Heavenly Creation Beast

Chapter 1097 One Less Kind

This time there is a magical legend added to the Water Catch Festival. It is said that there is such a team among the water catchers, four men and two women, with almost all types of water balls in their hands.

No one knows who is the leader of that team, but the little girl holding a few water balls in her hands will never be forgotten.

I have to say that that little girl is really too hated. When everyone didn't gain much, that girl swaggered through the city with a pile of water balls, but she aroused everyone's hatred.

But no matter how much the hatred was pulled, these monks couldn't do anything to that girl.

Three emperors, one quasi-emperor, and a girl guarded by a Miao Mercury merman, who would dare to do anything!

"Which one is this?" Lu Qian squeezed another water ball of a different color in his hand, squeezed it and handed it to Xiao Tianqing.

"One hundred and seventh." Xiaotian hurriedly put the small water ball into his bosom, and put it together with the two water balls already in his bosom.

She looked up, looking around.

"It's almost the same. The water balls I've seen recently are all of the same color." Lu Qian grabbed a light yellow water ball passing by and squeezed it in his hand.

The process for the few of them to obtain the water mass was not generally smooth.

He has also seen many people catching water masses on the way, it is really called rushing.

The water mass runs ahead, and the people catch up behind.

At the end, I didn't know whether it was people chasing the water ball or the water ball chasing people.

But in the end, I was teased by the water ball and might not get the water ball. The process was a sad and painful one.

"Almost." Miao Dong nodded.

"I have been in Miao Mercury for many years, and I have participated in many water festivals. I have only seen these colors of water masses. It should be that there are no fish that slipped through the net." Shui Yao said.

"No, the number is wrong." Xiao Tianqing shook her head, seeing the other five people looking at her, the girl tilted her head and repeated, "The number is wrong."

"What's wrong?" Lu Jin asked.

"Then how many kinds do Qingqing think there should be?" Su Qingmo asked.

"One is missing." Xiao Tianqing's voice was unexpectedly determined, she said, "One is missing, there should be another."

"There is another kind?" Shuiyao was stunned for a moment. Why didn't she know that there was another color of water balls. She had never seen any water balls in so many water festivals over the years, but she never knew that there were other water balls. Types of water masses other than these.

Even their mermaids have never seen it before. If there is such a special and rare water mass, it is absolutely impossible for the mermaids not to tell others.

And most importantly...

Shuiyao secretly glanced at Miao Dong, Miao Dong also said just now that it was almost the same, although what he said was almost the same, but according to Shui Yao's understanding of Miao Dong, what this man wanted to say was definitely the same.

Even Miaodong doesn't know that there are water masses of other colors on Miao Mercury, Xiao Tianqing, the young patriarch of the Tiangong clan, swears that there is one less, what is going on?

"The young patriarch thinks there is one type missing?" Miao Dong was slightly stunned when he heard Xiao Tianqing's words, and he confirmed.

"Yes, Uncle Miaodong, Qingqing is sure there is one less." Xiaotian tilted his head to look at Miaodong, those sky blue eyes were full of sincerity, when he looked at Miaodong, Miaodong was even staggered line of sight.

"Since the young patriarch feels that there is still one missing, let's look for it again." Miao Dong said.

"Yeah, it seems that the water rush festival will not end for a while. If you think there is still a water mass of one color, then we will look for it again. As long as it exists, we can always find its trace." Shui Yao Smiled and said to Xiao Tianqing.

Did she believe what Xiao Tianqing said in her heart? She felt that there was indeed another kind of water mass on Miao Mercury that no one had seen before, and perhaps only she knew about it.

"Let's look for it again, to a place where no one would normally go." Lu Qian said, he believed in Xiao Tianqing.

No matter what Xiao Tianqing said, he believed in this person.

Since Xiao Tianqing said that there is still one type missing, then continue to search, and if you search hard, you will always be able to find the remaining type of water mass.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't find it this time, as long as Xiao Tianqing really wants it, he will always find a way to get it for others.

Su Qingmo glanced at Miao Dong, he smiled and stretched out his hand to rub Xiao Tianqing's head: "Qingqing thinks there are more, so let's look for them, there are so many of us, and luck is so good, we should be able to find them."

"Yeah, don't forget that Miao Dong is the star master of Miao Mercury. If there is such an extremely rare and almost non-existent water mass, we should be able to find Miao Dong." Lu Jin didn't say anything dead.

What he said was if, and when he said this, he glanced at Miaodong.

Miao Dong was under a lot of pressure when his two friends looked at him like this: "If there is one, I can definitely find it."

No one felt that Xiao Tianqing was messing around, even if Xiao Tianqing was really messing around, the five people present were willing to pamper and pamper her.

Seven days passed in a flash. During these seven days, they traveled to many places and saw many water masses, but they never encountered another water mass that was different from the existing ones.

But looking at these six people, none of them showed depression and decadence on their faces.

Xiao Tianqing's face is still firm, always walking with bright and lively girls, playing with the passing water balls from time to time.

Facing the remaining water balls, she didn't have the idea of ​​taking a few more. Even though these water balls were like a naughty child meeting the closest person in front of her, if they couldn't be better, she didn't touch this one. thought.

It's not because she thinks it's bad to take too much, but she only needs one, and she only needs one of each kind of water mass.

"There is a cliff ahead, no one has ever set foot there before." Miao Dong suddenly said, he stretched out his finger and pointed to a direction to the left.

These seven days allowed him to see how persistent Xiao Tianqing is.

Her certainty that there was another kind of blob was as sure as she knew the true number of blobs.

"Cliff?" Xiao Tianqing's eyes brightened slightly, "Is it true that no one has ever entered it?"

"Really, there is Miao Mercury's restricted area." Miao Dong said.

"Why is Miao Mercury's restricted area there? Is it dangerous?" Lu Qian hit the nail on the head.

"It may be dangerous." Miao Dong was not sure, he said, "Maybe not. The reason why the cliff is called the forbidden area of ​​​​Miao Mercury is because this place can only be seen by people who are destined, and everyone who sees the cliff The future is not going to end well."

"What kind of ending?" Xiao Tianqing asked curiously.

"Either die or become disabled, or you will never get what you want for the rest of your life, and you will be unhappy." Miao Dong said.

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