Willful surrender

Chapter 174 You Are My Wife

Chapter 174 You Are My Wife
Cheng Siyi didn't answer his question, but walked out straight away.

Gu Piannian hurried over after she went out, carefully observing Cheng Siyi's reaction.

"What did he tell you?" Gu Piannian asked.

Cheng Siyi looked at Gu Piannian and asked back, "What do you think he will tell me?"

Gu Piannian didn't dare to feel it, for fear that he felt something was wrong.

And he felt that his wife seemed to have changed a little bit, and this change made him feel familiar.

Inexplicably, I thought of a word: husband and wife.

Cheng Siyi didn't review Piannian's question, and walked back first.

Gu Piannian frowned slightly and followed.

After returning to the hotel room, Cheng Siyi looked back at the person who followed and closed the door, "Take off your clothes."

Gu Piannian: "Honey, this is not good."

Gu Piannian tugged on his clothes, looking like he was swearing to die.

"Are you coming by yourself or am I?" Cheng Siyi approached Gu Piannian, threatening deeply.

Gu Piannian would be happy to let his wife come, but now he dare not.

So he looked like a good man who was being bullied, and he unbuttoned shyly and timidly.

As a result, before a button was undone, Cheng Siyi pushed his hands away, and Cheng Siyi tore off his clothes three times and five times.

Gu Piannian's skin was fair, and there was a long scar across his chest, extending the length of a heart.

In addition, there are various small, pink scars, because the skin is too fair, and the bruising marks on the body are even more obvious.

Gu Piannian held her hand and tried to put the clothes back on, "It's all old wounds, and..."

"Don't move." Cheng Yi said fiercely, her eyes were already red when she looked up at him.

What kind of injury was it that made him take out his whole heart.

And these were all endured before him.

When she was still playing with mud and reading novels, this person protected them from the hail of bullets.

Seeing her crying, Gu Piannian felt distressed for a moment, "He only has that little strength, and it will disappear in two days."

Cheng Siyi kept staring at him, looking more aggrieved than the scarred person.

Gu Piannian hissed, feeling the pain of death attacking him again.

"That kid Chu Zhansheng is really willing to use his cruel hands, it hurts me to death." Gu Sinian said intentionally, pressing his forehead against hers, "Knead?"

Cheng Siyi raised her head and glared at him, then dragged him back to the room, then asked Xiao Zhong for ointment for bruises and came back.

Gu Piannian's chest was bruised and purple, but thinking of the wound on Chu Zhansheng's face, it was not a loss.

Gu Piannian was pushed onto the bed, and Cheng Siyi sat across his waist to push the medicine for him.

Gu Piannian hissed, and raised his hand to cover his eyes, "You really are..."

Is this not treating him as a man, or not treating him as her man?
"Don't talk." Cheng Siyi patted his chest and continued to give him medicine.

Gu Piannian took down his arm, looked at the angry Cheng Siyi, "I think it's good that you are like this now."

It was real when he hit him.

"What are you laughing at?" Cheng Siyi forcefully stared at Gu Piannian.

"I used to think that you were the girl I liked, but now I think you are my wife." Gu Piannian said warmly.

The girl he likes, the person he likes, is always separated from him.

But his wife is different, she will beat him and scold him to show his embarrassment.

Sometimes he even wonders if he has masochistic tendencies, but now it turns out that he does seem to be a little bit.

But now that Cheng Siyi was sitting on him, Gu Piannian was rarely distracted.

His fingertips lightly touched Cheng Siyi's waist and rubbed against it. He looked innocent, but he carried the turbulent waves that only he knew.

Cheng Siyi glanced at him and continued to apply medicine for him.

"I know what you think about my father, but I also have my own thoughts, and I believe in my father." Cheng Siyi said in a low voice, "I admit that your doubts are reasonable, but it doesn't mean I accept your doubts. So I will definitely investigate this matter.”

Gu Piannian's eyes darkened a bit, "Nuonuo, this matter..."

"You have your starting point, and I have mine, and I'm not completely ignorant of this matter. I caught Mo Chuan, and I know something about this matter. I can find something anyway."

Gu Piannian put his hands on her waist, and looked at Cheng Siyi with deep eyes, "Actually, this matter has developed to the present, and it is no longer a matter of one or two people, and perhaps more people will be involved."

And they are just a pawn in this game.

"Zheng Changhe."

"That's right, what Zheng Changhe can do for the Alligator is definitely not just for money."

Cheng Siyi's subordinates acted a little lighter, "It's either for money or for power, but it's a bit unreasonable for a foreigner to come to City A to seize power."

"It's not for power. It might be a little imprecise to say that he's not just for money. He may be for more money." Gu Piannian said, holding her hand on his chest, "He wants to gain power in City A." , the danger is too high, and he may not have the ability, so besides money, what else does he want?"

Cheng Siyi's hands were covered with safflower oil, which felt very uncomfortable to the touch, but Gu Piannian still held her hand and rubbed it, and she frowned.

Gu Piannian's subordinates pulled her down on the bed with force. He turned around and changed places with her, "If you want to investigate, I can help you, but if you want to investigate it yourself, it's impossible."

"Aren't you afraid that I'm with my dad?"

Gu Piannian pressed her forehead against hers, and her lips touched the tip of her nose, "Would you?"

He asked in a low voice, as if he didn't intend to ask for an answer, he trusted Cheng Siyi as if he trusted himself.

Cheng Siyi accepted his kiss, but the corners of her mouth curled up unconsciously. This feeling of being trusted by the one she loved seemed to give her the courage to face all the difficulties in this world.

"Not for money, why?" Cheng Siyi gently pushed Gu Piannian away, "Xia Pianpian?"

Gu Piannian paused for a moment, looked down at the woman lying under him, and couldn't laugh or cry for a while, whether he was too unattractive or she was too dedicated, she was still thinking about other things at this time .

Gu Piannian bit her lip pretending to be angry, "Shouldn't you be more serious at this time?"

Cheng Siyi cupped Gu Piannian's face with her drug-smelling hands, "If my father started targeting the alligator 28 years ago, that is, the day your sister was almost snatched away by him, maybe the matter can be traced back to later earlier."

Gu Piannian's face felt a little hot, and it was these ointments that took effect.

"Maybe, but my wife, do you have to talk to me about these issues at this time? Hmm~" His ending sound turned around, with a very seductive taste in it.

(End of this chapter)

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