I was entangled by the snake king

Chapter 138 Chapter 138

Chapter 138 Chapter 138
"Not yet." My dad said in a dying voice.

"Oh." I responded casually.

Anyway, Bai Haotian has dispatched a group of snakes to solve the problem of dead rats right now, so what does it matter if he finds them or not?

"Oh, it doesn't matter if you don't find it. Hasn't the problem at home been solved?" My mother comforted my father.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." My dad said quietly, with a look of worry on his face.

"What do you mean?" My mother looked up at my father in surprise.

"I went to wait for that expert all day under the bridge opening of Erxian Bridge, but I didn't see half of him. I'm afraid he has already left." My dad said.

"Gone? Impossible, didn't he say he would always be there?" My mother said nervously.

"It's probably because he has limited ability and can't solve our family's problems, so he deliberately avoided us." I said lightly.

I just said it casually at first, but my parents took it seriously. The two of them glanced at each other, and there was something wrong with their eyes.

Both of them were drooping, with disappointed expressions on their faces.

"Oh, Mom and Dad, don't worry, I just said that casually, maybe that expert has something to delay." I couldn't help but comfort the elders.

"Anyway, no matter what, I have to go there tomorrow." My dad said.

"Go again?" I disagreed a little bit, this trip will last a whole day, and I have to wait to make people crazy.

"Yes, I should go, and I will go with you tomorrow." My mother also nodded in agreement.

But my dad shook his head and said, "You don't have to go, just take care of Yiyi at home, I can go alone."

He said and pointed at me with his eyes.

"Yes, yes." My mother looked at me subconsciously, with a little worry in her eyes.

Recently, they are still worried about my sudden fainting, so they are not at ease.

"Oh, Dad, don't go, anyway, our family is fine now." I opened my mouth to convince my dad.

"No, I still have to go, I always feel a little uneasy in my heart." My dad shook his head and said.

"Mom, look at my dad." I gave my mother a small look for help.

"Yiyi, leave this matter alone and let your father decide for himself." My mother said, seeming to agree with my father.

"Whatever you want." I pouted helplessly.

"Wen Qing, do you have any food at home? Quickly fill it up. I've been hungry all day, and my stomach is going to be flat." My dad opened his mouth and looked at my mom.

"What? You haven't eaten all day?" My mother asked in surprise.

"Aren't I worried that the tall man will come as soon as I leave? That's why I resisted going to eat." My dad said while stroking his shriveled belly.

"Oh, why didn't you tell me earlier, I'll get it for you right away." After talking, my mother hurriedly turned around and went to work in the kitchen.

I looked at some decadent dads and said, "Dad, don't go tomorrow, you're really fine."

"Yiyi, you don't understand. There must be something wrong with this matter. It's better to ask an expert to help you look at it." My dad was obviously worried.

"Alright then." I knew I couldn't convince my dad, so I just let him go.

After my dad had eaten, he was noisy and tired, so he had to go to bed early.

I also returned to the room angrily.

Back in the bedroom, I dare not open the curtains, let alone approach the balcony.

Because I was worried that Bai Haotian would be outside.

Now I'm still angry at the bottom of my heart, so I don't want to see him.

I was lying on the bed, but I was tossing and turning, feeling like I couldn't fall asleep.

I always feel some inexplicable panic in my heart, as if something is about to happen.

Just as I was swiping my phone boredly, suddenly a burst of cold air came in from the window, and there was a hint of danger in the air.

"Why is it suddenly so cold?" I subconsciously pulled the quilt over myself.

Suddenly, I heard a noise outside, like a cat meowing, or a snake spitting out a letter.

Listening to this sound, it seems that there are more than one or two, and there seem to be many.

This reminds me of the dead mouse at the door.

Could it be the good things those cats did again?

Thinking of this, I quickly jumped out of bed, walked quickly to the balcony, and looked outside.

I don't know if I don't see it, I'm startled when I see it.

In front of my eyes, a large piece of green eyeballs stood directly in front of my house, forming two camps.

One pair is an army of cats consisting of thousands of cats, while the other is an army of snakes consisting of large and small snakes.

With the gate of my house as the [-]th dividing line, the two sides are facing each other, ready to go, and there is a tendency to explode.

I was so frightened that I hurriedly covered my mouth, not daring to make any noise.

At this moment, Bai Haotian, dressed in a white robe and a snake-shaped sword, stood like this among the snakes, giving him an extraordinary feeling.

"Bai, Bai Haotian?" My lips moved, but I didn't hear any sound.

Bai Haotian immediately felt something, raised his head slightly to look at me, and nodded slightly to me, as if to imply that I don't need to be afraid, he will protect me.

At this moment, I actually felt a little moved.

Although Bai Haotian took advantage of me, he has always treated me fairly well.

Other than being domineering on weekdays, everything else is fine.

At this time, the leader of the cat army was a man in a black robe with a cat's head and a human body, and turned to look at me.

There was a fierce murderous look in those green eyes, rushing towards him.

I subconsciously took two steps back in fright.

"Bai Haotian, you killed my wife and children, and I will kill your wife and children to avenge them." Elvis King looked at Bai Haotian viciously and shouted.

"Looking for death?" Bai Haotian snorted coldly, tightly gripped the snake-shaped sword in his hand, and flew towards the Elvis King.

The Elvis King also flew away, showing his sharp claws, and flew towards Bai Haotian.

At this time, those cats and snakes also rushed towards each other like crazy, and a cat-snake battle broke out in an instant.

The snakes entangled the cats with their bodies, and the cats tore the snake's body wantonly with their sharp claws.

The scene was so bloody that I was so frightened that I hurriedly closed my eyes.

"Sister Fairy, don't be afraid, we will protect you." At this time, the seven little ones had already flown to my side, flapping their wings to protect my safety.

"Is this Elvis King?" I whispered.

"Yes, Sister Fairy, the dead mouse during the day is caused by the Elvis King." Hongwa said.

"What?" My complexion changed slightly.

"What did it mean just now? Why did Bai Haotian kill his wife and children?" I asked.

"This..." The seven little ones only glanced at each other, looking hesitant to speak.

"Speak, what's going on?" I was a little anxious.

I know, they must know something.

"Sister Fairy, we can't talk about it." Hong Wa said in a low voice.

Obviously, this is what Bai Haotian meant.

"He threatened you?" I said coldly.

"Sorry, Sister Fairy." Hongwa lowered her head.

I know that they are afraid of Bai Haotian, the Snake Lord, no matter how much I force him, it will be useless, so I just don't force him anymore.

When I looked up again, I saw that Bai Haotian was still in an advantageous position, and the Elvis King was retreating steadily.

It appears that he has won.

I said to myself in my heart.

Suddenly, the Elvis king didn't know what to do, so he let out a breath of black air from his mouth, and rushed towards Bai Haotian directly.

Bai Haotian couldn't dodge in time, and was directly enveloped by black air.

next second.

The Elvis king suddenly turned his head, glared at me viciously, let out a 'meow' from his mouth, then jumped up and flew towards me.

(End of this chapter)

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