Heavenly Creation Beast

Chapter 1002 is Asylum

Chapter 1002 is Asylum

"Yes, City Lord, according to Zhuang Qiming, the owners of the pink silk tokens are the best to deal with, and the pink silk tokens in their hands are also the easiest to obtain among all inheritance tokens." The news came out without any concealment.

Wu Liang's strength is very strong, and the strong are more likely to be respected, because their strength makes people afraid to rebel.

"Pink silk order..." Wu Liang squeezed the soul light in his hand, and the soul light turned into pure soul power and poured into his body. There was no emotion on Wu Liang's face. He stood up slowly and looked To the person standing behind him, "Where is the holder of the Pink Silk Token?"

A coordinate was spoken from the mouth on the left, and after speaking, this man who looked no different from a sculpture continued to maintain his identity as a display.

And the man behind Wu Liang's right immediately followed up and said, "City Lord, the holders of the pink silk order are a group of women, and they are headed by a charming woman. That woman is the character of Huanyu."

What kind of personality is Huanyu's character? If it can be summed up, it is probably indifferent and ruthless enough to not take other people's lives seriously. As long as it can maximize the benefits for oneself, it is worth giving up some insignificant things. Relatives, friends, and lovers are all included in the ranks of irrelevance.

The reason why there is a personality of Huanyu is that it corresponds to the Tiangong clan.

The group of beast creators of the Tiangong clan are incompatible with the entire universe, but they have absolute strength. In a universe where strength determines all the weak and the strong, having strength means having the right to speak.

What the Tiangong clan did was shocking in the eyes of the Huanyu monks. They didn't understand why the Tiangong clan's beast creators, who clearly had a strong bloodline and super strength, would protect those weak creatures.

Weakness is the original sin. Those creatures who can't be strong enough to protect themselves, don't they deserve to be oppressed by the stronger ones?

This has always been the practice of the universe, the law of the jungle that the weak prey on the strong, has been implemented in the history of the universe from ancient times to the present.

But the Tiangong clan seems to be against the whole universe, doing deviant behavior in the eyes of these monks in the universe. What they do is meaningless in the eyes of these monks in the universe.

Protecting a group of creatures that have no possibility of being strong at all is doing a stupid thing that will never pay off.

And this stupid thing also violated the interests of many Huanyu cultivators. Those evil cultivators who stepped on their lives to strengthen their own strength hated the Tiangong clan.

The Tiangong clan made them no longer able to use human lives to strengthen the weapons in their hands and strengthen their own strength as before, and even made them lose their qualifications to stand in the sun like shady mice in the gutter .

The cultivators who resent the Tiangong clan may not be able to let go of the entire galaxy.

The beast creators of the Tiangong clan who are incompatible with all the monks in the universe make the monks in the universe subconsciously exclude people.

Because of this, there are all kinds of words popping up.

Even if they dare not attack the Tiangong clan because of their powerful strength, and no one with a strong calling ability can gather a force as large as the Tiangong clan to fight against the Tiangong clan, but this group of Huanyu The monks are still using their own methods to protest against the beast creators of the Tiangong clan.

Excluding people is just the most common way, and it is also the safest way that will not attract attacks from the Tiangong clan.

"Huanyu's character? Do you mean that we can exchange benefits with people for pink silk tokens?" Wu Liang looked at the man behind him on the right. He knew that the subordinate on his left had been silent all the time, only when he was asking questions. The character of holding back one or two words, at this time, the only right arm that can give him advice is this right arm.

"The city lord doesn't want to be exposed in front of Zhuang Qiming so early. It's not a good idea to fight with the holders of the pink silk order." And this right arm did not live up to Wu Liang's high hopes, he saw things clearly.

The whole person also maintains a rare rationality, and has not been dazzled.

"What you said makes sense, so what do you think I should exchange to impress them?" Wu Liang nodded. He is the lord of Wuliang City and has no shortage of resources. His greatest benefit is not the soul light that can be intercepted in the soul wave, but that he has already obtained enough benefits from the people who want to participate in the soul wave before the soul wave begins.

"Soul light and soul beads are not a good choice, those people don't care about such things at all." Wu You first ruled out an option that is best used on the other side of the underworld.

That Meixin is not like them, she has died.

Soul beads and soul light contain soul power, which is the key to life extension for those of them who have only one soul body left after death.

For them, the soul beads and soul light are linked to life, and they have become the best gifts.

But Meixin and the others didn't die, they were still living people. For them, their soul power was just a slight strengthening effect on their soul body, and it wasn't that strong of attraction.

This can be seen from the fact that these people who have received the inheritance of the Green Silk Clan's Inheritance Palace have not obtained the soul light in the soul wave at all.

There are quite a lot of soul orbs needed to participate in this feast of soul waves, no matter how rich and powerful people are, they will not just come in to see the scenery.

More or less, I will get the soul light, because the soul light is really easy to use.

But the inheritors of the Green Silk Clan's Inheritance Hall are different, none of them are interested in the soul light that exudes a seductive aura.

It was precisely because of this that they were able to quickly identify who was the holder of the inheritance order from the soul wave, and even confirmed the identity of the owner of the pink silk order through some means.

"I know this, I just want you to say something that can impress them." Wu Liang nodded. Wu You is not good at this point, and he always doesn't directly say the right choice.

"Well, the city lord has something that can impress them, and this thing is very simple for you, but the subordinate can guarantee that it will definitely impress those women." Wu You put on a confident smile on his face.

Wu Liang clasped the back of his left hand lightly with the fingers of his right hand, and there was a playful smile on his face, and that somewhat threatening smile made Wu You dare not keep it a secret.

"The city lord, it's protection, that thing is protection." Wu You said, "They need the protection of the city lord's mansion of Wuliang City, when they find out that they are being targeted because of the pink silk order."

(End of this chapter)

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