Willful surrender

Chapter 40 Am I just a Kouhe user?

Chapter 40 Aren't I just a hilarious user?

"Hey." Getting off the bed and kicking against the corner of the wall, Cheng Siyi endured the pain and jumped to the door of the room to open it.

Gu Piannian had obviously finished talking with Cheng's mother, and was about to say something when she saw her hopping on one foot, and frowned: "What's wrong?"

"It's all right." Cheng Siyi glanced out, dragged him in and closed the door, "My mother didn't hit you, did she?"

Gu Piannian helped her to sit by the bed, "Your mother is fine."

These words were sincere. All Cheng's mother's opinion on him was that he was worried that he would treat her daughter badly. After he showed his determination, Cheng's mother's attitude towards him became much better.

"You have a mother who loves you very much."

Sitting by the bed, Cheng Siyi was almost at eye level with the squatting person. He was a little depressed when he said this, which reminded Cheng Siyi of his mother.

Gu Piannian's mother is very eccentric!

It's clear that Gu Piannian is better, but his mother is partial to Gu Siyan.

"I can solve this matter by myself, aren't you filming?" Cheng Siyi whispered.

"I came here after the show. Tomorrow's show is at noon. I just need to go back before dawn."

Cheng Siyi's toe was bumped, causing a small patch of redness, which fell very clearly on her fair feet.

Being watched at her toes all the time, Cheng Siyi felt ashamed, quickly put her feet back, and covered them with the quilt.

Gu Piannian withdrew her gaze, her ears were slightly red.

"Actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome." Cheng Siyi drooped her head, as if the little cat in her heart hadn't left.

"No trouble, it should be done." Gu Piannian recovered her voice, and said slowly: "The plane at twelve o'clock, I'll leave first, and the matter of those people in Lincheng will be resolved."

Cheng Siyi glanced at the time, it was almost eleven o'clock.

"There's no need to send it off, Xiao Hai is downstairs, we're going directly to the airport." Gu Piannian said before she got up.

Si Yi still insisted on sending the person out, because she felt uneasy if she didn't.

It's just that Cheng Siyi didn't expect her mother to ask Gu Piannian to bring some food before leaving. It was either something precious, or just freshly made dumplings. The dumplings were made by Cheng's mother herself.

Cheng Siyi sent the man downstairs, Xiao Hai hurriedly got out of the car and opened the door for Gu Piannian when he saw the man coming out.

"Go back, Chen Ke will confront you about the variety show, and I should be back on the day of the variety show." Gu Piannian said.

Cheng Siyi nodded, and said sincerely when Gu Piannian got into the car: "Thank you."

Gu Piannian got in the car and slid down the window to look at her, "It's getting late, go to bed early."

There was no response to her thank you.

After Gu Piannian's car drove out, Cheng Siyi turned around and went back, her mood obviously much lighter.

It even felt unreal, but Gu Piannian actually came!
He is such a good man!

Back home, my mother was still sitting in the living room, she closed the door carefully, "Mom."

"It's getting late, go to bed early." Cheng's mother said, then turned off the TV and went back to the room.

That's it?

that's it?
Cheng Siyi watched her mother go back to the room, and became more and more curious about what Gu Piannian said to her mother to make her accept it so quickly.

"Mom, don't you scold me?"

Why did she feel uneasy?

Mother Cheng walked to the door and looked back at her begging daughter, "It's normal for you to have your own thoughts and decisions when you grow up, and it can be seen that he cares about you very much. The only thing your father and I have for you is hope. You can be happy."

Cheng Siyi was buried in her mother's arms and acted like a baby, her heart was full of soreness and tenderness.

Mother Cheng patted her daughter gently. Over the years, she was used to seeing the warmth and coldness of people. She could tell who was real and who was fake.

As a big star, Gu Piannian is not short of money or fame, but he is willing to put down his social status to apologize to her and express his sincerity to Cheng Siyi to her. He just put his sincerity in front of her so bluntly. , she could tell it was true or false.

"Okay, stop being coquettish and go to bed." Mother Cheng smiled and pushed her daughter.

"Sleep with mom." Cheng Siyi hugged her mother and didn't let go. Although she didn't know what Gu Piannian said to her mother, it was obvious that her mother had accepted Gu Piannian.

Gu Piannian turned back to the crew, and before the plane took off, he posted a Weibo with a picture of the dumplings that Cheng's mother asked him to bring.

After posting Weibo, he turned off the machine and waited for the plane to take off.

Sitting next to him, Xiao Hai could obviously feel that Brother Gu was in a good mood, with a relaxed feeling.

It seems that Gu Ge's meeting with his mother-in-law went well this time.

Gu Piannian flipped through tomorrow's script, the smile on his brow was always rippling.

But after thinking about it, he suppressed his smile. The Cheng family is very good. When Cheng's mother talked to him, the purpose of every sentence was to ensure the happiness of her daughter. Breaking down the debt, and there is no hint because I am a star and rich.

However, it was his mother who guaranteed Zheng Changhe back then.

He could use the fact that his mother was cheated as an excuse, but he had no way to accept this reason instead of the Cheng family who had been trapped for ten years.

So the only thing he can do now is to be nicer to Cheng Siyi, and even better.

Before the start of the variety show, their materials were sorted out by half, and Chen Zhen was in charge, and the rest of the work was almost handed over to the three of them, which was also a kind of experience.

Zhou Jin made the latest data found into a table and handed it to Cheng Siyi for summary.

Yu Kankan was checking the news of the year.

"Zheng Changhe's concrete company is just a small company that has just opened. According to the regulations, it should not be able to undertake the supply of reinforced concrete for a large building." Yu Kankan looked back at the two of them and raised his own doubts.

"As long as there is a big company as a guarantee, it is actually possible." Zhou Jin replied, "It's just that it has been too long, and the company that made the guarantee must have erased this item long ago. After all, it is considered black material. .”

"Isn't that devoid of conscience? What did Si Yi's parents do wrong? Is kindness the original sin?" Yu Kankan couldn't help cursing, "Dare to be a coward."

"One more thing, Zheng Changhe is going to be released from prison after serving his sentence." Zhou Jin looked at Cheng Siyi while talking, but found Cheng Siyi in a daze, "Si Yi?"

Cheng Siyi was called back to her senses, obviously not listening to what she just said.

"What are you thinking?" Yu Kankan asked.

"Whether great humanitarianism can really awaken human conscience, conscience and torture can be equated to a certain extent." Cheng Siyi thought of this sentence when they were talking, and because of this Fascinated by a few words.

"What?" Zhou Jin had never heard this sentence before.

"Aesthetics of violence?" Yu Kankan briefly explained this sentence.

"So to speak." Violent, but useful.

"You don't want to beat those people, do you?" Zhou Jin was shocked.

Cheng Siyi: "Do I have the guts? Do you really think highly of me? Am I just a Kouhe user?"

Cheng Siyi was also shocked!
Yu Kankan clicked his tongue and turned back to continue with his work.

"Shame, shame!"

"Sister-in-law, the variety show crew came to interview before the broadcast, is it convenient now?" the little assistant Yang Yang leaned out half of his body and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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