Heavenly Creation Beast

Chapter 1011 For the future

Chapter 1011 For the future
"Aren't you going with me?" Bai Xi looked at Xu Ziyue who stood there and looked at him.

Xu Zhu has already taken A Yu to follow the direction he directed, and Ruo Shan naturally went with him.

Only this girl who came out of the same inheritance hall as those two people did not move.

But to say that girls are impersonal and don't care about Xu Zhu and the others, it's not quite like that.

"Didn't you say that the imprint can help Xu Zhu avoid the danger along the way?" Xu Ziyue glanced at Bai Xi, her eyes were scrutinizing.

"Yes, but I thought you would go with someone who at least cared about them." Bai Xi nodded, yes, but can you trust this kind of thing with confidence when the other party says yes? !

I really don't know if I should say that Xu Ziyue has a big heart.

"Since you want Xu Zhu to help the Tiangong clan for a small turnaround, it is impossible to let Xu Zhu have an accident here, otherwise this foreshadowing will be in vain." Xu Ziyue smiled suddenly, those brown eyes seemed to be in vain. Can see through everything.

Bai Xi raised his eyebrows, and he looked at Xu Ziyue carefully, at Xu Ziyue's eyebrows, at the luck and direction of Xu Ziyue's body.

After watching, he finally saw the difference: "It turns out they are of the same kind."

Xu Ziyue nodded, she looked towards the direction where Xu Zhu left, and said softly: "The destiny is irreversible, changing the ending rashly will cost more lives."

"Do you regret it?" Bai Xi asked.

Xu Ziyue shook her head: "I don't mean myself."

Bai Xi didn't speak, neither did Xu Ziyue. The two were silent for a while, and finally Xu Ziyue broke the silence. She asked, "What about you? Do you regret it?"

Bai Xi also shook his head, and said, "I don't regret it either."

Fate had chosen him, and he gladly accepted the mission.

"Do you have a white silk order?" Xu Ziyue asked again.

Bai Xi nodded.

"Then pay attention, it's not stable recently." Xu Ziyue said here, looking up at the top of her head, "I don't know when the choice of the green silk clan's racial heart will start."

"Hurry up, wait until some of the people in the soul wave are eliminated, and some of the people holding the inheritance orders are replaced, then it's time to start." Bai Xi also looked up, he said.

"Is this matter related to you?" Xu Ziyue stared straight at Bai Xi, she could feel Bai Xi's overly determined tone when he said these words, and she had a faint intuition in her heart.

The operator's intuition is not a wild idea, but a causal traction in the dark.

"It's related to me, so what are you going to do?" Bai Xi untied the layer of mist covering him, revealing that face, he looked directly at Xu Ziyue, and let Xu Ziyue see his eyes .

"Why did you do this?" Xu Ziyue could see that Bai Xi's eyes were very clean, and the kind of eyes that remained pure in the mud were rare in this era.

No wonder she can be chosen like her, Xu Ziyue thought.

"In order to promote the process." Bai Xi said.

He looked up to the top of his head, and quickly lowered his eyes: "For the future."

He said.

"Many people will die because of the news you revealed." Xu Ziyue shook her head. Baixi had to bear the cause and effect for doing this.

The way of heaven that the two of them chose is not the way of heaven in Huanyu today.

Under which heavenly way, one must abide by the rules of that heavenly way.

Cause and effect, under the control of the current Dao of Heaven, this kind of thing is naturally irrelevant, as long as it can be strong, as long as it can get more benefits, it doesn't matter what it does, but the new Dao of Heaven is not like this.

The new way of heaven, it has rules, it has constraints, it does not favor any one person, and treats all intelligent creatures equally.

It gives everyone a fair way to rise to the heights in their own right.

Equality, freedom, respect, fraternity, and fair competition are a virtuous circle and a necessary condition for a long-lasting civilization.

Xu Ziyue recognizes the new rules, even though she is a creature born under the current rule system, she is still willing to build such a beautiful new world.

Xu Ziyue looked at Bai Xi, and she asked, "Have you ever thought about the karma you need to bear for doing this? It will ruin you."

So many lives were directly or indirectly caused by what Baixi did, and each of these causes and effects would be blamed on Baixi.

Entangled in karma and sin, Baixi will be bound by this life, he will never be able to be promoted, and he will live in pain and despair all day long.

"I know, but what does that matter." Bai Xi smiled, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he said, "Anyway, I won't live long."

"The future..." Xu Ziyue had just said two words, but when she saw Bai Xi's expression of relief and joy, she couldn't continue.

"What future?" Bai Xi tilted his head to look at Xu Ziyue, "I have no future, no matter how good the future is, it has nothing to do with me."

Xu Ziyue opened her mouth, but finally said nothing, she sighed softly.

Why can't it be replaced naturally? Do you have to make things happen and put more people in it before you are reconciled?
Today's Heavenly Dao really doesn't care about the creatures below it at all. All the creatures are probably ants to him, and he doesn't need to care about it. Maybe only the group of ants who are finally victorious and standing at the top after fighting layer by layer, Only then can I occasionally meet that person's sideways glance.

Xu Ziyue hated such an order, she thought, if this order could be changed sooner, she would not be left alone.

"What about you? Do you have a future?" Bai Xi asked suddenly. He looked at his white palm and shook it slowly, as if feeling the strength and the existence of his hands. "If you have a future, Don't interfere, I will do all the things that are tainted with karma."

I can't turn back anymore. It is enough to involve one person in this matter, and there is no need to involve another person.

"You think you have no future, so is it possible for me to have a future?" Xu Ziyue asked softly, they are the same, both of them are destined to be another person's stepping stone, but they are just willing.

Bai Xi smiled miserably, yes, there is no more, he was reluctant to do it for nothing, but he was really willing to do this matter.

Just a little regret, yes, just a little regret.

"In this case, let's add fire to the already boiling soul wave." Bai Xi stretched out his hand towards Xu Ziyue.

Xu Ziyue put her hand in Baixi's palm, and she acquiesced.

(End of this chapter)

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