Willful surrender

Chapter 20 Serial Black

Chapter 20 Serial Black

Cheng Siyi didn't know if she still had the face to meet people, but she felt that Gu Piannian smiled obviously when he left, why did she feel that every time he was separated from Gu Piannian, he was very happy.

Cheng Siyi closed the door and sent the information she had collected to the group.

She had almost prepared a set of procedures to blackmail her forum posts before. Although the forum was useless, but this time it was not bad and could continue to be used.

[Kankan: What are you doing?What if I feel sorry for her?

Zhou Jin: Are these netizens crazy?As for such a great malice towards a stranger?
Kankan: You don't understand, these netizens basically have no brains, as long as the marketing account has a rhythm, they will follow suit. Who would normal fans curse on the Internet?

Cheng Siyi: I got this lawsuit, should I do it?
Kankan:! ! !
Kankan: You got a lawsuit against my male god and his wife being hacked?How did you get it?
Zhou Jin: We are not lawyers yet.

Cheng Siyi: Don't worry, Party A's father has assigned a trial lawyer. What we need to do now is to collect evidence and sort out the complaint.

Kankan: Gu Piannian studio seems to have its own legal department, how did you get it?

Cheng Siyi: It's not important, the important thing is to make money.

Kan Kan: This is very important!It's fine for my male god to get married secretly, but you still steal the tower to get my male god's lawsuit?

Cheng Siyi: ...]

Strictly speaking, this is not stealing towers, after all, there is not much difference between the two things.

[Cheng Siyi: If you don't pick me up, I'll find someone else.

Kankan: Pick it up!Who said not to pick up, I can also send a lawsuit announcement to my male god studio.

Cheng Siyi: Okay, then I will hand over the prosecution announcement and complaint to you, and Jinjin and I will sort out the evidence.

Kankan: ...

Zhou Jin: Good! 】

Cheng Siyi didn't go out to eat at night, so Zhang Qing brought her a meal, and was taken aback when she saw the tabular data on the pages of her notebook.

"This is, the latest cyberbullying case? The one of the senior's wife, is it going to be prosecuted?" Zhang Qing asked.

"Thank you, Senior Sister, I'm just hungry." Cheng Siyi finished the dinner with a smile, and nodded while eating: "Well, we can't let those people have a good time."

Zhang Qing sat down opposite her, very puzzled: "Is this what the senior said?"

Cheng Siyi thought about it seriously, "I met the senior and asked."

After all, Gu Piannian's solution was to spend money to reduce trending searches, and then buy a few more positive trending searches, and she filed the lawsuit herself.

"You proposed to sue your seniors yourself? Are you stupid? Celebrities rarely report this kind of thing, especially married male celebrities. If you sue, you will lose your followers, which is to betray your fans." Zhang Qing He sneered.

"Senior Gu is different from others."

After all, his purpose is to clean himself up.

"And I don't think the senior is that kind of person."

Zhang Qing laughed softly, "You know people, you know the face, but you don't know the heart. People like Gu Piannian are too perfect. The more perfect a person is, the more flawed he is. Don't be fooled by his appearance like Shang Ling."

In a word, it seems to carry other profound meanings.

Cheng Siyi didn't understand, so she asked, "Why did Senior Sister say that?"

"It's nothing, it's just a feeling, eat early and rest, and go to the countryside tomorrow morning." Zhang Qing got up and left after speaking.

Cheng Siyi frowned while holding the lunch box, thinking that the senior sister was weird.

But this is not important.

At [-]:[-], Daiben Tutou and Babaka took the lead in deleting the video, and posted an ambiguous sentence "I can't afford to mess with it", which once again made netizens active.

Cheng Siyi still had screen recording software hanging on his computer screen, watching helplessly as several big marketing accounts deleted the video, and then continued to start a war.

"Waiting is your step." Cheng Siyi put down the lunch box, organized the video and sent it to Zhou Jin.

[Kan Kan: These marketing accounts are really shameless, is this a serial blackmail?Doesn't this mean that she was threatened by my male god?

Zhou Jin: I see it.

Cheng Siyi: I have seen it.

Kankan: These rubbish, see if I don't sue them, they have judges. 】

Cheng Siyi worked all night to sort out all the evidence together with Zhou Jin, and then sent it to the lawyer in Gu Piannian's office. He was praised by the gold medal lawyer and promised that the matter would be settled soon.

Because of the rhythm of the marketing account, the Internet was full of blood and rain all night, from Cheng Siyi being scolded, to Gu Piannian spending money to threaten people to be hacked, scolding can be described as a one-stop service.

Gu Piannian lost 80 fans overnight.

This is also Cheng Siyi's first time facing such a big battle. There are tens of thousands of messages on Weibo, with all kinds of voices, good and bad, dirty and clean, etc., etc.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Ziyan fired the first shot and decided not to renew the contract with Gu Piannian.

There was an uproar on the Internet, and people couldn't help but think of the cyber storm that was completely black on the Internet last night.

At 10:30, when netizens were not able to digest the news, Gu Piannian’s studio issued a lawsuit announcement, specifically pointing out several big marketing accounts such as Daibentutou. Insulting the personality of Mrs. Gu, and fabricating facts to maliciously slander her. One of them is particularly clear, which has an extremely negative impact on Mr. Gu's follow-up work.

If the first clause is three years, then with the second clause, it will be more than three years.

Yesterday's marketing account hit a series of hacks, but within a dozen hours, Gu Piannian's studio dumped their set of serial darts.

[Gu Piannian's hidden wife: I'm going, I don't understand what this announcement means, please explain.

Gu Piannian's Internet girlfriend: I know this question, I know this question.If you just fabricate facts to insult and slander others, then there may be civil liability, or administrative liability. At worst, you will be asked to delete Weibo, apologize publicly, and if it is serious, you will be fined or something. You can enter criminal responsibility, and if you cause subsequent huge economic losses to the other party, then it is not a maximum of three years, but there is really a judge.

Learn a little bit every day: So actor Gu is not just suing people, but suing them to death?

Pian Pian Si you: Am I the only one who thinks the phrase "Mr. Gu's wife" in the announcement is sweet?My God, what era is this called? It’s inexplicably sweet, okay?
Did Gu Piannian post on Weibo today: So, on such a big matter, won't Actor Gu release his wife's photo to clarify?If you don't let her go, I'll call your wife ugly (bushi)!

Little Mushroom's secret: Haha, the sisters have found a new way to force the film king to post Weibo, pass it on, if Film King Gu doesn't post Weibo and let your wife out, we will call your wife ugly (bushi)!

Crunchy: Those people in the comment area have the ability to remove the pinyin in brackets!Anyway, I'm not capable, if Gu Yingdi doesn't post Weibo to let your wife out, we will call your wife ugly (bushi)! 】

The announcement of Gu Piannian's studio gradually became crooked, and some black people came to charge, but it's a pity that they didn't rush past these crooked fans.

At the same time, many media personnel from several media companies in City A were taken away, and the good people even took a video and posted it under the trending search of #顾翰年证网斗人#.

Lin Siran received more than a dozen calls in the morning, and his whole body was enveloped in anger.

"Miss Lin, we are doing things for you, but you keep saying that Gu Piannian will not sue!" the person on the other end of the phone yelled.

"Are you earning less dirty money by doing things for me? Let me tell you, if you dare to confess me, I guarantee that Gu Piannian will just drive you out of city A, but I will let you live in the whole country." I can't get along." Lin Siran threatened, and hung up the phone randomly.

"A group of trash, all..."


Before Lin Siran could finish cursing, he was slapped on the face by the father who came in.

(End of this chapter)

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