Heavenly Creation Beast

Chapter 1013 Who Will It Be?

Chapter 1013 Who Will It Be?

"That means we don't act separately?" Su Xun glanced at Mo Shuli when he said this. In his opinion, what the two children said was naturally not as useful as what the adult Mo Shuli said.

"Look at you, you can leave if you don't think it's safe to be with us, if you can trust us, stay." When Mo Shuli said this, his eyes were not focused, he seemed to be thinking about something, and his whole body was a little pensive .

"Brother, let's stay." Su Xiaoxiao said hastily, looking at Su Xun with a flattering gaze.

Su Xun: Suddenly I don't want to stay so much anymore.

Qiao Qiao knew what Su Xun was thinking when he looked at Su Xun like that. This gentle woman stretched out her hand to poke Su Xun, and smiled gently when Su Xun looked over.

Su Xun: All right.

"We are with you, the Tiangong clan is trustworthy." Su Xun said with a depressed voice.

It is true that the Tiangong clan is trustworthy, and it is also true that he does not want Su Xiaoxiao to be with Mo Shuli again.

But he also knows that staying with the Tiangong clan at this time is the best for the entire green silk clan. As the leader of this generation of the green silk clan, he cannot be willful.

"I once heard that the most important thing for the inheritance of the Green Silk Clan this time is the ethnic heart of the Green Silk Clan. I wonder if this news is reliable?" Xiao Tianqing said suddenly, and she looked at Su Xun and the others with a few eyes very thoughtful.

"What? Are you interested in the racial heart of our Green Silk Clan?" Su Feng's eyes were alert when he said this, as if someone suddenly discovered his treasured treasure.

"A little bit." Xiao Tianqing lowered her eyes, there was a newly condensed red-rank beast creation stone between her fingers, playing with the red-rank beast creation stone in her hand, Xiao Tianqing said slowly, "I'm curious , since it is the race heart of your green silk clan, shouldn't I give you some instructions?"

Shouldn't you have some inside information?
Not to mention anything else, at least he should know what to do next in this soul wave.

They don't know anything, just like those of them who are not monks of the Green Silk Clan, groping in the soul wave, but can't get anything.

"We haven't received any instructions." It was Duan Mu who said this, and Duan Mu also wanted instructions.

They are very sure that this inheritance must have the whereabouts of their green silk clan's racial heart, and their green silk clan's racial heart is not in their origin star at all.

Even when they arrived at Wuliang City, they could feel that the racial heart of their green silk clan was nearby.

The kind of intimacy and joy that surged from the depths of their blood could not be hidden. The moment they felt it, they knew that the racial heart of their green silk clan was here.

In theory, their racial heart should give them instructions after sensing their presence nearby, but it didn't.

I don't know what's going on at the heart of the race.

Duan Mu was very worried, very worried about the situation of their green silk clan's racial heart.

"You guys didn't receive the instructions." Xiao Tianqing sighed softly, and she tossed the red-rank beast creation stone in her hand up and down, "Where is the master of the green silk hall? The master of the green silk hall is not one of the top ten inheritance Is it the core of the temple? He should know a lot of things, and he didn't tell you?"

"Hall Master, he told us some things, but he didn't go into details about the soul wave of Wuliang City." Su Feng fell silent at this point.

Alas, they also want to know more things, but it's not that they don't know.

If they knew, they wouldn't be so confused.

"Speaking of which, what do you think about the rumors?" Lu Qian tapped his left arm with his right hand, and the young man looked a little careless, and when he said this, he glanced at Xiao Tianqing.

When Xiao Tianqing saw Lu Qian looking over, she just smiled lightly, and she glanced at Mo Shuli.

Seeing Xiao Tianqing looking at him, Mo Shuli stretched out his hand to rub Xiao Tianqing's head, and said to Lu Qian, "What do you think?"

Lu Qian's eyes lingered on Mo Shuli's hand on Xiao Tianqing's head for a long time before he said quietly, "I think this is man-made."

"Who would do such a thing?" Su Feng couldn't help asking.

Most of the people who know this matter are those who have received the inheritance of the green silk family. According to the characteristics of the monks in Huanyu, it is impossible for everyone to know about such benefits with such benefits in their hands.

The more people involved, the less benefits will be shared.

And it would be even more impossible for someone like the Tiangong clan to do such a thing.

"People who want to let everyone know about these things." Qi Ling said suddenly, the young man's voice was a bit cold, and the cool tone was a bit indescribable.

There was a bit of disgust in Qi Ling's eyes, the monks in Huanyu could do such things that harm others and themselves.

"Could it be the group of people who got the inheritance of the Black Silk Palace?" Su Feng glanced at the black silk order again.

The group of people who received the inheritance of the Black Silk Palace obviously harbored malice towards them.

"Not quite." Xiao Tianqing shook his head.

Although the force that received the inheritance of the Black Silk Palace was full of malice towards them and wanted to attack them, it was unlikely that they would do such a thing.

That group of people seemed to want to get the inheritance orders in their hands. Although they were also collecting the inheritance orders of various halls, it was precisely because they were collecting the inheritance orders of each hall that they would not do such a thing.

To make the incident known to everyone, wouldn't that just let more people compete with them for the few inheritance orders.

"This matter, I feel more like someone else did it." Lu Qian touched his chin, "It's not like what those people would do."

If those people had this idea, they would not rush to act when they knew that he had a purple silk order.

This matter is more like another person did it for a certain purpose.

"Do you know what the purpose is?" Qiao Shan said, he couldn't figure out what was going on with this matter, it wasn't worthwhile at all.

For what purpose can a man publicize this matter to all the world?
No matter how you look at this matter, it is not good for those who hold the inheritance order in their hands. Not to mention those who already have the inheritance order, even those who accidentally know about this matter should not do it. This kind of thing.

Qiao Shan knew that his mind really couldn't figure this out, and he wanted to use the power of more people to help him sort out this matter. What is the situation?

"Purpose, do you think this is caused by the racial heart of the green silk clan?" Xiao Tianqing really dared to guess. As soon as she said this, Su Xun and the green silk immediately greeted her. The denial of a family of monks.

(End of this chapter)

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