"My master went to help his master with some errands, and it has been almost hundreds of years since he went there. He almost forgot about it when he was busy, and he vaguely remembered it when he passed by there later. something, so I decided to go and have a look.”

"It was only when I arrived that I realized that the village had long since disappeared, and after hundreds of years, there wasn't even a single trace left."

"However, he vaguely remembered that it wasn't just that one village nearby. He searched for a long time, but he couldn't find any people."

"He could only go further, and finally came to a town. He inquired about the village with the people in the town, but it was too long ago, and only older people had vaguely heard of the village before. There seem to be villages nearby, but as for where the people in those villages went and what happened to those villages, no one knows."

"While he was walking around the town, he suddenly met an acquaintance, the person whose soul was put together."

"It stands to reason that he should have died a long time ago, but after hundreds of years, he is still alive, and he looks less than 30 years old."

"My master went up to talk to him, but the man was very vigilant. He probably heard that my master was inquiring about those villages, so he wanted to move out overnight."

"My master blocked him on his way out, but in fact, that person didn't know what was going on in his heart. He still had no memory of his previous life, but he knew that people around him would always die. At first, they were relatives and friends. Then it was the neighbors, and then it was the people closest to him."

"He doesn't know why he won't age or die, so every once in a while, he has to move and live in another place."

"In this way, no one will find out his secret, even if a few people around him die, no one will find out the abnormality."

"But when he heard my master inquire about the old villages, he felt something was wrong, so he wanted to run away."

"My master couldn't find anything from him, but because so many people had died in this incident, he couldn't ignore it anymore, so he pulled out the soul of that person, untied the formation on his soul, and the rest His soul dissipated, leaving only the heavenly soul, and my master understood what was going on."

"It turns out that no one helped this soul, and he didn't reincarnate through the underworld, but after gathering all the souls, he found a fetus, set up a formation on that fetus, and when the fetus was born, the formation on the fetus , and the formation on the soul will interact with each other, and the fetus will absorb the soul and imprison the soul in its own body."

"It's just that there is a loophole in this formation, that is, after the soul is imprisoned, affected by the fetus, the soul will not remember all the previous things."

"But for that heavenly soul, as long as it can survive, it is possible to continue to practice. He hopes that in this body, the three souls and seven souls can really fuse and become one, so that even if they leave this body in the future, the three The seven souls will not dissipate again."

"However, after so many years, until his soul was drawn out by my master, the three souls and seven souls have not really merged, which proves that this road is simply not feasible."

"And there is a huge loophole in this formation, that is, every ten years, souls are needed to stabilize the formation. The longer people get along with this formation, the better the effect of stabilizing the formation."

"So in the beginning, when that person's side, such as his parents died, the living souls of the two people can stabilize the formation for the next ten years, but after the next ten years, there will be no one who is particularly close, and the other A person's living soul may need four or eight."

"When there are no familiar people around him at all, then he will absorb living souls according to the distance from him. Living souls that have nothing to do with the formation may need a dozen, twenty, or even hundreds. "

"In the past few hundred years, every ten years, many people died innocently because of him. In fact, the people in the first few villages died, and only he was left, but what did he do? I don’t remember, and I don’t know what happened, so I can only move.”

"After moving, the people around him will still die. He can only think that his fate is too hard to kill everyone around him."

"Later, he also began to suspect that he would never die, whether it was because the people around him died and transferred their life span to him."

"It wasn't until his three souls and seven souls were separated again that these questions were answered, but he didn't feel guilty about them. After all, at the very beginning, when he tried to fuse the souls, he had already killed many innocent people. people."

"Things have already happened, and my master can only destroy his heavenly soul in the end, and finish this matter."

"My master said that he also encountered this once."

"It was because when I was five or six years old, I once met an incomplete soul and asked my master if he could use any method to make up his soul. My master told me about this matter, which made me thousands of years old. Don't think about extracting other people's souls to supplement this soul."

"The soul is incomplete, and it must be nourished by the treasures of heaven and earth, or it can be supplemented by one's own spells. The other methods are all heresy."

Bai Yiheng pursed his lower lip slightly before asking in a low voice, "Mother, Ni Xuetang's parents died when she was ten years old, right?"

Pei Zimo sighed softly, "I didn't see the abnormality of her soul, I just saw that when she was ten years old, there was a murder, which might affect the people around her. Originally, your father and I planned to kill her first. Put her in the foster care of the Ni family, and wait for her to be ten years old before taking her away or coming back to find a way to help her resolve the murder."

"It's just that we were in the Qiankun Palace at the time, and when we came out, 12 years had passed, and her murder had already passed."

"I didn't expect her murder to be like this." Pei Zimo frowned, "That is to say, every ten years in the future, someone around her will die because of her, unless..."

"Unless she died." Bai Jinye said, "This matter may not have nothing to do with Pei Zijin."

"Although Pei Zijin died a long time ago, it is not impossible to know the reason... According to the arrangement of the underworld for the souls of the island, they should all be tortured somewhere in the underworld." Pei Zimo frowned, "I want to know the reason You can ask, but right now we need to solve Ni Xuetang's matter first."

She said and looked at Bai Yiheng, "We can't see the formation on her soul. If you take her soul out of her body, can you break the formation?"

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