The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 652 There Are Still Many Ordinary People in This World

Before leaving Qiankun Palace, Pei Zimo told Bai Jinye about Concubine Zhang.

She didn't know when she left here before, and she didn't know what it was like when she left here, so she didn't mention it.

After hearing this, Bai Jinye's expression was a little hesitant.

Although she knew the ending of Concubine Zhang for a long time, but hearing it suddenly, it was still a little hard to accept for a while.

"However, when we go to the underworld this time, if Concubine Zhang has not been reincarnated, maybe you can meet again." Pei Zimo said again.

Bai Jinye hesitated for a moment, and just said, "If you can see it, you can just take a look from a distance."

"Actually, after she enters the underworld and before she reincarnates to drink Mengpo soup, she should remember everything." Pei Zimo said again, "When she was alive, she didn't see anyone because she forgot everything. Wait for her to remember everything." Remember..."

Bai Jinye still shook his head.

It is inconvenient for Pei Zimo to say more about this matter.

In the memory of their many reincarnations, this life is just one of them.

Besides, Concubine Zhang is not Bai Jinye's biological mother, even if Concubine Zhang thinks of everything, remembering the emperor's love for her before she became a flesh corpse, the emperor's avoidance of her after she became a flesh corpse, and the many years of imprisonment , I probably don't feel that there is anything to miss in this life.

To get rid of this life early and start a new life is the best ending for her.

This time their time in Qiankun Palace was mainly spent waiting for Xie Zhilin to gather the people of Qiankun Palace, and when they came out, a little more than two years had passed outside.

Bai Yiheng's character has grown a bit taller.

Ever since Guiqing came out, and then the people of Qiankun Hall came out, he had been looking forward to Pei Zimo, Bai Jinye and the old monk coming out.

Although Guiqing kept reassuring him that nothing would happen, he was still worried.

After so many years, Bai Jinye saw his son for the first time, and it was also the first time he saw his daughter, so standing there watching the big and small, he was a little at a loss.

Pei Zimo bent down to pick up his daughter. As for the relationship between Bai Jinye and Bai Yiheng, it was up to them.

Guiqing came back earlier, so Pei Zimo also asked him what happened during this period.

He said that there are not many people in Beiming Kingdom, and with the addition of people from Qiankun Palace, Beiming Kingdom is now bustling, and after this period of time, the people in Qiankun Palace have basically adapted to life here.

Beiming Kingdom still respects Yuan Che, and Xie Zhilin will help him deal with everything.

Although Yuan Che was the emperor in the past, Beiming Kingdom had too few countries to deal with, so he was really busy now.

Guiqing also gave the roster to King Qin Guang, as well as the bag of souls. He said that King Qin Guang had nothing unusual at the time. After taking the roster and souls away, he probably asked about the Qiankun Palace and didn't say anything else. Things, and never came to him again.

Pei Zimo also knew that even if King Qin Guang discovered the abnormality of those souls, he would not come to Guiqing.

Guiqing is just a messenger, since they know that they are still in the Qiankun Palace, it is useless to come to Guiqing.

She nodded slightly before asking, "Then, during this period of time, did any of the people in Qiankun Palace die?"

"Probably not." Guiqing shook his head, "I also told Xie Zhilin that although the roster has been given to the underworld, I don't know how long it will take for the underworld to handle this matter, so if you find out that there is a Qiankun Palace When a person dies, he must tell me immediately, so we can record it and check with the underworld in the future, but Xie Zhilin has never told me, probably not."

"It's probably because we are still in the Qiankun Palace and haven't come back, so although the roster has been given to the underworld, they haven't officially recorded the people from the Qiankun Palace into the underworld." Pei Zimo whispered.

The little girl was playing with a lock of Pei Zimo's hair in her hands, and then she understood, "Uncle Guiqing, is this my mother?"

Gui Qing nodded, and raised his hand to stroke the little girl's head.

"What about my father?" the little girl asked again.

Pei Zimo had no choice but to put her down, "Your father is with your brother."

As she spoke, she turned her head and took a look. The one big and one small were still standing there, as if they were staring blankly, so she asked her daughter to come to the rescue, "Go and find your father."

The little girl immediately ran over with short legs.

When she was far away, Guiqing sighed softly, "I don't know if there is something wrong with her soul, she seems to be unable to practice spells."

Pei Zimo frowned and turned to look at Guiqing.

"Pei Shuo, Pei Yi, and Ah Heng all tried it, but it didn't work." Guiqing continued, "The soul was brought by the master at that time, so I may have to ask him again."

Pei Zimo nodded before asking again, "We were in a hurry to leave at that time, and we haven't given her a name yet."

"Qing Huan." Guiqing said, "Pei Shuo gave her the name. When I named it, that is to say, it was just called temporarily. If you don't like it when you come back, you can choose your own name."

"Very good." Pei Zimo smiled, "Anyway, it's more reliable than the master's name."

"What's wrong with my name?" The old monk came over with a flower pot in his arms, and gave Pei Zimo a dissatisfied look, "It's good to give this name for nothing, but if I were to name this little girl, I would call her... ..."

"No need, no need." Pei Zimo hurriedly interrupted him, "I already have a name, so don't bother Master."

"White sugar." The old monk continued, "How is it? Isn't this name very sweet?"

Pei Zimo didn't want to discuss the name with the old monk anymore, so he asked about the soul.

The old monk blinked his eyes and thought for a while, "Isn't it good to know magic skills? I just want to be an ordinary person, but we can't be ordinary people anymore, so let this little girl live an ordinary life. Okay?"

Pei Zimo pursed her lower lip lightly. An ordinary person means that when she grows up, she will get sick and get old. If nothing happens, she will leave this world before all of them.

The old monk turned his head and glanced at Pei Zimo, "After all, there are still many ordinary people in this world. Don't think that everyone is the same just because of the way you walk."

Pei Zimo nodded, "What the master said is true, but sometimes I am afraid that I am not as transparent as the master."

"That is, if you are clear about everything, you will be the one who becomes a Buddha and an immortal." The old monk snorted softly, and walked away holding the flower pot.

Guiqing looked at the flowerpot, and couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Is that... the lotus flower in Qiankun Palace?"

Pei Zimo also briefly told him about the Qiankun Palace.

"I thought everything would be settled in Qiankun Palace this time, but I didn't expect there would be a tail." Guiqing sighed.

"Yes, the biggest tail." Pei Zimo shook his head, turned and walked forward.

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