The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 693 One Person Is Different From Others

Both Bai Jinye and Bai Fengyu had a vague impression of Concubine Zhao, and Concubine Zhao couldn't recognize the two brothers now, she stopped in front of them with a dazed look on her face.

Bai Fengyu coughed lightly, and called her, "Concubine Zhao."

This address seemed to pull Concubine Zhao out of the void, evoking countless memories in her, and gradually there were expressions on her dull face, with joy, pain, and sadness... After a while, she murmured He said, "Your Majesty."

But this title is obviously not for Bai Fengyu, but for the former emperor.

"Father has passed away for many years." Bai Fengyu continued.

Only then did Concubine Zhao focus on Bai Fengyu's voice, she could naturally see traces of the former emperor from between his brows and eyes, she probably thought about it for a while, and asked tentatively, "Are you the eldest prince Bai Lihan?"

"He also passed away a few years ago, I am the third prince." Bai Fengyu replied.

Concubine Zhao nodded lightly, "You are actually the emperor."

But after all, she has been dead for many years. Everything in the world has nothing to do with her, and she has no heirs alive, so she doesn't care who becomes the emperor.

"What are you looking for me for?" Concubine Zhao asked.

"I'm ashamed to say that after the flood in Zhaochun Palace, my father has been trying to find out the truth about the leak, but after many years of investigation, I found nothing. This incident has become my father's heart disease. I also want to fulfill my father's last wish. I just came to you, and I wanted to ask you if you knew anything about what happened back then." Bai Fengyu asked directly.

Concubine Zhao frowned, she looked around, "Is this Zhaochun Palace?"

"Zhaochun Palace has been destroyed in the fire." Bai Fengyu spoke nonsense, "The Buddhist hall was rebuilt here, and eminent monks were invited to recite the Buddha, also to pray for those who died in the fire."

"Really?" Concubine Zhao didn't say she believed it or said she didn't believe it, but a few traces of pain flashed across her face, and she asked after a while, "How did your father... how did he die? How did he live in those years?" Okay?"

"Father is worried about state affairs, overworked and sick, and he doesn't care about his body too much. Before he is fifty, he can't get sick." Bai Fengyu sighed, if their father hadn't died early, they wouldn't have Passing the throne to Bai Lihan so early made Tianfeng Nation suffer prematurely from him and Bai Yuheng.

Bai Fengyu opened his mouth, and wanted to ask if they didn't meet each other in the underworld, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back. If he had met, Concubine Zhao would definitely not have asked such a question. Obviously, even if these two people They are all in the underworld, and there is no chance to see each other again.

Concubine Zhao's expression was a little dazed, and she came to her senses after a while, "It's been so many years, and most of the people from back then are probably not alive, so what's the point of pursuing it?"

"But we recently learned that the fire that year may have been involved in other things. In addition, the former emperor recently gave the emperor a dream, blaming the emperor for not catching the murderer so far. It is indeed a last resort to recruit you." This time It was Pei Zimo who spoke.

Concubine Zhao glanced at Pei Zimo, and did not ask her identity. After all, for a concubine, most of the women who appeared in the palace were concubines. "I really don't know who wants to harm me."

"But whether you have a grudge in the harem, you should know better than anyone else." Pei Zimo continued.

"Heh." Concubine Zhao chuckled lightly, "Back then, the former emperor favored me alone, so the people in the harem should all hate me."

"That's not necessarily the case." Pei Zimo looked at her, "You have never had any heirs. Even if you are favored by the late emperor, you will not be a threat to anyone. The favor of the late emperor is important, but the most important thing is someone else's. Can the son inherit the throne?"

Only then did Concubine Zhao take a careful look at Pei Zimo, "If you say so, then no one in the harem hates me, but there is one person who is different from the others."

Bai Jinye frowned slightly, "You mean...the Queen Mother?"

The queen mother he was talking about was not the one who went crazy a few days ago, but their imperial grandmother, the mother of the late emperor.

Concubine Zhao didn't admit it this time, nor did she deny it.

In her heart, although she didn't know who the person who set the fire was, she actually had speculations.

It's just that she has been dead for so many years and doesn't know much about the world, so she can't say some things very bluntly.

Bai Jinye and Bai Fengyu looked at each other, their imperial grandmother's health was not very good, when they were young, they would occasionally go to the imperial grandmother's palace to pay their respects, and they could always smell all kinds of traditional Chinese medicine.

They really didn't like going to her temple then because she was either coughing or taking medicine.

Later, when they grew up, they realized that when the emperor's grandmother was young, she had accompanied the emperor's grandfather on the battlefield, and blocked an arrow for the emperor's grandfather. Although she saved her life, she also suffered from the root cause of the disease.

It is also because of this that their imperial grandmother has a detached position in the harem.

Even after the first emperor ascended the throne, he still obeyed the emperor's grandmother——

Except for Concubine Zhao.

So the imperial grandmother really didn't like Concubine Zhao.

And now that I think about it, not long after Concubine Zhao's accident, the imperial grandmother's condition worsened, and it didn't take long for the medicine to fail.

If you think about it this way, it really seems that the emperor's grandmother already knew that her time was approaching. Before she passed away, getting rid of Concubine Zhao would be considered a solution to her serious problem, and she would not have to worry about what her emperor's son would do for Concubine Zhao in the future. Damn thing.

When she was alive, she could suppress the first emperor.

Once she dies, I am afraid that the first emperor will find an opportunity to abolish the empress, and then make Concubine Zhao the empress.

"There must be countless speculations. We have recruited all the souls of Zhaochun Palace. We will ask them one by one later. But you probably know the things in Zhaochun Palace best, so they said It's up to you to judge whether it's true or not." Bai Fengyu said.

Concubine Zhao chuckled lightly, but did not speak.

Bai Fengyu was about to ask questions one by one according to the people on the list, when Pei Zimo raised his hand to stop him, and turned his head to look outside.

She narrowed her eyes slightly before asking, "Does anyone else come here?"

"Didn't you tell me before that only the eminent monks are allowed to chant the Buddha here, and no one else is allowed to come?" Bai Fengyu replied in a low voice.

Pei Zimo looked at the palace wall not far away, "Why did the second prince come here? And he climbed the wall?"

Bai Fengyu was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look, and saw a head protruding from the palace wall behind a big tree.

But that big tree happened to block Bai Muchuan's view, so he didn't notice that there were other people in the yard.

Bai Fengyu's face was also a little embarrassed, "I'll ask someone to get him out."

"No need." Pei Zimo said as he threw a piece of talisman, they didn't have time to pay attention to Bai Muchuan now, but she could trap him in the trap first, and then go to interrogate Bai Muchuan after they solved the matter of Concubine Zhao.

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