I was entangled by the snake king

Chapter 183 Chapter 183 My Dad's Strangeness


"Yiyi, you read it wrong." Sister Gao said in a low voice.

"Yes, really." As I spoke, I raised the camera in my hand and said, "When I just took a picture, I saw it moving."

"Impossible, we didn't respond." Sister Gao shook her head.

The other colleagues also shook their heads in gestures.

"Looks like we didn't see it either."


"Not really."

"Yiyi, you're not mistaken, are you?"


"Really, that thing is really moving." I said, looking at Bai Haotian who was at the side.

Bai Haotian's eyes signaled me, let me leave it alone for now.

Of course I listened to Bai Haotian.

"Yiyi, are you reading it wrong?" Sister Gao confirmed again and again.

"Hehehe, maybe it is." I scratched my head in embarrassment and smiled.

"Let's go, let's go see other places." Sister Gao said and looked at other places.

I looked at Bai Haotian, showing a helpless expression.

After we wandered around the house, we didn't find anything else strange.

After all, this is a lazy bachelor's home, and what can be found is almost as far as the end can be seen at a glance.


"Let's go, everyone go back." Sister Gao gestured with her hand.

At this moment, everyone packed up their things and left the strange house.

After walking out of the yard, everyone saw a pool of blood on the ground.

"What... what is this? Why is it so dark? It seems that I have never seen this thing before when I came in." Sister Gao spotted it with sharp eyes.

"It seems that when I just came in, I didn't find anything." Another colleague also said.

I was a little nervous and didn't dare to say anything, for fear of being discovered by everyone.

"Hey, Yiyi, hurry up and take a photo." Sister Gao said.

"Oh, good." I hurried over to take pictures.

It's okay if I don't take a picture, but I was taken aback again when I took a picture.

This black sticky substance turned out to be densely packed flat snakes again.

This scares me quite a bit.

It turns out that these poisonous snakes are all things that come out of the snake mother, which is too scary.

"Don't be nervous, these things don't dare to hurt you." Bai Haotian put his arms around my waist, signaling that I don't need to be afraid.

"Yeah." I just calmed down a little, and then pretended to take a few random photos.

Soon, the group left the yard.

Afterwards, we walked around the village for a few more times. We were all journalists and others, and everyone got the same information.

So, in the end, everyone left the village one after another.

I didn't plan to leave together in the company's car, but in Bai Haotian's car.

When Sister Gao and her colleagues saw me coming in such a luxurious car, they all showed expressions of envy.

I have some embarrassing explanations that this is a friend's car and I just borrowed it.

Everyone naturally didn't believe it, and they all booed and said it must be a boyfriend.

I blushed with embarrassment, but I didn't refute.

Finally, I got into Bai Haotian's car.

I didn't expect that as soon as I got in the car, Bai Haotian would hug me into his arms, and couldn't wait to reach out to kiss me.

I hurriedly pushed him away, motioning him not to mess around.

Every time in front of the green snake, I always feel very embarrassed.

Bai Haotian saw that I was going to be angry, so he stopped talking and started to fight, and hugged me in his arms.

"It's okay like this." Bai Haotian said helplessly.

"Yeah." I nodded reluctantly, which was acceptable.

"Let me ask you, are there other things in that village besides the snake mother?" I asked in a low voice.

"En." Bai Haotian snorted lightly.

At this moment, he didn't seem to be in the mood to answer my question at all, but put his nose close to my neck and sniffed recklessly.

It made me itchy, and I stretched out my hand to push him while avoiding his stealing fragrance.

"Then... can you deal with those things?" I whispered.

"En." Bai Haotian continued to perfunctory me.

"Hey, you should be more serious." I stretched out my hand and pushed away someone's salty pig's hand again.

"I'm serious." Bai Haotian still had a casual tone and tone.

"Hey, Bai Haotian." I suddenly felt a little depressed.

It seems that there is no way to explain things clearly to Bai Haotian today.

"You...you take...you take me back, not here." I whispered to remind Bai Haotian.

If this guy keeps making such a fuss, I'm worried that he really can't help but kill me in the car.

Naturally, Bai Haotian is not stupid, he heard the subtext in my words.

"So cute!" Bai Haotian put his arms around me and teleported back to my bedroom.

I reckon that the green snake driving the car is so depressed that there are no more people driving the car.

I didn't expect that Bai Haotian really wanted me to take the initiative this time, which made me blushed and listened to his instructions for a long time before going to sleep.

Early the next morning, I was woken up by my parents' voices.

The old couple was quite romantic, even laughing and playing in the house, this was the first time I saw them like this.

I also felt some strange feelings, it seemed that after my dad came back this time, he felt like a different person suddenly.

It makes me feel very uncomfortable.

"What's the matter? What are you thinking when you open your eyes stupidly so early in the morning?" Bai Haotian lowered his head and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"You... Do you feel that something is wrong with my dad?" I whispered.

"What's wrong?" Bai Haotian raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Listen, my dad has never been so humorous before, but this time he even told a joke to my mom."

"Really?" Bai Haotian turned his body slightly and said, "Isn't it rare that he didn't talk about it before?"

"Anyway, I haven't heard him say it." I said.

"Maybe the old couple is happy, maybe it's just a whim." Bai Haotian sat up while talking.

"Impossible." I still vaguely felt something was wrong in my heart.

"Okay, don't think about it, get up and eat quickly, before your mother knocks on the door again." Bai Haotian picked me up from the bed and went straight to the bathroom.

"You... What are you doing?" I suddenly looked at Bai Haotian a little nervously.

It won't be so early in the morning and think about it again.

"What are you thinking? I'll wash you up." Bai Haotian gave me a blank look.

"Hee hee hee, okay." I agreed happily.

Soon, with Bai Haotian's help, I finished washing in an instant, and he drew the eyebrows for me this morning.

It can only be said that Mr. Snake Lord's craftsmanship is good, and his paintings are even more beautiful than my own.

I am still very happy, very lucky to have met Bai Haotian.

When I walked out of the bedroom, I saw my parents lying crookedly in the kitchen. The two hugged each other very intimately, and my mother put her head on my father's shoulder.

"This?" I was stunned and couldn't help shouting.

"Dad, Mom, is breakfast ready? I'm hungry."

Only then did my parents part with some reluctance.

"Oh, one by one, it will be ready soon, it will be ready soon." My mother tidied her hair in a panic before continuing to make breakfast.

I took a peek at my dad, and my dad came out of the kitchen calmly, holding two glasses of milk in his hands, handed me a glass and said, "Yiyi, drink milk."

"Thank you dad." I smiled.

By this time my dad had passed me and headed straight to the restaurant.

Why do you feel a little strange?
It should mean that I feel a little unfamiliar, as if my dad is deliberately avoiding it.

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