Chapter 699
In the evening, Bai Jinye came out of the palace.

It wasn't that it was so difficult to find out the people around the queen mother before, but that after Bai Fengyu reprimanded Bai Muchuan, he stopped Bai Jinye to vomit his bitterness.

Regarding the aspect of educating children, these two people are surprisingly similar in some aspects.

Although Bai Fengyu seems to be accompanying the two children to grow up, he still spends more energy on court affairs, and goes back to the study every few days to check on the two children's studies.

It takes a long time to chat with them occasionally, or even to have a meal together.

That's it, in fact, the two children also know that as long as they see him well, it's fine. Anyway, they rarely see him, and the people in the palace will naturally watch their words and demeanor, and think which child Bai Fengyu is treating Alright, let's keep saying good things about him. After a while, Bai Fengyu reflected on himself and felt that he was biased, so these palace people would say good things about another child.

In this way, these two children are exactly what Bai Fengyu thought they were in Bai Fengyu's heart.

He suddenly realized that, in fact, these two children might be different from what he thought in private.

Especially today, for some reason, he could suddenly look at everything Bai Muchuan did calmly and rationally like an outsider. At that time, he already felt in his heart that this child was different from the one he knew.

When he made it clear that Bai Muchuan would be temporarily deprived of his prince status and let him go to the temple to cultivate his heart and mind for a few years, Bai Muchuan collapsed.

He first confessed his mistake and begged him crying, but when he saw that everything was irreparable, he suddenly became angry.

He began to complain that he was better than Bai Muyun in everything, but because he was born a little later, he lost many opportunities.

He actually guessed that Bai Fengyu took the two of them to Fuzhou to meet Pei Zimo a few years ago, and it was related to Li Chu, because at that time he had already heard about Pei Zimo's ability, and he also knew that Bai Fengyu's ability to ascend to the throne of God was related to Li Chu. Pei Zimo is related.

That's why he wanted to behave in front of Pei Zimo, but Bai Fengyu didn't say anything all the time, he was worried, and wanted Bai Fengyu to lean towards him, so that he could save Bai Muyun after Bai Muyun's horse was startled.

If he knew that he would break a leg because of this and completely lose his qualifications to be a prince, he would not save Bai Muyun at all.

Anyway, with so many guards around, Bai Muyun's life would not be in danger.

If he hadn't rescued Bai Muyun, the one who broke his leg might have been Bai Muyun, and he would have become the prince logically.

In fact, he has been regretting this in his heart, but he has no choice. Since he broke his leg, he can only work harder to make others feel that he has done a better job.

He also guessed that Pei Zimo and the others should be able to treat his broken leg, but they were unwilling to help him.

And he found a possible cure for the broken leg by himself, just because the fairy was in the forbidden area, he couldn't go, everyone else could go, why did Bai Fengyu not let him go when he had such an important matter.

When he said these complaints with a bit of accusation, Bai Fengyu's heart turned cold on the spot.

No one knew better than him that he was indeed more partial to the second son in his heart.

He has always felt that even if the throne is not passed on to his second son, he can still make a career. For example, back then, he and Bai Jinye each guarded a territory and did their own duties well.

But he never expected that these words would come from the mouth of his "sensible" second son.

He had originally thought of letting Bai Muchuan say goodbye to the queen, but after hearing these words, he immediately had his prince token confiscated and escorted out of the palace.

In history, there were even times when the prince was demoted to a commoner and then re-established as a prince, so he originally wanted to let him go to the temple to cultivate his morals and bring some palace people to take care of him.When he knew he was wrong, he would find an excuse to bring him back after a while. After all, he was just a prince, and he didn't need to be as strict as a prince.

But at this moment, he didn't intend to bring Bai Muchuan alone, and even arranged a few secret guards to watch his words and deeds day and night.

Bai Jinye didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only sit with him for a while, and left the palace before the palace gate was locked.

Considering Bai Fengyu's doting on Bai Muchuan, this kind of punishment is already very heavy, and Pei Zimo didn't say much, just looked at the list brought out by Bai Jinye.

When she was staring at a name in a daze, Bai Yiheng also pointed to this name, "This person, according to the horoscope, should have died at the age of 12, but he lived to be more than 60 years old."

Pei Zimo nodded, "Yes, and the time of death is also a bit strange, just three days before the Queen Mother's death."

She put down the list, "So it's not that there are some capable people by the Queen Mother's side, but someone borrowed this person's body."

"But if a person should have died a long time ago, and other souls occupy her body, unless it is a perfect fit, her appearance should not change." Bai Jinye said, "Someone borrowed a corpse to revive the soul?"

"Then it's hard to check." Pei Zimo said, frowning, "If you know who it is, you can calculate it according to his birth date, but if the soul is replaced, the birth date of that soul will be completely different. There is no way to find out."

"Unless the soul borrows her body and doesn't want to go to the underworld to reincarnate later, so it uses the same method to borrow the body to resurrect the soul."

"If there is such a possibility, before and after this person's death, there should be other people's life span."

After Pei Zimo finished speaking, he looked at Bai Jinye, "In this case, there will be more lists."

"It doesn't matter." Bai Jinye has no difficulty in adjusting the list. As long as the records in the palace are complete, there will be no omissions. I have no impression that she did anything out of the ordinary while she was alive."

He said and paused, "But I may know more, it should be the crazy queen mother, she was very popular with the emperor's grandmother, and she often went to the emperor's grandmother's palace to pay her respects. Should be more understanding."

"It's just that after she went crazy, she definitely couldn't explain it carefully." Bai Jinye looked at Bai Yiheng, "But the queen mother was frightened crazy, and her soul must have been frightened away. If the scattered soul can be recalled , it should be fine."

At that time, they didn't want to care about the queen mother, it was simply that one more thing was better than one less thing, and they had no friendship with the queen mother. Over the years, the queen mother has caused a lot of trouble for Bai Fengyu. If she is crazy, she can find an excuse to send him away, so no one thought of treatment at all. her business.

(End of this chapter)

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