestral hall again

"From the moment we met the master, he has been helping us almost all the time. Although we gave him some things he wanted and rescued him from the trap, he also accepted Ah Heng as his apprentice. It should not harm us." Bai Jinye thought for a while and said again.

Pei Zimo nodded, "But before, Pei Shuo told me that only people with royal blood can open the gate of the ancestral hall. Otherwise, even if you have a hairpin and blood lotus crystal dew, you won't be able to open the gate."

"Right now, those with royal blood..."

She said this and stopped.

Right now, she is not the only one with royal blood.

She already had children, and both sons and daughters were considered to be of royal blood.

Even if she died, as long as the old monk brought Bai Yiheng back, he could still enter the ancestral hall and pour the potion at the root of the tree of life.

When she said this, Bai Jinye naturally understood what she meant, "If we all disappear, what did the master say to Ah Heng, he will indeed come with him and open the door for him."

Pei Zimo sighed softly, "Actually, there is still one thing I can't figure out."

"According to what Chihua said, there was no ancestral hall at the beginning. Outside the tree of life, there was no such a large wall at all. It and the lotus grow in the open air."

"It wasn't until Chihua and Lianhua left Qiankun Palace that the ancestral hall existed."

"The appearance of the ancestral hall is very strange. I don't know if it is the tree of life to protect itself."

"But the way to open the ancestral hall is even more strange. It needs the hairpin and the blood lotus crystal dew together."

"At that time, the relationship between the tree of life and the lotus had become very bad. Why did it use the blood lotus crystal dew to open its own door?"

"It's a pity that this incident was not painted on the mural." Bai Jinye said.

Pei Zimo frowned, "Is there anything around the tree of life on that mural?"

Bai Jinye thought for a while, then shook his head, "It seems that there is not, and it does not show the existence of the ancestral hall."

"Yes, in all the scenes showing the tree of life, there is nothing around it, and there is no gate of the ancestral hall." Pei Zimo pursed his lips, "Because we knew the existence of the ancestral hall first, we assumed that the tree of life was in Inside the ancestral hall, but the ancestral hall is not actually drawn on the painting.”

"Unless the ancestral hall was not made by the tree of life at all."

"It's... Chihua."

Pei Zimo guessed, and opened his eyes slightly, "I just mentioned that the hairpin was in the hands of the empress, but the old monk passed the hairpin from the empress."

"I never told him what that hairpin looks like. You have seen that hairpin too. Before it touched the blood lotus crystal dew, the hairpin was ordinary and nothing could be seen. Moreover, the empress's body was full of hair. Maybe there is only one hairpin, how can the old monk be sure that the hairpin he sent along is correct?"

"Unless he has seen that hairpin, or what kind of aura emanates from that hairpin, we can't feel it, but the old monk can feel it."

"If you say that, some things may make sense."

"In fact, Chihua should have returned to the Qiankun Temple a long time ago. At that time, the lotus was no longer in the Qiankun Temple. He used some method to build the ancestral hall, surrounded the tree of life in the ancestral hall, and then put the people who entered the ancestral hall into the temple. The method is taught to the people of the royal family, and the blood lotus crystal dew must be used."

"Even if the two lotus flowers are not in the Qiankun Palace, the royal family must raise the blood lotus to get the blood lotus crystal dew. In this way, the blood lotus will not completely disappear in the Qiankun Palace."

"I don't know if that ancestral hall will block the tree of life from absorbing dry energy. If it can block the tree of life from absorbing dry energy, it is actually limiting the ability of the tree of life."

"It can't absorb dry air, but it has to continuously deliver nutrients to the lotus, and it will only be sucked dry by the lotus in the end."

"If Chihua wanted to help the lotus destroy the tree of life, then the tree of life should know about it, so it showed us what will happen in the future on the mural, but didn't let the master see it."

"The master is Chihua's apprentice, and the tree of life should be able to feel Chihua's breath on him."

"Could this be the way the tree of life communicates with the members of the royal family?" Pei Zimo continued in a low voice, "The royal family has relied on the tree of life from the very beginning, so there must be a way for them to communicate, just like before the lotus in the witch When they are in the forbidden area of ​​the clan, they will use cloud script to communicate with the people of the Wu clan."

"But Chihua did this. Although the tree of life was wiped out, the lotus flower also disappeared." Bai Jinye continued, "He clearly wants the lotus flower and the tree of life to die together. What good does it do him?"

"If it's not good, he shouldn't have been hiding in the underworld for so many years, and he didn't even dare to let the lotus flower in the underworld know that he is in the underworld." Pei Zimo pursed his lips, "He said before that his skills have not changed for many years , It was after the lotus flower arrived in the underworld that his skills began to improve."

"Could it be that he went to the underworld because of Kun Qi? The lotus flower is in the underworld and can absorb Kun Qi for cultivation. He came from the lotus, so it can also absorb Kun Qi."

"And Chihua said that when he found my father and queen mother, he said that he hoped that someone could help him, and then we had our reincarnation outside the Qiankun Palace."

"But according to what the Wufang Ghost Emperor and the old monk revealed, there were actually some people who were doing this before me, but none of them made it to the end."

"Some of them have been to the underworld once, but failed to go a second time. Since they didn't go a second time and have ours this time, it proves that those people are no longer alive."

"Then why didn't Chihua mention their existence? If he really wanted to achieve a certain goal, he should tell me the experience of those people's failures, otherwise I would go the wrong way, and wouldn't it be a waste of many years time?"

"Then where should we find the answers to these questions now?" Bai Jinye narrowed his eyes.

Pei Zimo saw that there were fewer and fewer people in the square, and after thinking for a while, he whispered, "I'm afraid we have to go to the ancestral hall again, since the tree of life has a way to communicate with us, then we should find a way to communicate. "

"Even if they each say their own things, but if we summarize the information, we can probably piece together something."

"Okay." Bai Jinye nodded, "When they all leave the Qiankun Palace, we will go to the ancestral hall again, but, the master's side..."

"Let's find a way to avoid him." Pei Zimo said after a pause, "We can let Han Yu entangle him, anyway, they all like delicious food."

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