Hearing what Bai Fengyu said, Bai Jinye and Pei Zimo looked at each other before asking, "What happened?"

"It's not that something happened, it's just that my body is really weak recently, I'm afraid that if one day I close my eyes and I can't see you again before I die, I will be very regretful." Bai Fengyu laughed, and then He said again, "I'm just going to come and see you today. After you have a good rest for a few days and enter the palace, let's have a good chat."

Naturally, Bai Jinye didn't believe Bai Fengyu's excuse, and just said, "Brother Huang, if you have anything to say, just speak up, there's no need to go round and round."

Bai Fengyu waved his hands as before, but didn't say anything.

He just sat for a while, then got up to leave, and before leaving, he invited Bai Jinye and Pei Zimo to come to the palace for a banquet in a few days.

After sending Bai Fengyu away, Bai Jinye asked Zuo Ci if anything happened in Beijing and the palace recently.

Zuo Ci thought for a while, three years ago Pei Zimo and Bai Fengyu met in Fuzhou, if there was anything before that, Bai Fengyu must have told Pei Zimo, so he focused on what happened after they separated from Fuzhou .

At that time, on their way back to Beijing from Fuzhou, there was a heavy rain one day, and the first prince's horse was frightened. In order to save the first prince, the second prince rolled down the hillside and broke a leg.

Later, although the leg injury healed, he became lame.

According to the rules of the Tianfeng Kingdom, the emperor naturally cannot have any external illnesses. In this way, the second prince almost lost the qualification to compete for the throne.

Although when he was in Fuzhou, Bai Fengyu had already made the decision to establish the eldest son of the emperor, and he originally wanted to wait until he returned to the capital to make an order. In this way, there would be no suspense about the position of the crown prince.

Because of this, the second prince was silent for a while, but the eldest prince himself was honest and went to visit the second prince every day. The relationship between the two brothers was also strengthened because of this incident.

Bai Fengyu was afraid that the second prince would give up on himself because of this, so the imperial decree to establish the prince was delayed.

If you become a cripple, you may feel inferior. At this time, the crown prince was suddenly established, as if it was obvious that he was told that he lost the qualification to compete for the crown prince because of his physical disability.

Bai Fengyu regretted it even more at that time, he didn't have a concubine in the harem, and the eldest prince was the eldest son, so he should have been made the crown prince, if he hadn't delayed for so many years, he wouldn't be in the current situation.

In the end, the empress had a talk with the second prince, and the second prince went to find Bai Fengyu again.

Not long after, Bai Fengyu appointed the eldest prince as the crown prince.

Nowadays, Bai Fengyu occasionally goes on tours, and he always takes the second prince with him, leaving the eldest prince to supervise the country in Beijing.

The first prince also felt that it was because of his second prince that he became like this, so he worked harder and gradually became enlightened. Compared with the honest and honest first prince before, the present prince is more and more like a wise king.

Now the prince is able to help Bai Fengyu share a lot of things. In fact, everything in Tianfeng Kingdom is on the right track, and it is far less tiring than it was in previous years.

Bai Fengyu probably also has the heart to abdicate, he wants to give up this position earlier, and he can also take his queen around, indulge in the mountains and rivers, and no longer be tired of everything.

So Zuo Ci really didn't know what Bai Fengyu meant.

Pei Zimo chuckled lightly, sighed, and looked at Bai Jinye with a hint of teasing in his eyes.

Bai Jinye knew what she saw. It stands to reason that his current skill level is higher than hers. If she can see it, he can also see it.

He thought about it carefully before realizing something, "Brother Huang seemed to have a trace of black air just now, but the black air was faintly visible and not very clear. If there is anything, it should have nothing to do with him."

"Indeed." Pei Zimo finally opened his mouth, "It should be something happened in the palace, but it's either not serious, or he doesn't take it seriously, so although he wants to solve it, he is not in such a hurry."

Hearing Pei Zimo say this, Zuo Ci suddenly thought of something, "By the way, two or three months ago, the queen mother said that she dreamed of the first emperor, and she said that the first emperor looked ragged, holding her hand and crying bitterly. Woke up After that, the Empress Dowager will go to the Imperial Mausoleum. It was not until a month ago that the arrangements were made, and the Emperor sent someone to send the Empress Dowager to the Imperial Mausoleum."

"The empress dowager stayed at the imperial mausoleum for three days. After seeing the first emperor, she insisted on seeing King Heng."

"Then for some reason, I went around to the Emperor Zu's side, saying that I saw that the imperial tomb over there seemed to have been moved, that it might have been robbed, and asked the emperor to quickly send someone to investigate."

Zuo Ci said and looked at Pei Zimo, "Emperor Zu's bones were indeed removed and buried in other places three years ago, but I was responsible for this matter at the time. After we removed the bones, we checked them out. All traces of it have been erased, and it is impossible to be seen."

"The emperor said that it was the empress dowager who might have misread it, and sent a few confidantes to check it out. After checking, he said that the imperial tomb had not been touched, but I heard that the empress dowager still made trouble a few times."

"No one knew about this. After the array formation was completed, the emperor personally inspected it and confirmed that it is basically impossible for the imperial tombs to be seen to have been moved. Besides, it has been nearly three years since the array formation was completed. The Queen Mother How can it be possible to see that the imperial mausoleum has been disturbed from a distance of paying homage?"

"The emperor can only say that the empress dowager is thinking about her child becoming ill, and let the empress dowager rest in the palace."

"I don't know much about the following things. Anyway, it seems that the Queen Mother's side is not too quiet."

"Really?" Pei Zimo raised his hand to count, "It seems that someone who died suddenly is causing trouble."

Bai Jinye frowned slightly, "You mean Bai Lihan and Bai Yuheng?"

Pei Zimo nodded, "But it's quite strange. They have been dead for so many years and have lived together peacefully. Why have they started to make trouble recently?"

She squinted her eyes as she said that, two or three months ago, did it have anything to do with what happened in the underworld?
"Wait to go to the palace to take a look in these two days." Bai Jinye raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows, "I really can't stop dying."

Zuo Ci and Bai Jinye chatted for a while, seeing that it was about the same time, they said they would go and see how the dinner preparations were going.

After he left, Pei Zimo looked at Bai Jinye, "I thought you would notice the abnormality in Bai Fengyu the first time you saw him."

Bai Jinye frowned slightly, his eyes flickered, "I really didn't think of this."

Pei Zimo looked at him, looked away, and said after a while, "Just like what you said to Bai Fengyu just now, if you have anything, you should also tell me in time."

Bai Jinye nodded, "Don't worry, if something happens, I won't keep it from you."

Pei Zimo didn't speak any more.

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