Willful surrender

Chapter 86 Dog bites dog

Chapter 86: Dog Eats Dog ([-])
"Master, I heard that your land was taken away by Mo Chuan? And your son was also disabled by him, right?"

After Cheng Siyi finished speaking, the uncle suddenly raised his head, eager to go: "No, no, I don't know anything."

Several other people also began to look at Cheng Siyi with precautions, obviously they didn't dare to mention Mo Chuan.

Cheng Siyi didn't have a business card, and she wasn't even a lawyer.

But she still wants to do it.

"Master, don't worry, as long as you are willing to testify, I promise..."

"I don't know, I don't know, I really don't know..." The uncle said a little excitedly, and suddenly pushed Cheng Siyi.

"Be careful." Gu Piannian quickly went over to support him, only to prevent Cheng Siyi from being pushed, he cast a cold look at the uncle, who immediately flinched back.

One of them, who was younger, snorted, "What's the use of our testimony? If you sign in black and white, you understand that the land was sold to them, and they beat people. Can they still leave evidence after beating people?"

"Don't waste your time, this place is already rotten."

They seem to have completely numb, no longer trust anyone.

It's not that no one came to solve this matter before, but after those lawyers came, they put on a show and left after taking the money.

But the person who testified that time was almost beaten to death.

They were unwilling to speak, and Zhou Bin had no choice but to take them to the office.

"This is the situation now. We want to start. One is that there is no evidence, and the other is that there is no way to ensure that it is completely eradicated." Zhou Bin poured water on them, "I have read the files. Uncle Liu's son was beaten because there was a lawyer He came to help and said that he could help them. Uncle Liu’s son came out to testify, but in the end, because Uncle Liu’s signature was indeed on the land transfer document, he did not come out to testify that the signature was coerced, so there was no way to pronounce a sentence, but to release him. After coming out, Uncle Liu's son's leg was broken shortly after."

"If it's this kind of case, it's really difficult to judge." Cheng Siyi contacted the teacher a few days ago and said that this kind of case can be regarded as one of the most difficult and complicated cases.

However, the way to survive this case lies in Cheng Mingzhi's case back then. Now that this hole is torn open, the rest of the matter can follow its own course.

"But now that you have opened this hole, it is definitely the most timely help for us." Zhou Bin said: "It is said that Mr. Xia has gone to communicate with the people there, and I think we can do it soon. , and when this matter is over, I must treat Captain Gu to a meal."

"Don't be in a hurry to eat. These people are not cooperating now. You should spread the word and ask Mo Chuan to come over here." Gu Piannian looked at Cheng Siyi who had been frowning, and thought of a note.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now."

Zhou Bin didn't ask why, the captain always had his own ideas when doing things.

After Zhou Bin went out, Gu Piannian looked at Cheng Siyi, "Madam Gu, it's time for you to act."

"What?" Cheng Siyi didn't quite understand.

Gu Piannian whispered a few words in her ear.

Cheng Siyi's eyes widened in an instant, and she looked at Gu Piannian with a little unconfidence, she was afraid that she would not perform well.

"Do it with confidence, I will always be there." Gu Piannian approached her, looked at her level, and gave her courage with his eyes.

Cheng Siyi took a deep breath, but was still worried.

"But I'm not a lawyer yet."

"If you don't use Chen Zhen's name, when will you have to wait?" Gu Piannian raised his hand and touched her head, "Interpersonal relationships are for use, remember, whether it's in court, or When collecting evidence, all the relationships that can be used are beneficial and can be used.”

His voice was very soft and slow, but he gave her a shot in the arm, making her no longer afraid, and even seeing clearly the way ahead.

Mo Chuan came late, looking like a regular visitor to the police station but everyone couldn't stand him.

The staff hated him so much, if it wasn't for professional ethics, they would all want to beat this scumbag into a disability by themselves.

"Officer Zhou, I heard that you arrested a few people and falsely accused me?" Mo Chuan smiled, "Officer Zhou, I am a good citizen, how many times have you said this has happened in the past few years?"

"A good citizen?" Cheng Siyi, who was sitting behind Zhou Bin, stood up and appeared in front of Mo Chuan, "Does Mr. Mo know me?"

Mo Chuan watched Gu Piannian's variety show recently, and knew who the woman in front of him was.

"If Mr. Mo doesn't know me, then he should know my father. My father's name is Cheng Mingzhi." Cheng Siyi looked at Mo Chuan with a half-smile.

Mo Chuan paused, and soon returned to normal, "Little girl, I don't know Cheng Mingzhi, I'm just a fruit businessman."

Cheng Siyi directly threw a document on the table, "If you don't know my father, then you should know Zheng Changhe, right?"

"Curious how I got this contract? Of course Zheng Changhe won't give it to me, but the business is not done by one person. Mr. Mo should have heard about my father's lawsuit this morning. Who is Chen Zhen and needs me to give it to you?" Do you want to popularize science?" Cheng Siyi pressed his hands on the table, met Mo Chuan's gaze, and did not retreat in the slightest.

No matter what thoughts Mo Chuan has in his heart, it is impossible to reveal them now.

"What lawsuit?" Mo Chuan looked like he didn't know anything.

"You sold the low-quality stone to Zheng Changhe, and Zheng Changhe sold it to my father, causing the building to collapse. My father owed a huge debt for ten years. Not only that, those who swindled and blackmailed my father have already lost the lawsuit. Guess, they Are you going to tell the judge who told them to defraud my father?"

Cheng Siyi said, and moved closer to Mo Chuan, "I have no other purpose here, just to tell you, you, I'm done."

The muscles in the corners of Mo Chuan's eyes twitched. It was clear that there was a picture of a little girl in front of him, but it gave people a feeling that could not be ignored.

"Little girl, the stone I sold to Zheng Changhe back then was a third-class stone. It was clearly written in the contract. How he made a deal with your father has nothing to do with me." Mo Chuan's face darkened, trying to scare Cheng Siyi .

"If there is no solid evidence, do you think I dare to come to you? As for how I got the evidence, I might as well think about it." Cheng Siyi slightly curled her lips, "I am not my father, and I am not sympathetic. Heart, whoever hurts my family, I will let you sit in prison."

Cheng Siyi finished threatening with a smile, and took a step back, "I just don't know how many years you can live if you are punished for several crimes?"

Cheng Siyi's last sentence sounded two points louder, obviously speaking for others to hear, not to pass on.

(End of this chapter)

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