Willful surrender

Chapter 227 If, I Don't Accept My Fate

Chapter 227 If I Don't Accept My Fate ([-])
Cheng Siyi was pulled up to the ground, and almost immediately rolled and crawled back to the edge of the crack, but it was a pity that Gu Piannian had long since disappeared.

And no purple dragon appeared.

"Gu Piannian, Gu Piannian..." Cheng Siyi hoarsely tried to hear the response, "Where's the dragon? Where's the dragon?"

"Sister and sister." Yun Chengfeng supported Cheng Siyi who was weak, "Sister and sister, if Gu Piannian doesn't want to die, he won't die. You need to go to the hospital now."

There is no intuitive feeling in the cracks. Now that Cheng Siyi was dragged up, Yun Chengfeng realized that Cheng Siyi was terribly thin and pale. Two months was enough to destroy a person's physiological functions.

Cheng Siyi tried hard to calm himself down, he was right, if Gu Piannian didn't want to die, no one could kill him.

calm down……

Cheng Siyi stumbled to her feet, her weakness made her dizzy, especially the sunlight, which was very dazzling.

She couldn't even stand still.

"Yu Yangjue, Zheng Changhe, Lin Congli, Mo Chuan, Chu Zhannuo, money and wealth, bloodline inheritance, power and status, and the desire of the dragon." Cheng Siyi was thinking brokenly, her right hand clenched into a fist all the time. opened.

Yun Chengfeng watched Cheng Siyi stumbling in, as if she was looking for something, but her voice was too low for Yun Chengfeng to hear clearly, but felt that she could fall down at any time, and would never stand up again. stand up.

However, time and time again, she fell and got up, fell down and got up again, Yun Chengfeng didn't know what she was looking for, but knew that what she was looking for was obtained by overdrawing her own life.

It's not the first time for Cheng Siyi to come here, but walking to the center of the ruins exhausted all her strength. She fell on the gravel for the last time, and the stones scratched her thin flesh. She knew how embarrassed she was now. Unbearable.

Yun Chengfeng was still calling her, as long as she gave up, she would be sent to the hospital for treatment immediately.

She knows all of this.

Cheng Siyi lay on the ground gasping for breath, her blurred vision kept staring at the central flower bed in the ruins, that flower bed had long since lost its appearance, if you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between it and the surrounding area.

["Yu Yangjue, Zheng Changhe, Lin Congli, Mo Chuan, Chu Zhannuo, they respectively represent money and wealth, blood inheritance, power and status, Nuowuo, the center of the Eight Diagrams is the central flower bed of the ancient house, that is The heart of the dragon, find it, and destroy it to prevent the magnetic field from spreading."]

Gu Piannian's gentle voice sounded next to her ears, and Cheng Siyi clenched her hands tightly, her palms being squeezed by Wen Yu, soaked in her body temperature, with warmth.

[As long as you look back, you can be sent to the hospital, and you can still be saved. Don't you look back?

Gu Piannian will not die, but you will not. If you don't go to the hospital now, you will die. 】

Like a spell, it rang in her ears one after another.

[Accept your fate, Cheng Siyi, accept your fate, turning around is your best choice. 】

"Team Yun, it's over there in the urban area. It seems that a fight has started." Someone ran over to report.

The people didn't want to evacuate, didn't want to leave their homes, so they didn't want to obey the order. For a while, country Z seemed to be in a kind of chaos with unknown reasons, and the chaos seemed to calm down again within 10 minutes.

Because they discovered that their young monarch could really kill people.

On the high platform, the man held a gun in one hand, looked at the protesting crowd below, and still had that arrogant attitude, "If you want to die, stay, if you don't want to die, go."

Cheng Siyi didn't know how long she lay on the ground, but when Yun Chengfeng tried to carry her away, Cheng Siyi woke up again, but this time her eyes were firm, and she crawled step by step towards the place she was looking at.

"If, I don't accept my fate!"

The jade pendant in his hand was stained with blood, and he couldn't see the picture on it clearly. Cheng Siyi shook her uncontrollable hands and tried hard to find the key control that Gu Piannian said.

"Captain Yun, it's a snake." The person behind suddenly shouted, "There are a lot of snakes."

Those snakes were black and gold all over, with an inverted triangle of golden lines on their foreheads, spitting out black and red cores and moving towards them.

"Fire, protect Mrs. Gu." Yun Chengfeng yelled, opened the equipment on his wrist, and tried to use the flames to push back the black snakes that were rushing forward.

Cheng Siyi was afraid of snakes and some mollusk creatures, but at this moment, she ignored it, even though the snake had already crawled to her hand.

"I see." Cheng Siyi's eyes lit up, but the black golden snake was already approaching. Now it's time to see whether she is faster or the black golden snake is faster.

Cheng Siyi put all her strength into her right hand, holding the blood-stained jade pendant and buckled it down with all her might.

"Go away..."

The jade pendant was embedded in the crack of the stone, and for a moment the rosy clouds were like blood, and the blood stained the sky, and then amidst the rosy clouds, a purple light broke out from under the flower bed, the surrounding atmosphere was tumbling, and the stones flew horizontally...

The moment Cheng Siyi's body was blown away by the breath, she was hugged into someone's arms. Cheng Siyi wanted to laugh, but she swore that she really wanted to.

But it took too much effort not to accept her fate, she tried her best.

Country Z has never been so famous in the world. It has been reporting the tsunami in Country Z for even a month, and the bloody glow of Country Z. It seems to be a spectacle that has been talked about by people.

It's just the story behind it, but no one really knows.

The tsunami that country Z was triggered again was due to the sudden leakage of the magnetic field. Although it was harmless to people, it still triggered a moderate tsunami.

Cheng Siyi felt that she had slept for a long time, so long that she felt that she had come to the afterlife.

The sunlight outside the window was just right, and before she opened her eyes, someone blocked the strong light outside for her, and only a trace of warmth leaked out through her fingers.

And in this ray of light, Cheng Siyi saw Gu Piannian at first sight. The person who had been washed felt refreshed a lot, but also lost a lot of weight.

"Did you win?" Cheng Siyi asked, because she hadn't spoken for a long time, her voice was inevitably hoarse.

As soon as the words fell, tears slowly fell from the corners of his eyes.

She didn't cry under the canyon, she didn't cry in the ruins, and she didn't cry when she was struggling with her last strength.

And this tear, without any sound, seemed to fall so quietly.

Gu Piannian pressed her forehead against hers, and said softly: "We won, we won, country Z was saved, we Nunuuo, we are great heroes."

Cheng Siyi slowly raised her hand, hugged Gu Piannian's neck slowly, buried herself on his shoulder, and cried out in a second, heart-piercingly.

"Gu Piannian, you scared me to death, that snake, that snake is so scary, and I'm so hungry, I'm really hungry, I don't want to eat fruit in my life... Wow..."

Chu Zhannuo, who was about to enter outside the door, was shocked by the heart-piercing cry and let go of his hand instantly, as if there was something electric on the door.

Yun Chengfeng leaned against the wall and looked at Chu Zhannuo who suddenly became cowardly, "Don't you want to thank you? Go in."

The majestic lord of a country, is he still afraid of a little girl crying?

The answer is, Chu Zhannuo is afraid, he is really afraid.

 Mrs. Gu: Not accepting fate does not mean not being afraid~~~~ I want to fall in love! !I want to seriously talk about love! ! !

  OK, arrange~
(End of this chapter)

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