Willful surrender

Chapter 81 The Newlywed Couple

Chapter 81 The Newlywed Couple

"This is the fastest way to make money. In business, the most important thing is to get the most return with the least effort, otherwise it will be a loss-making business." Gu Piannian nodded Cheng Siyi's head, "Of course, this does not apply to Your profession, if you want to fight the most perfect lawsuit, you need to pay more carefully."

The educated Cheng Siyi: "..."

Suddenly want to call dad what is going on.

[Laughing, after all, he is still a boyfriend, Brother Nian, that is your wife, not your fan or your student.

Hahaha, looking at Nianzao's appearance, she is already in a daze.

Is it true that Brother Nian won't be beaten?Isn't it good to pretend to be 13 at this time?Why are you educating your daughter-in-law?
Tsk tsk tsk, looking at Nian's wife, it takes only a few minutes to get angry. 】

Cheng Siyi was stunned for a while, and after a while, she nodded seriously, "I think you're right."

The bullet screen was eerily quiet for two seconds, and someone who sent the sentence "Sure enough, what kind of pot goes with what kind of lid", the screen was swiped by this sentence in an instant.

Except hahahaha, that's the only sentence left.

Cheng Siyi studied the menu carefully and explained it to the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Grilled chicken wings, grilled shrimp, and roasted pig's trotters can be made into a combination. There are three skewers of each, and there are nine skewers in total. According to the unit price, you can order 72 yuan, but why is the price 99?" Cheng Siyi looked at it. Gu Piannian, who used to pack those frozen ingredients, she couldn't figure it out.

"It's not that there are fish tofu and cabbage."

Cheng Siyi blinked and lowered her head to look at the huge "gift" word, and put a label on Gu Piannian in her heart: profiteer.

[Hahahahaha, I originally had a question with Mrs. Nian, but I didn't expect it.

This time, if my brother Nian doesn't win, he will be sorry for his profiteer's brain.

Looking at Nian's wife's indescribable expression, haha, she seemed to be saying: This husband doesn't really want her anymore. 】

Cheng Siyi didn't know what came to her mind, she put down the menu and ran upstairs. When she came downstairs, she took a sticker in her hand, which should have been from Xiao Tuntun before, and she borrowed it.

While defrosting the ingredients, Gu Piannian watched Cheng Siyi busy, but didn't ask what she was doing.

[Brother Nian's eyes are almost melting honey, is he so in love?

Brother Nian, you should restrain yourself a bit, look at your worthless appearance! 】

Cheng Siyi put a drink sticker on the new menu, and then drew a flower on the side with a colored pen. The drink is 15 a cup, and the set meal is 10 yuan a cup.

Cheng Siyi looked at her results with satisfaction, and then showed it to Gu Piannian, "This kind of set meal will cost more than 100, and we will complete today's task by selling 20 copies."

[I'm sorry, are these two here to be funny?
Haha, what's going on upstairs, Mr. Gu said, this is Mrs. Gu, Mrs. Gu said, this is Mr. Gu, the couple are so vulgar!

Hahahahahahahaha, these two live together, why worry about not becoming the richest man. 】

Gu Piannian nodded: "That's right."

Working together——no, the preparations for the clever couple before starting the barbecue were basically done by Gu Piannian and Cheng Siyi.

"Your skilled appearance makes me think that you have sold barbecue before."

"It was useful in filming before. At that time, I worked with the crew's barbecue master for two days. It was okay." Gu Piannian explained, and gave Cheng Siyi the vegetables that were easier to wear.

Gu Piannian had a little impression of Cheng Siyi in the drama that Gu Piannian was talking about, but it seemed to be just a memory of the plot, and the total of the scenes was less than ten seconds. Did he also go to learn it?

"Kankan, that's my roommate. She used to say that you are a shame in the drama, and you can do whatever you want to do."

"I know, the one who owes her a meal after talking about it." Gu Piannian was very impressed with her roommate, and he wanted to invite her for this meal no matter what.

Yu Kankan, who was watching the live broadcast thousands of miles away: "..."

Suddenly being cueed by the male god is quite sudden, but the way the male god remembers her name is not a bit strange.

"Do you like acting?" Cheng Siyi moved a small stool and sat next to Gu Piannian, and couldn't help asking.

"I like it very much. Each character has its own life trajectory. It is a good experience to experience so many kinds of lives in my whole life." Gu Piannian explained.

It's just that no one knows that he chose to debut at the beginning because he wanted to stand high enough, so that someone who was somewhat similar to him could see him.

But in the process of filming, he gradually fell in love with this industry.

Cheng Siyi tilted her head slightly, looked at him for a while before continuing to work, she didn't think so, this was not Gu Piannian's truest thought, he was escaping from something, evading something by self-deception in a way of hiding in the city.

Gu Piannian seems to have many stories.

Gu Piannian went to stew the pig's feet first, which is more convenient for barbecue.

The two of them worked all morning to string up all the things, and then packed them in different categories. Cheng Siyi went to make the fruit tea she bought. Although she set the price high, she used enough ingredients. The fruits were all Picked on the mountain, the juice is just right.

The live broadcast started when they prepared the ingredients. The live broadcast room did not say where to set up a stall, but they were worried that too many fans would cause accidents.

It just so happened that Xiao Qiang's pork stall was not far from their barbecue stall, and Lin Siran didn't know what he said to the program team. They arranged for them to work in a milk tea shop, which was a relatively easy job, and Yang Jiajia's group was the owner of the fruit stall.

The distance between the four groups of guests is not very far, and the program groups can still take care of each other.

Both Cheng Siyi and Gu Piannian wore masks, even so, they attracted many people to watch.

Gu Piannian skillfully set up the barbecue stall, while Cheng Siyi busily cleaned it up there, looking extremely happy.

The director behind the camera clicked his tongue, "These two people really can live anywhere."

One is optimistic by nature and the other is omnipotent.

"Si Yi, are you so happy selling barbecue?" Xiao Qiang looked at the girl humming over there, and asked with a smile.

"Ah." Cheng Siyi turned her head to look at Xiao Qiang, her eyes outside the mask were smiling, "Happy, I'm happy doing anything with Mr. Gu."

Wang Ge originally had some minor opinions, he had never thought about selling pork in his life, even if he was born in a rural area, he had never sold pork, but seeing Cheng Siyi happy now, he inevitably relaxed a little.

"Newlyweds, it's time to mix oil with honey." Wang Ge joked with a smile.

"Slow down, watch your feet." The ground was covered with electric wires, and Gu Piannian kept paying attention to Cheng Siyi's feet, for fear that she would trip over them.

Lin Siran sneered, a woman who has never seen the world is just acting, can she really take it seriously?
(End of this chapter)

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