Pei Zimo turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by the wheel-running king.

He stood in front of Pei Zimo, staring at her closely, "It seems that you know a lot more than us."

Pei Zimo pursed his lower lip, but did not speak.

Zhuanlun Wang didn't have much patience, but he still half persuaded and half threatened, "It's best to solve this matter before it becomes a big problem, or when it can't be ended, everyone related to this matter will probably have to kill you." Being implicated, including you and those around you."

Pei Zimo frowned slightly, looked in the direction of the Shura clan, paused for a while, and then said, "If I'm not wrong, Chihua has helpers."

"Who?" The Wheel-Turning King asked.

"If you want to know, come with me." Pei Zimo said and walked forward.

King Zhuanlun hesitated for a moment before following him, then turned his head to look at King Qin Guang, "You stay in your palace, don't go anywhere, and when the matter is resolved, we will find a way to get in touch with his love for you." control."

Pei Zimo took the Wheel-Running King out for a long time before he said, "Even if he stays where he is, Chihua wants to control him, and he can come out."

"That's not necessarily the case. The ten palaces of Hades are protected by heaven and earth. If Chihua wants to make trouble in the palace of Hades, that's not the right choice." Zhuanlun Wang looked at the direction they were walking, and frowned slightly. , but did not ask too much.

When they returned to the place where Bai Jinye and Han Yu stayed before, Han Yu was still there, but Bai Jinye didn't know where he had gone.

Pei Zimo hurried forward to inquire.

Han Yu raised his finger and pointed in one direction, "He went there, a soul came out just now, that soul seemed to sense our presence, Bai Jinye said he was going to lure that soul away, and he would come back in a while, already Been gone for a while, should be back soon."

Pei Zimo glanced in that direction, frowned, and then turned to look at Zhuanlun Wang, "You should also know that the souls in this Soul Refining Valley are all thrown in by the underworld. Let Shura go in to hunt people, but you should be able to feel it now, in the land of Shura, there are many souls with high cultivation levels, and they are not in the Soul Refining Valley, right?"

In fact, Pei Zimo didn't need to say this, the King of Wheels already felt it.

He narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of Soul Refining Valley, and snorted coldly. After all, this is a matter of the underworld. He didn't want to tell Pei Zimo more, but just looked at Han Yu, "Where did this little Shura escape from?"

Han Yu quickly hid behind Pei Zimo, "I didn't just come out of Soul Refining Valley."

The Wheel-Running King looked at him for a while, with clear eyes, "Oh, I heard that King Shura once lost a silly son, so it couldn't be you?"

"You're stupid." Han Yu couldn't help but reply.

Zhuanlun Wang didn't want to be as knowledgeable as Han Yu, he thought for a while, and then said, "The soul is under the jurisdiction of the underworld, and those who are thrown into the Soul Refining Valley should have lost their souls long ago. Even if they escape from the Soul Refining Valley, this kind of ending is inevitable. Soul, I will find someone to deal with it, but the remaining matters of the Shura clan..."

"The Shura clan and the underworld have not interfered with the river water for so many years." Pei Zimo took his words, "As long as there are no such souls, the affairs of the Shura clan will be resolved by themselves." She said and glanced at Han Yu, indicating that manner.

Zhuanlun Wang nodded his head lightly, looked at Han Yu again, and seemed to be talking to himself, "It's better to be a fool than a ruthless person." After speaking, he turned and left without stopping.

Looking at the back of him leaving, Han Yu was full of anger, "Who is this person? Can he talk? Is there such a thing as opening and shutting up and saying that others are fools?"

As soon as Han Yu's words fell, Bai Jinye hurried back, and he only saw the back of the wheel-running king leaving, so he asked through Han Yu's words, "Who is that?"

"The King of Wheels." Pei Zimo sighed as he spoke, and briefly explained what happened just now, "Let's solve it one by one. King Shura should know that even if he takes those souls out of Soul Refining Valley If you fish them out, as long as there are a few ghost messengers from the underworld, you can easily subdue those souls."

"So those souls are definitely not used to fight against the underworld, but he must do this kind of thing behind his back because of greater interests. I suspect it has something to do with Chihua."

Pei Zimo said and sat down where he was, "Let's wait a bit, wait for the Wheel-Turning King to send someone over to take away the soul, and then we'll do it."

Han Yu picked up the stone and looked towards the Asura boundary, "Will someone discover us?"

"I led that soul to the Naihe Bridge just now." Bai Jinye said, "Grandma Meng should have found him. I don't know if Granny Meng will care."

"She doesn't care, but there are a lot of ghosts nearby. As long as the ghosts see a soul of unknown origin, they will take care of it." Pei Zimo replied, "But how can that soul find you? It stands to reason that you only need to hide your breath. Shouldn't have been discovered."

Speaking of this, Han Yu scratched his head, and sat down leaning against the stone with some embarrassment, "I just accidentally... I waited for you for a long time and you didn't come back. I wanted to sneak over to take a look, but I happened to bump into that The spirit seems to be patrolling..."

"He probably didn't notify the others, otherwise he wouldn't have come out alone." Bai Jinye sighed and looked at Han Yu helplessly.

"So, what the Wheel-Turning King said just now is indeed correct." Pei Zimo also sighed, raised his hand and patted Han Yu's shoulder, "You are still young, you need to practice and practice."

While talking, a group of ghost messengers came not far away.

The leading ghost messenger is very familiar, it is the one who just told Pei Zimo that King Qin Guang is in the side hall.

Obviously, it was sent by the wheel-turning king to subdue those souls.

The ghost messenger looked sideways at Pei Zimo and the others, ignored them, and walked straight to the territory of the Shura clan.

"Huh?" Bai Jinye frowned slightly, "I don't know if I felt a ghost approaching, and the aura of those souls seems to have disappeared."

After he finished speaking, the footsteps of the ghost messenger who had already walked forward for a while also stopped.

These ghost messengers are more sensitive to the breath of the soul because of their accusations. They should have felt the breath of the soul just now, but after walking a few steps, the breath of the soul disappeared, so they stopped moving forward.

"The Shura clan probably doesn't have such a formation." Pei Zimo narrowed his eyes slightly, "I'm afraid it's the hidden lotus space. Chihua must have created the hidden lotus space here. When ghosts come over, they will kill those souls." Hiding, as long as there is no breath, and ghosts cannot enter the hidden lotus space, there is nothing you can do. It seems that we have to help."

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