Chapter 102

Yu Liang saw Moyu, who was said to have left, standing in front of him alive, and his original joyful mood was instantly replaced by depression.

This depression reached its peak when she saw Gu Qin pestering Mo Yu.

"Moyu, haven't you left?" Tian Qing could feel Yu Liang's desire to leave when she said this.

"Not yet, but soon." Being regarded as a rival in love by a man, an ordinary girl might explain it, but Tian Qing wouldn't, not only wouldn't, she also found it quite interesting.

"Wouldn't it be better for Moyu to stay a little longer? Yu Liang, what's your attitude!" Gu Qin felt that Yu Liang's words were a little strange, and wondered if she was influenced by Fan Ji.

"I don't mean anything, just pure doubts, pure doubts." Yu Liang said awkwardly, not daring to show his dissatisfaction with Moyu.

"It's fine if you don't mean anything else, I thought you didn't want to see Moyu!" Gu Qin snorted, and her suspicious eyes disappeared after hearing this.

Yu Liangben wanted to say a few more words to Gu Qin, but after seeing Gu Qin finish these words, he went to talk and laugh with Mo Yu again.

Yu Liang: ...

Boyfriend and the like are really the most annoying!
"Miss Gu Qin, where is your brother?" Tian Qing smiled lightly, and even gave Yu Liang a provocative look.

Regardless of whether Yu Liang was pissed off by this gaze or not, Gu Qin didn't notice Tian Qing's little trick anyway. She heard Tian Qing's words and thought about it: "My brother? He seems to be looking for something to eat. Look, It's not coming back!"

Gu Yu, who just came back with two hares and a pheasant, was slightly surprised when he saw Tian Qing appearing here.

Zhong Wenjin held a handful of wild fruits in his hand, and when he saw Tian Qing, he handed over a good-looking wild fruit very naturally.

Tianqing was not polite, took a bite of the fruit Zhong Wenjin handed over, and even commented: "It tastes good, where did you find it?"

Zhong Wenjin was a little surprised when he saw Tianqing's actions. He and Moyu had a stiff fight at first, but Moyu didn't mind at all.

"It's not far away. This kind of wild fruit is very common in Qingmo Forest, and it's easy to find." Moyu didn't mind their initial conflict, and Zhong Wenjin was naturally less likely to be awkward because he had already passed that time. An awkward age.

"Mo Yu likes to eat a few more." Gu Qin picks and chooses from Zhong Wenjin, chooses a few fruits that she likes, and then picks out the fruit that Tian Qing just ate and stuffs it into Tian Qing's arms.

"I don't need so many." Tian Qing, who got a lot of wild fruits at once, was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Moyu, this is..." Gu Yu didn't say anything about her sister's behavior, but was very curious about the boy standing next to Tianqing.

He saw this young man when he just walked over. Judging by his clothing and demeanor, he didn't look like a mercenary, and he didn't know why he appeared here.

And Moyu, didn't he mean before that he was leaving, why did he come back now?

"Tuanru, thank you." Tun Ri hurried to speak in front of Tian Qing, for fear that Tian Qing would pick up another sentence.

Tun Ri's careful thinking of Tian Qing can be seen naturally, she just smiled and said nothing.

"Tuanru?" When Gu Yu heard these two words, he always felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he heard them.

The most important thing is that Tuanru's appearance is very striking. If he has seen a person with this appearance, it is impossible for him not to know it.

Tun Ri hummed lightly, his eyelids drooped slightly, as if he was tired and unwilling to say more.

"Tuan Ru will follow you for the time being." Tian Qing interjected at the right time, and his tone sounded more like an announcement than a discussion.

This tone can blow up Yu Liang, a powder keg that has not yet left. He was already very dissatisfied with Moyu, and every word of him was full of sarcasm: "Where is the mercenary group in Shanghai that month? Just be a burden on your own. Do you want to bring an oil bottle?"

"Yu Liang, what are you talking about! What's wrong with Mo Yu bringing someone here!" Hearing Yu Liang's words, before Tian Qing said anything, Gu Qin immediately stood up to defend her.

As soon as Gu Qin opened her mouth, Yu Liang shut up instantly.

He wouldn't quarrel with Gu Qin if he quarreled with anyone!

"Yu Liang, you just joined the Yuehu Mercenary Corps temporarily, don't you need to be so excited?" Gu Yu knew why Yu Liang reacted like this.

But God knows that his sister really doesn't have that kind of thought for Moyu. Although he misunderstood it at the beginning, he later found out that his sister just likes Moyu's face and has no other thoughts at all.

It's just that even if Gu Yu and Yu Liang said these words, Yu Liang wouldn't believe them. This guy who only has Qin'er in his eyes, a man who is liked by Qin'er is threatening in his eyes, and he doesn't believe it at all. something else.

"Ah... Little brother Moyu is back? We didn't catch any fish yet! Just wait!"

At this moment, Yu Sen came back with a large bundle of firewood. When he saw Moyu who was said to not be coming back, he left again without waiting for anyone to stop him.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell what they are going to do at a glance.

Yu Liang, who had to stop tit-for-tat because Xiaoqin spoke for Moyu's little boy, turned blue when he saw Yu Sen's behavior.

He opened fire on Moyu from the front line, but Yu Sen actually opened the city gate from behind!
I'm so pissed!
But Yu Sen's move just rightly resolved the embarrassment that might arise. Gu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that there was Yu Sen, a person who couldn't understand the form at all, in the team.

After Yu Sen made such a fuss, Yu Liang didn't want to stay here any longer, and left in the next second.

Gu Yu didn't stop him, but sincerely welcomed Tun Ri's joining: "Don't worry, the Yuehu Mercenary Group is still very harmonious inside, and you won't have any problems joining temporarily."

Tun Ri raised his eyelids, facing the hand stretched out in front of him, he was silent.

He doesn't seem to agree yet, why does this person look like they don't mind his joining?
"Are you afraid of what Yu Liang will say? Don't be afraid, that person Yu Liang scares me. If he says anything about you, come to me. Sister will uphold justice for you!" Tun Ri's action fell on Gu In Qin's eyes, it was people who still had scruples, so she patted her chest immediately, assuring her.

Tun Ri glanced at the sky, endured and endured and asked directly: "I don't seem to agree to join this mercenary group?"

Upon hearing this, Gu Yu, Gu Qin and Zhong Wenjin were all surprised.

"Why don't you know what's good and what's wrong! How many people in the Yuehu Mercenary Corps usually don't let in if they beg! If you didn't know Moyu, you thought you could get in!" Gu Qin exploded, she was kind Treating this young man turned out to be such an attitude!

Originally because of that face, Gu Qin had a very high favorability with the young man, although his favorability did not fall below the bottom at this time, but after all, he was not pleasing to the eye.

Gu Yu asked Uncle Zhong to hold the distraught Gu Qin, and asked Tian Qing to talk to him aside.

 Tun Ri: I haven't agreed yet

  Tianqing: Your opinion is not important, you will agree anyway

  Tun Ri: No, I want to refuse this time, I don't agree!

  Tian Qing (raised eyebrows and raised tone): Are you sure?

  Tun Ri: ...I'm not sure

  Tianqing: good...

(End of this chapter)

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