Heavenly Creation Beast

Chapter 1035 I am a little bit wronged

Chapter 1035 I am a little bit wronged
Su Xun stretched out his right hand, and on the back of his right hand, a small silver dot stood out clearly.

"Let's go." Xiao Tianqing looked at everyone, on the back of her right hand, there was also a clear and conspicuous silver dot, "Leave here first."

It's not safe here. Outside the Silver Silk Palace, there will be monks coming one after another, especially when the Silver Silk Palace was opened just now, the silver light that soared into the sky. Those who are not far away have probably seen this silver light. If they stayed here, they might run into the monks who were rushing here.

At that time, it will not be a good thing for them.
"We already have it?" After walking a little further, Qiao Shan continued the previous topic. He looked at the little silver dot on the back of his right hand with some curiosity, and there was a look in the eyes of this rather naive man. A look called nostalgia.

It turns out that this is how the little spot on the back of the right hand of the monks of the Green Silk Clan came from!

Looking at this silver dot, Qiao Shan and the monks of the green silk family felt kindness at first. They had seen this dot too many times.

It's not on the back of the hand of a monk from the Green Silk Clan, but on the ancient books that the Green Silk Clan managed to keep.

That is the most distinctive feature of the monks of the Lusi clan, just like the creation stone of the Tiangong clan, it is something that belongs to this race exclusively.

"It should be bestowed by the team. We and Ruoshan Xuzhu, the two inheritors of the Silver Silk Palace, belong to the same team, and the monks who have been approved by the Silver Silk Palace may also be the monks who have been approved by the owner of the Silver Silk Palace. At that moment, the silk palace passed the test of the silver silk palace." Xiao Tianqing stretched out his hand and touched the silver dot on the back of his hand, the dot did not feel tactile at all, if it wasn't for the bright and eye-catching color, it would just be based on the touch If you don't even feel the presence of silver dots.

"That is to say, those who received the inheritance from the Palace of Inheritance did not need to pass the test of the corresponding palace at all." Ruoshan also touched the silver dot on the back of his hand, which felt quite strange, "And a team Bestowed means that all those who are on the same team as that person have passed the test by default."

Lan Yue, who was in the team, also looked at the back of her right hand, team?Is it because she landed with these guys that she was supposed to be a team by default?

Or is it that many people in this team have already regarded her as a part of the team?

If it was any other team in Huanyu, it would be impossible to treat someone they just met as one of their own, but this was the Tiangong clan and the Lusi clan, two powerful races that were incompatible with Huanyu.

If it is these two races, it does not seem impossible for such a thing to happen.

Thinking of this in Lan Yue's heart, she only felt that a solid place deep in her heart was lightly bumped, but the light force caused her heart to tremble.

"This thing is too conspicuous. If there are other monks who have passed the test of the Palace of Trials, they will be able to tell at a glance that we have passed the test of the Palace of Silver Silk." Lan Yue pursed her lips and met the surprised couple. Eyes, her lips pursed even deeper.

"Lan Yue is right, so we should hide it." When Xiao Tianqing said this, he glanced at the silver dot in his hand, and said in a soothing voice, "I'm going to wrong you."

Qi Ling looked up at Xiao Tianqing, he watched Xiao Tianqing take out a few transparent and thin things like cicada wings from the storage space, and watched Xiao Tianqing flatten the things with some care, He took a piece that was just big enough to cover the back of his hand and slowly covered the back of his hand.

The silver dots were covered, and the back of Xiao Tianqing's right hand became clean again.

Then Xiao Tianqing covered the back of his right hand with his left hand, his sky blue eyes were a bit sly: "Next is the moment to witness a miracle!"

Moving the left hand away, the silver dot that had disappeared appeared again, and the left hand covered it and moved it away again, and the silver dot disappeared.

"This thing is..." Ruoshan landed on the transparent substance in Xiaotianqing's hand with somewhat scorching eyes.

"The treasure of a certain beast creator from the Tiangong clan." Xiaotian tilted his chin, his tone was a little proud, his sky blue eyes were clean and agile, although he answered Ruoshan, he didn't mention anything at all. Key Information.

"Do you have to cover it with your hands to transform it?" Lan Yue hits the nail on the head.

"No, it changes with my mind." Xiaotian showed a shy smile at the corner of her mouth, knowing what these people were confused about, she explained, "I just think it's more fun that way."

After saying this, Xiao Tianqing did not forget to comfort the silent Qi Ling: 【If you like, you can ask Uncle Qingmo for it, and Uncle Qingmo will definitely give it to you. After all, you are a child of the Tiangong clan. , and the only disciple of Chu Liang, the great elder of the Tiangong clan. 】

Qiling glanced at Xiao Tianqing with her gloomy and cold eyes when she heard Xiao Tianqing's words. He didn't know what made this person think that he was envious of him.

How could he be envious of him having such a novelty!

Xiao Tianqing divided the things in her hands and made sure that everyone had covered the silver dots that only passed the test of the Silver Silk Palace before she said the following words unhurriedly: "Let's go to the Red Silk Palace next. Well, we agreed to open the Red Silk Palace as well."

When I told Lu Qian that I would go to the Red Silk Palace, I wanted Lu Qian to take Qi Ling with me. Although Lu Qian didn't go with Qi Ling in the end, I still wanted to go to the Red Silk Palace.

They only need to hold one palace in their hands, and the other palaces should be opened as soon as possible to get all the people wandering outside to be tested.

Xiao Tian leaned towards the other people here, and every time those sky-blue eyes fell on a person, he was asking for the opinion of that person.

After making sure that no one had any objection to this, the smile on Xiao Tianqing's face became even brighter.

The little tiger's teeth were bared, and the smile on his face was bright and sunny: "Since everyone has no objections, let's go to the Red Silk Palace."

As soon as Xiao Tianqing raised her footsteps to lead the way for everyone, she felt a slight sensation on the back of her right hand. She lowered her head and the back of her hand shook slightly. When she saw the green dot that appeared on it, she turned her head to look at Su Xun.

Seeing Xiao Tianqing looking over, Su Xun nodded towards Xiao Tianqing.

Duan Mu has already opened the Green Silk Palace.

"Has anyone seen the green light when the Green Silk Palace is turned on?" There is a silver light when the Silver Silk Palace is turned on, so there should be a green light when the Green Silk Palace is turned on.

"We can't see it here, but Duan Mu has it over there." Su Xun explained.

It seems that the light when the palaces are opened is not as dazzling as the silver light that guided them here before. It should only be able to be seen by the monks who happen to be nearby, and they cannot be seen any further away.

"That's not bad." Xiaotian touched her chin, and just as she was about to say something, she found another white dot on the back of her right hand.

Mo Shuli and Bai Gan have also opened the White Silk Hall.

Not caring about this side, Xiao Tianqing quickly contacted Mo Shuli: [Uncle Mo, did you leave smoothly?Need our support? 】

(End of this chapter)

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